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Messages - cram

Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
November 22, 2016, 01:07:05 AM


ps: legend says that if we reach 9000, Tynan will release the full game.

Quote from: gehennianviceroy on May 15, 2016, 11:08:01 AM
Can anyone tell me exactly what's going on here? I've had this problem all the way back to the A12 release. The weather def works great until about dusk when it decides to brighten tremendously, followed by a perfectly dark night, which then brightens intensely again around 3am.

I absolutely loved the new revamped version (I even made lights to use with it ugh), any way we can get this working for me :/

Mh, weird, do you have any other mods activated ?
Quote from: someone on May 12, 2016, 04:30:23 PM
Is there a version that doesn't modify stats, so merely for graphical use?

I would love to use it, but it seems there will be conflicts, primarily with CR.

Hey !
Stats changes arent that big, since it modify them directly within the .xml, putting CombatRealism on a higher priority in your mod list should do the trick, but be careful, i havent tried it with CR nor any other mods, so, save your game and try it, but there shouldnt be any problems. ;)
Quote from: admiralKew on May 12, 2016, 01:54:00 PM
Will the flare shell/mortar be compatible with CR's 'unified' mortar system?

Not for now.
Added a cool preview to the new addon (in the addon part) we are working on !
Quote from: silentlord on May 07, 2016, 07:38:14 PM
The one thing i always wanted when i first encountered the original, was more light. but not to me, to the enemy pawns.

as stated before i love the darkness mod as is perfect for immersion, out in the wilds or countryside its pitch black without the light pollution of human technology, so was awesome when i saw this mod before.

the thing i wanted was for the enemy pawns to have some kind of torches; 1. makes sense for immersion as they can't see crap. 2. so i can see them better, rather than rely on the red text.
at first i didn't think this was a possible goal, as no other mod i'd seen employed anything along those lines, until the aforementioned Rikki mining & co which added torch-helmets.

so if anything i would like an addon that gives the enemies torches via equipment. :-)

however again dunno if this can be done, as this would force them all to wear the same gear item for the light, would break immersion. doh

however the idea of flares is an excellent one, that purely player pawns or AI pawns too?

Hi, for now thats only player-handled flares, that will use mortars,
Well yeah, the thing is that if raiders all come with the same equipment, that would be dumb, but i thought about shoulder lamps which could be cool.
Quote from: AllenWL on May 07, 2016, 10:44:25 PM
Quote from: cram on May 07, 2016, 02:11:39 PM
Quote from: Nanao-kun on May 07, 2016, 01:53:32 PM
Hopefully the brighter version isn't as debilitating to the player. I ended up just debug killing a siege during a nighttime snow because the screen was literally entirely black besides the snow effect. Couldn't tell if I was telling them to move in front of a tree or standing in the middle of a marsh. Or on the other side of a mountain.

Hi !
Our team is working on a cool addon which will give the player the opportunity to shoot out flares with the help of special mortars.
If you have any ideas about the mod or its (future) addons, let us know !
Flares sounds nice, but a more stable way of lighting a certain area would be nice, like a searchlight that shines a bright light in front of it, or a outdoor lamp as powerful as a sun lamp, or a 'flashlight' melee weapon that gives light when equipped or something.

Something like a wood lamp that lasts longer than a torch and doesn't go out in rain or anything, but needs steel to make would also be nice.

Hi, I've been looking through the game to make our own type of light, the problems seems to be that to make the type of light you want is located in the shaders part, since all the shaders used are simple circle of light, i have to make my own and use it as i want, thing is i can open and make a specific shader, but i have absolutely no programs to tell me how it looks like, unless i try and use rimworld to tell me how it looks like, i tried Unity but its damn too big for me to understand kinda easily.
Quote from: Nanao-kun on May 07, 2016, 01:53:32 PM
Hopefully the brighter version isn't as debilitating to the player. I ended up just debug killing a siege during a nighttime snow because the screen was literally entirely black besides the snow effect. Couldn't tell if I was telling them to move in front of a tree or standing in the middle of a marsh. Or on the other side of a mountain.

Hi !
Our team is working on a cool addon which will give the player the opportunity to shoot out flares with the help of special mortars.
If you have any ideas about the mod or its (future) addons, let us know !
Outdated / Re: [A13] - Darkness Revamp (v1.0)
May 07, 2016, 07:48:58 AM
Darkness Revamp Lights! addon is up !

Check it out here !
Outdated / Re: [A13] - Darkness Revamp (v1.0)
May 06, 2016, 09:29:08 AM
Quote from: hwfanatic on May 06, 2016, 08:42:18 AM
Thanks. Two questions:
QuoteDarkness Revamp brings new changes from the original mod as the night and weathers will now affect pawns accuracy, movement speed, and manipulating.
Light and weather already affect pawns' accuracy, so my question is: to what extent have the values been altered by your mod and what has been added? Can you make a table as an example?

2. Are you planning a version that doesn't affect the game beyond visual representation?

You're welcome !
1. Well, as an example, if your accuracy has a normal value of 1, this mod reduces it at ~ 0.8-0.9, Didnt want to nerf it too much, otherwise it would be too hard to play with this mod. (Maybe i can make a hardcore version of it ?)

2. Well, since the statistics nerf arent THAT big, theres no need to do another version of it, but if it is really demanded, i could do a visual only version.
Outdated / Re: [A13] - Darkness Revamp (v1.0)
May 06, 2016, 08:05:26 AM
Added the Slightly Brighter version !
You can find it in the Download part of the thread !

Enjoy ;).
Outdated / Re: [A13] - Darkness Revamp (v1.0)
May 06, 2016, 07:36:32 AM
Quote from: Highlandman on May 05, 2016, 08:42:04 PM
Even when you target a fully lit enemy during the night there should still be a accuracy penalty. I would further suggest 2 tiers of darkness if it is possible:

1: Full, general darkness, anywhere on the map where there is not enough light;

2: Semi-darkness penalty when a colonist is in darkness but shooting a lit target/in the light but shooting a target in the shadow; and the same of course for the enemies.

Maybe it's not possible, just my 2 cents. :P

I'll write down this idea too, seems fun to do ;).
Outdated / Re: [A13] - Darkness Revamp (v1.0)
May 06, 2016, 07:35:46 AM
Well, i guess you're supposed to build light asap when you start a new world, but i'll look after the mod and make a slightly brighter version of it. ;)
Outdated / Re: [A13] - Darkness Revamp (v1.0)
May 05, 2016, 03:41:14 PM
Quote from: nuschler22 on May 05, 2016, 03:22:14 PM
Quote from: cram on May 05, 2016, 12:48:34 PM
Quote from: nuschler22 on May 05, 2016, 12:44:11 PM
Is it purely aesthetic (same as the game) or are there combat modifiers in it as well? 

For example, people in darker areas harder to hit, lighter areas easier?

Read the notes ! ;)

That's fine that it alters statistics, but it doesn't answer my question.  It just says that it reduces accuracy.

If a colonist is shooting from the dark and a target is in the light, there shouldn't be an accuracy decrease.  Conversely, a raider coming from light trying to shoot at colonists that are in the dark should have an accuracy decrease.

From the description, it sounds like anyone in the "night" (or inclement weather, which is fair) receives the decrease in accuracy.  Does that include being inside but in the dark (i.e., behind an embrasure)?

Alright i understand, so, nope, but it could be a great add to this mod, i'll write it down ;).
Kewl ! Welcome to the modding community ! ;)