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Messages - DeltaVee

I've just stumbled across this article and couldn't help but think of this thread, might be an interesting read for some of you:
It doesn't seem to matter, but it would be nice if it would; right now I'm playing in a perma fallout extreme desert and I use poison ships as a defence (since all the flora & fauna is gone anyway), but sometimes they will just attack from a different area rendering my poison ship defence useless :)

Also; neutral/friendly towns are on the map (purple/green dots) they're just a little harder to spot than the red ones, but if you use elevation mode they all stand out pretty well:

I was thinking the same thing; this thread could've been derailed and turn into a shit flinging contest, but instead defused the tension and continued the debate. Furthermore I don't think they were 'out of line' as the other guy put it; I very much enjoyed the walls of text that provided information I would've never come across anywhere else and not to forget the civil and scientific approach to discussing whether or not a game mechanic holds any plausibility in the real world. So thank you for that chairman. I also commend your ability to observe your arguments from a distance and adjust your opinion accordingly; so many internet debates (actually it happens in real politics too) end in this stalemate of 'agree to disagree' where there's no leeway in adjusting opinion before the debate even started.

All that said: yes minor wounds/infections should be self-treatable; especially now that it's possible to have a single pawn start.
Yes I felt this pain too; everyone in my colony is walking around with destroyed fingers and cracked ribs of continuously fist fighting with a double rejected beserker... I should've probably just killed him and fed him to the dogs, but I managed to ride it out (partially due to Randy being lenient).

I think the values of a rejected proposal (and also the buff for getting married) should be lowered a bit and not stack, whilst upping the values of losing family members, because losing a sister is just -14; which is arguably more psychologically impactful than being rejected.
I had some traders come by and they decided the best time to leave was during a time where a pack of manhunter boars were drooling at my door. I was already rubbing my hands together and let out that sinister mr Burns 'excellent!' because of the bionic arm I wasn't able to afford, but whilst the traders were busy dying a horrible death. the muffalo bolted for the edge of the map and made it :(

Edit: Dread; you better have a good shot for that because the chances of him missing and pissing off the faction is quite formidable.
General Discussion / Re: A Fraud Selling Steam Keys
July 20, 2016, 03:44:53 PM
I'm pretty calm, just a little abrasive because I hate shady stuff just as much. But if there's no market for it it wouldn't be happening, but there's always those who want front row seats for a nickle that these scams thrive on. I don't think you can do much other than report it through whatever channels Steam has for these matters (I don't know because I'm not inclined to believe Valve would care enough to legally persue and even if they did another site would pop up in no time).
Bugs / Re: [A14] Furniture Art and Hydroponics Lag
July 20, 2016, 03:35:55 PM
Made a little video to illustrate both issues:

Edit: The performance issue has something to do with the added functionality of CCL - the same happens with light bulbs, but when I updated to 14d and disable CCL the extreme FPS drops didn't occur any more.  And the art discription is not just furniture art, but all of the art.
General Discussion / Re: A Fraud Selling Steam Keys
July 20, 2016, 03:00:08 PM
Having some working brain cells? Maybe a bit harsh, but common just buy it from this website or officially through Steam and you're good. When something sounds too good to be true (i.e. Rimworld for 5 bucks), it probably is.
Did you actually notice a pawn going to mine on itself? I've had starving dogs in my mountain base trying to dig a way out (restricted zones be damned; he just wanted something to eat and dug his way out of the base (how a dog can chew through granite walls is beyond me, but I digress). I think this is what happened to you; the cats dug themselves out to save themselves.
Bugs / [A14] Furniture Art and Hydroponics Lag
July 20, 2016, 10:29:02 AM
I think I've discovered a bug with furniture art and a performance issue with hydroponics.

Furniture art:
Problem: every furniture that's good enough to get art will have the art based on just one day (every piece I've got (about 10 beds and some chairs) is based on the 6th of winter 5499 (I presume this was my starting date, but not entirely sure))

Edit: I've just checked my screenshots and 6th of winter 5500 was indeed my starting date (not sure how that gets turned into 6th of winter 5499) This also means that the persons mentioned in the art weren't in my colony on that date.

Problem: I've got 4 adjacent rooms with hydroponics (64 hydroponics in total) when I select all of them my FPS tanks to single digits (i5 4670k, R9 290x, 16gb DDR3). Only happens with hydroponics; selecting just as much lamps, or pawns, or manhunter animals is fine, but not hydroponics.
General Discussion / Re: update Alpha 14b
July 19, 2016, 12:30:43 AM
This patch saved my colony; without that poison ship it would've been the end :)

I had to laugh out loud on this, so I felt like sharing :)

Quote from: Gibson8088 on July 16, 2016, 12:09:31 AM
What I find amusing are the scenario seeds.  'tynan' gave an interesting result.  "Contest of Thrusting"?  Is that why I need the 52 marble beds, 300 herbal medicine and a Thrumbo Horn?  ;D

That's almost too good to be random, lol :) Good name for that colony could be Tynan's Harem.

Anyway, I'm having a blast with A14, the only thing I'm missing is the better vents/cooler mod, because I just like the esthetic of those as opposed to the vanilla ones that break up walls (visually).
One of my colonists went beserk and knocked a guy dead with her fists whilst taking 4 gladius hits... Not even Mike Tyson could've stopped her, unfortunately she died from an infection from the gladius wounds.

Quote from: MarvinKosh on July 08, 2016, 06:03:05 AM
I feel sorry for the poplar tree. She's not going to bring it down easy.


She found some love and peace tending to the wild animals in the vicinity, but I can't blame Davidson for hitting on her even if he apparently had a fiance; she has nice 'Boubies' :)

And an army of pigs that some unfortunate raiding party had the pleasure of meeting:

(Disclaimer: 6 actual virtual pigs got killed in the making of this screenshot, some of them just out of the womb and had their corpses eaten by their parents)

I hadn't played since alpha 7 and gave it another spin in anticipation of the steam release; I'm really enjoying all the added things and how they help tell interesting (although sometimes a bit strange) stories... Not to mention an item to burn corpses; I used to dig a little cave for my human bodies and throw in some incendiery grenades as a mass cremation method.