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Messages - Morrneyo

Bug list :
1. When a baby is born, they appear as a adult torso without head
2. Toddlers try to escape when they are fed, crawling toward to a food source
3. "RimWorldChildren.AcquirableTrait" is missing, keep popping up as red text
4. Cannot access to a debug action menu because of a thing I copied under

Exception filling window for Verse.ImmediateWindow: System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000096 (from typeref, class/assembly AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator, AlienRace, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

5. Tons of crashes while loading a game
After B18 I found some raid types which have gimmicks, like sniper raid, melee raid(existed before), sapper raid... and a rocket launcher raid, which I'll talk about in this topic.

This type of raid throw me into a panic. I'm not talking about how harsh the battle is, but the freeze. When I succeed to faint some of raiders and happened to blow up their launchers, they starts to explode in rapid succession. When doomsday rocket launcher explodes, another launcher gets damaged and explodes, and another... etc. The game trying to calculate the result starts to freeze, and it take like about 5 minutes! I ate my dinner and came back and it was still calculating the result. This is a minor yet considerable problem.
Ideas / Too much meat variety?
February 19, 2018, 07:18:56 AM
I just usually wondered. Why there are so much meat variety?

I understand human meat or insect meat, they give bad mood to colonists. But why they are so much good-for-nothing meat variety? Killing all animals produces independent meat of the species, and it requires independent stockpile tile. Can't we just simplify the classification, like :

1. Mammal meat
2. Bird meat (This one already exist, quite strange)
3. Reptile meat
4. Rodent meat (includes squirrels, rats, chinchillas, capybaras, alphabeavers etc)
5. Canine meat (includes cats, cougars, panthers, etc)
6. Feline meat (includes dogs, wolves, foxes, wargs, etc)
7. Insect meat
8. Human meat
Ideas / Nutrient Paste Dispenser needs rework
January 08, 2018, 07:36:56 PM
Nutrient Paste Dispenser (NPD) has a problem right now.

It needs damn hopper. The problem can be explained in two broad ways.

1. hopper works as independent stockpile zone, so colonists continuously try to fill it every moments when someone eat it with NPD. Colonists waste their energy and time just fill a fistful of rice.

2. Most of the raw food need to be frozen but hopper is usually exposed. It's waste of cooler to freeze the hopper. NPD need much more electricity then it looks.

Solution : NPD needs a new mechanism such as 'charge system', like chem-fueled generator or fueling workbenches. Charge them with raw food source and it doesn't need to be attached with hopper anymore. If the NPD run out of food source, let colonists fill it in at that moments. No more waste of cooler and electricity power.
Help / Having problem with workbench mod!
August 15, 2017, 02:59:45 AM

I'm quite new with making mod, and I'm stuck making workbench.

I was following sample above but it just not working! I just changed ref's name and change slag into wood, and it just make bunch of error message. I think outdated xml made this kind of problem. Where can I examine some sample of workbench mod?
Help / Re: Item spawner?
April 23, 2016, 04:46:29 AM
Quote from: mrofa on April 23, 2016, 02:40:54 AM
Check if the thingdef of the thing you added that comp have a ticker, if not add <tickerType>Normal

I made a code like this. I think I already added tickerType

  <ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase">
    <label>borehole mine</label>
    <Description>A steel extractor through borehole with high pressure water jets and powerful plasteel drill. </Description>
      <drawSize>(3, 3)</drawSize>
      <li Class="CompProperties_Power">
      <li Class="CompProperties_Flickable" />
      <li Class="CompProperties_Spawner">
      <li Class="CompProperties_Breakdownable"/>

It's just a auto metal spawner (working similar as turrets), but do I have to add other Defs file, like recipeDefs or WorkGiverDefs?
Help / Re: How to code workshop?
April 23, 2016, 04:39:36 AM
Quote from: cuproPanda on April 23, 2016, 02:55:26 AM
Quote from: Morrneyo on April 23, 2016, 02:30:23 AM
Quote from: cuproPanda on April 22, 2016, 11:27:39 PM
You can check the source code on my thread. In the folder QRY there's a file called Item_Conglomerate, which handles all of the spawning.

Quote from: RawCode on April 21, 2016, 07:54:44 AM
you dont need to code it, it already present, check "natural stone walls" they have chance to drop stone boulder on "death".

decay can be taken from food, just set spoil timer to single tick.
That only allows for a single ThingDef, making a list would require .dll

Does it requires dll file? I can't even open it.

The .cs file? You should be able to open it with any text editor, but I recommend something like MonoDevelop or Visual Studio. It wouldn't do you any good unless you plan on making a .dll mod, though.

That's relief I don't have to do that complex thing. I just wanted to build simple workbench but I didn't work anyway
Help / Re: How to code workshop?
April 23, 2016, 02:30:23 AM
Quote from: cuproPanda on April 22, 2016, 11:27:39 PM
You can check the source code on my thread. In the folder QRY there's a file called Item_Conglomerate, which handles all of the spawning.

Quote from: RawCode on April 21, 2016, 07:54:44 AM
you dont need to code it, it already present, check "natural stone walls" they have chance to drop stone boulder on "death".

decay can be taken from food, just set spoil timer to single tick.
That only allows for a single ThingDef, making a list would require .dll

Does it requires dll file? I can't even open it.
Help / Item spawner?
April 23, 2016, 02:29:24 AM
So I found this code from Core xml for insect hive:

      <li Class="CompProperties_Spawner">

And I apply this code for my borehole mine :

      <li Class="CompProperties_Spawner">

And Nothing happened.
I can turn the machine on, it consumes electricity finely,
but still it doesn't provide any steel. What should I do?
I'm learning how to make a mod with this exemplary mod!
Help / Re: How to code workshop?
April 21, 2016, 06:34:12 AM
Quote from: RawCode on April 21, 2016, 06:28:55 AM
workshop that have recipe that cost 1 X and produce 1 Y.

when Y is spawned, it instantly decay into Z,Q,W or E.

energy consumption nodes can be taken from smelter.

Random decay system? How can I code it?
Help / How to code workshop?
April 21, 2016, 05:46:42 AM
I'm Planning to make 'mining drill' in the form of workshop,
but I have no idea where to start!

This would appear like this :

1. Colonists will interact to run the machine.
2. High electricity required, and need 1 component to run 1 time.
3. There is a chance to mine steel, plasteel, silver, and gold. Or nothing. (Chance system?)
4. Need mining skill to work better.

I have made only some turrets, so... is it possible to make this stuff?

PS : I'm expecting the 'Miner' from Sims 3.  →
Help / Re: Deploy people next to facilities?
April 14, 2016, 08:43:19 AM
Quote from: Shinzy on April 14, 2016, 08:38:41 AM
when you have somekind of building that is useable by a pawn
you need to have somekind of WorkGiverDef for it and a JobDef
so the pawns will know there's an actual job for them to do

I don't actually remember anything in any detail and I've never done it with a turret and am mostly just assuming and you know what they say about "when you assume"

I'd just start on studying those files in the core mod. While waiting someone with more detailed info to pass by =P

Now I get it.

      <li Class="CompProperties_Forbiddable"/>
      <li Class="CompProperties_Mannable">

This part was a problem. I mistakenly add extra spacebar between those, so it didn't work.
Thank you!
Help / Re: Deploy people next to facilities?
April 14, 2016, 08:08:46 AM
Quote from: Shinzy on April 14, 2016, 07:08:38 AM
You'll probably need the Job worker thing for it aswell
Check the JobDefs

What is that? Actually I'm new to working with a mod.
Help / Deploy people next to facilities?
April 14, 2016, 07:03:26 AM
I was practicing modding about turret thingy, but I have a problem.
I was trying to make gun bunker which people can deploy next to it to fire bullets.
But I couldn't even interact with bunker because I couldn't right click it.
What's the problem?

<!--=============== gun complex ===============-->
  <ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase">
    <label>gun complex</label>
      <li Class="CompProperties_Explosive">
    <description>A perimeter mounted gun is designed to work regardless if you have power or not as long as somebody is manning it.</description>