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Messages - Langly

General Discussion / Re: Hot/Cold seeds
October 09, 2016, 07:57:25 AM
Quote from: viperwasp on August 13, 2016, 04:42:28 AM
Good finds. Also the seed 549191 has a very slightly colder landing zone on a different map size. As far as I am aware I found the -73.4 landing zone but I DID NOT find the 549191 seed so whoever found that has my thanks and deserves all the credit. Was it you? Emmote was the one who made a comment on my Steam forum post so it may have been him or someone else.

I extracted the map generation code from the game, changed it so I could run it on all cores in parallel and let it generate a few maps and had the program check every square for the condition. It saved the extremes and I posted them here. I think I stopped at 1 million maps.

That seed was one of them but I only checked them at the highest map size. So the fact that it is a little colder on another is something somebody else found out but never posted here before you :).
General Discussion / Re: Hot/Cold seeds
June 07, 2016, 02:06:38 AM
Got a few new seeds:

Hottest: Seed 451170 at 399, 22 with an average of 36,6°C, 33,0°C in Jan and 40,1°C in Jul.
Coldest: Seed 549191 at 186,298 with an average of -73,3°C, -99,8°C in Jan and -46,7°C in Jul.
Lowest: Seed 554779 at 104,109 with 0m.
Least Rain: Seed 249295 at 330, 91 with 59mm.
General Discussion / Re: Hot/Cold seeds
June 05, 2016, 07:19:49 AM
Since there so few seeds I wrote myself a little something to find a few. After generating a little more than 200k maps those are to most extreme seeds I found:

Hottest: Seed 82172 at 399, 23 with an average of 35,9°C, 32,2°C in Jan and 39,7°C in Jul.
Coldest: Seed 42615 at 293,299 with an average of -72,1°C, -98,7°C in Jan and -45,4°C in Jul.
Highest: Seed 6595 at 124,208 with 11678m.
Lowest: Seed 47740 at 343, 77 with 0m.
Most Rain: Seed 82695 at 222,  0 with 6290mm.
Least Rain: Seed 650 at 295,209 with 59mm.

The generator obviously prevents real extremes and for over 100k maps there was no new highscore anywhere. Probably a few seeds with equal values but the program only saves the first that got the highest.
I'm also not sure if the elevation has any effect at all in the game.

Still trying to find out how I can give the game the values I want for the map directly. But the code is confusing and I'm more of a Java expert than C#. It will probably have to wait till my vacation.
Quote from: Justas love on May 16, 2016, 11:00:09 AM
Ofcourse not, I backed up my save, but i already new it wouldn't work, because it adds a new skill to my colonists and it does break my ''work'' tab

I don't know if it is still relevant for you but if not maybe some other people will make use of it. Since I wanted to use it on an existing Colony too I took a look at the exception the game throws and the savegame, compared them with a new one with this mod and look here, the solution is pretty simple.

1. Add <li>Mending</li> to the <Mods> tab at the beginning of the savegame.
2. Find search for this tab:


And add this after it add:


3. And the most annoying of the bunch. For every pawn:
Find him, it should look something like this:
         <thing Class="Pawn">
            <pos>(170, 0, 154)</pos>
            <name Class="NameTriple">

Find the worksetting for the pawn, they should look like this:

Add one <li>0</li> line.

That is all. The last step messes you work priorities so keep that in mind. It is probably best to do the last step with a good text editor, I used Notepad++ and the plugin TextFX Characters. Which make Find/Replace stuff that covers multiple lines much easier than figuring out the RegEx for it...

As always make an backup before mucking around in the save file.

This whole things messed up my Hauling and CleaningBot's though since I couldn't be bothered to figure out where to insert the new line, my guess would be 18th but I didn't test it. Just destroyed them and spawned new ones with the dev tool.