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Messages - Dofolo

So first, love the mod, adds more to an already brilliant game.

2nd don't be an ass like me, if you had a previous hospitality version and download a new one -> delete the old folder first. Doesn't work otherwise ;)
Had two razor rains in my last game (1.02b + v9e) and it stays outside nicely and all metal that does drop is not marked as to haul?

I think pirate raids may be bugged tho, had 10+ ants, 10+ zombie, 10+ worm raids, but never pirates. Then I got bored and decided to tunnel towards cryosleep caskets (yay no mechanoids in the 'building') and opened one. It had 5 or 6 humanoids in them that were agressive.

As soon as I convinced them to die I had a hotdrop on me and next 3 raids were pirates ...

So still going strong in #2, we're up to 8 or 9 people now, no deaths yet. Some close zombie calls and "oh hey, lets repair that wall next to the zombie that is getting shot by 10 turrets" accidents. Have a pirate without a hand (shot off), I guess it depends on the first trader if hes going to be sold whole or in parts ^^
Quote from: Epyk on February 24, 2015, 03:29:56 PM
Quote from: Dofolo on February 24, 2015, 03:21:21 PM
Well, 1st game just ended in getting swarmed by 25+ euhm worms? Should've spaced out the turrets more.

Food is a hit or miss now, almost grown and then got the crops killed random event. At least I don't have to juggle 2 hunters around in the pitch dark now :)

Going for attempt #2

I try my best I keep Epokalypse challenging without it being downright terrible.
Any more feedback you can give will be much help!

It feels more playable now; I did add one mod: temperature control. Since a simple cooler cannot make a freezer room anymore ... so ya, balance huh. The horrors random event is kinda OP, but doable. This time they did not get near my turrets since I was prepared mwhahaha.

So so far my three colonist are getting along in game #2, they even have some raw potatoes to munch now. And yea, crop field did get nuked again for 80%, within the first harvest ... yay rng, but with only 3 to feed and it can be managed.
Well, 1st game just ended in getting swarmed by 25+ euhm worms? Should've spaced out the turrets more.

Food is a hit or miss now, almost grown and then got the crops killed random event. At least I don't have to juggle 2 hunters around in the pitch dark now :)

Going for attempt #2
Quote from: Ember on February 24, 2015, 10:24:00 AM
well I'm keeping crash landing in mine for now as my current game is doing well with it,  unless its possible to remove it without causing problems with my current game. as for trading for food, what food? all traders I've gotten never had any food

as for my current game, its doing well... mostly currently having major power issues because there is very little light to turn into power in winter and wind turbines seem practically useless most of the time

heres my base at around the beginning of winter
just look at that outside temperature X3

those batteries were empty about a month after this screenshot

What are you powering that cremation thing constantly for? ;)

Downloading latest v9 (was on b) and giving it a new whirl :)
Quote from: Epyk on February 24, 2015, 03:20:35 AM

Thanks for your experience!
As for food, are you getting traders?
I increased traders arrival chances above the vanilla game. Buy up their food if you get the chance.

All colonists are busy hunting, building, mining, tending the wounded and be generally pissed because of no weapons, no food, no sleeping area, no clothes etc... so I cannot produce materials to trade, or mine silver.

So with what trade goods and what silver am I going to buy it? There's ~500 +/- 250 on the map scattered (sometimes less, I play 300x300 maps) with that many folks it is eaten in days (500 / 2.5 avg. per 'food' > 10 eaten in meals = 20 meals, or worse 500 / 2.5 / 15 = 13 1/3) ; and basically have to eat it raw, making meals requires power + they spoil in ~2 to 3 days.

So that covers 2 days of the ~6 or 7 that stuff needs to grow, and that is playing the rng game on eclipses and the crops killer random event and hope there's no fire from random event X Y Z.
Gave this a whril yesterday,

But 20 out of 20 games are lost because of ... food ... furthest I got was like 4 days in with 8 folks. All starving and a zombie horde, so I guess that one is over too if I ever decide to start it again.

Because you give so many colonists, and nerf the food growth (I think it is nerfed?) you have to micro manage 2 hunters all the time. Half of that time the map is black ... and then they get sick and even if the med kits did not get burned they are used up quickly with all the wounded.

Only option to play is to kill off any extras coming from space and hope the fires don't wipe out all the food, but then I cannot have two hunters keeping up with food, because there's noone to mine//build defenses etc... I guess I could eat the extra colonists ...

So basically you're busy more with restarting and food management then actually playing, building defenses and fighting hordes of crap trying to kill you.

Or I guess I could be doing it wrong. Playing on Randy / Cassandra at 30 - 60 - 100% variations.
General Discussion / Re: Firefighting disabled
May 15, 2014, 09:51:50 AM
Quote from: Dr. Z on May 15, 2014, 07:01:49 AM
Quote from: Dofolo on May 15, 2014, 04:57:38 AM
You keep wondering how someone with only skills for melee and shooting manages to eat, or even be able to walk if he's too dumb to haul some rocks to a stockpile or piss out a fire ;)

Even better: If someone can cook, but can't haul, he can haul the eat to the hopper, BUT NO OTHER THING TO ANY OTHER PLACE.

Maybe a severe allergy to everything, but dead rotting flesh and vegetables? ^^
General Discussion / Re: Firefighting disabled
May 15, 2014, 04:57:38 AM
You keep wondering how someone with only skills for melee and shooting manages to eat, or even be able to walk if he's too dumb to haul some rocks to a stockpile or piss out a fire ;)
General Discussion / Re: it all burned down
May 06, 2014, 02:39:35 AM
One issue with fires is that they spread out of control (literally) for your folks to fight them.

They can only put out adjacent fires, so if the 2nd or 3rd block in a geothermal, or a battery backside that is placed against a wall with 2 on the sides catches fire ....
General Discussion / Re: What am I doing wrong?
May 05, 2014, 01:54:57 AM
Do you have growers selected? Are they available (ie. not injured, doing other tasks (for example construction and warden take a lot of time esp. with a lot of proisoners//tasks))

Do you have another growth zone still? They'll keep working the nearest zone that they can work in ... so they will prefer that one unless they get near the other one.

Do you have free walking space around them?
Support / Re: Paypal ....
April 18, 2014, 02:20:06 PM
Yea I saw those and the other paypal topics too.

Is there a special reason guest checkout is disabled? Or is the paypal used a private instead of a verified business acount?

ie ->
Support / Paypal ....
April 18, 2014, 10:37:51 AM
In short, watched some lets plays, want to buy the game :)

However I don't want to create a paypal acount (I'd rather sell my firstborn to the devil). In the past you could just checkout with CC via paypal without making an account, but now I have to make an account? Am I missing something? Or do I just have to wait till this gets on steam//gog//someplace else?