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Messages - ApenasLink

So, I got a error in my 3th year playthrough, something happened and I can't manually order a colonist to do something, like prioritize a job or get a gun, the error that shows up when that happens is bellow

Root level exception in OnGUI(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at PleaseHaulPerishables.WorkGiver_HaulPerishables.ListPerishables (Verse.Pawn) <0x0026c>
at PleaseHaulPerishables.WorkGiver_HaulPerishables.PotentialWorkThingsGlobal (Verse.Pawn) <0x00024>
at RimWorld.FloatMenuMakerMap.AddJobGiverWorkOrders (Verse.IntVec3,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.FloatMenuOption>,bool) <0x003aa>
at RimWorld.FloatMenuMakerMap.AddUndraftedOrders (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.FloatMenuOption>) <0x0036d>
at RimWorld.FloatMenuMakerMap.ChoicesAtFor (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.Pawn) <0x00324>
at RimWorld.FloatMenuMakerMap.TryMakeFloatMenu (Verse.Pawn) <0x001e2>
at RimWorld.Selector.HandleMapClicks () <0x00287>
at RimWorld.Selector.SelectorOnGUI () <0x0001c>
at RimWorld.MapInterface.HandleLowPriorityInput () <0x0006d>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI_Patch1 (object) <0x002f9>
at Verse.Root.OnGUI () <0x00112>

Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

If I can get some help, I would be thankful, after all it is a damn nice randy extreme colony I have
Outdated / [A17] Mixed Vegetables
August 17, 2017, 11:09:26 PM
My first mod!

Allows for the mixing of vegetables for your's cook and storage needs.

Only have 2 of some vegetable left on your frige?
Have 98 of other vegetable?
Want the that space to store rat meat?

Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more!

With Mixed Vegetables you can mix all of that suff.

I recommend that you use this mod with Mince that meat, because they have similar functionalities.

No incompatibilities that I'm aware, and boy, I use +100 mods.
Save compatible, mix vegetables in your 30 year old colony!

Wen you are mixing vegetables and in your worktab is allowed for your colonists to use mixed vegetables to make mixed vegetables they will continue to work forever.(However, this bug can be useful if you don't have enough vegetables to make mixed vegetables.) <if the link goes off, just talk to me. << steam version (pss, is the same thing)

Sorry for silly texture, I have no creativity whatsoever.
If you find eny bugs please tell me.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Hello, the subject of the topic says almost everything.
Wen I enter a rival/neutral npc colony my game crashes while loading, Once or twice it load the map, but it crashes just after.
I use several mods (and I don't know how to list they), and I play the game using Large Address Aware, (giving possibility to rimworld to use more than 3,1gb ram)
I was trying to read the crash log but I couldn't understand it. < 4 crashlogs.

Any help is appreciated.
I was just attacked by a pack of 53 manhunter dromedarys

I got almost 4k of silver. Thanks so much for this mod.
Love this mod, hope it come for A14 soon. You have done a fine work man, congrats.
Outdated / Re: [A14]Harvest mod - Black money(fix)
August 14, 2016, 01:10:52 PM
How do I use it?