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Messages - adelexi

Where will I figure out anything anymore? Is there a hc sk wiki?

Owlchemist made a nice ''cheat'' sheet which has a lot of helpfull info:

And you can always join their discord and ask/report things there:
Quote from: silverskin on January 25, 2017, 08:03:00 AM
Anyone having trouble using the stargate to bring in new colonists? After using it, saving and quitting, the savegame will no longer load. It'll hit an error say it failed loading.

The dev log after the failure is in the attachment.
I can clear up the "verb" problem but it still sticks there.

I think i read here or on the discord that using pawns with the stargate will kill your save. but using the stargate for items works just fine.
Quote from: sidfu on January 23, 2017, 05:41:04 PM
Quote from: adelexi on January 23, 2017, 04:15:32 PM

might be out of memory crash. run game in window and see what ram is as u load them.

My totall ram usage is at 32% when loading the save

Quote from: Rhyssia on January 23, 2017, 06:17:40 PM
do errors mention " verse.verbtracker.get " ?

Not that i see, just says application error and the standard things you see in a error log.

First thought it was something i build or did but since i only mined a bit and build a couple walls and it didnt load after that anymore i dont get it.

Thanks for the help both of you
I have 2 saves about 10 minutes apart from each other. 1 works and 1 (and the ones after that) crash on loading assets at 90%.

What would be the best way of figuring out what i did/build in those 10 minutes so it doesnt happen again and i can report it?

Edit: It doesnt seem to give me a crash log in RimWorldWin_data, the crash is just Rimworld.exe has stopped working.

Edit2: I started up the one that worked. mined some limestone deposits and build some walls then saved. restarted game after that and the same problem with crashing at assets 90%. Im at a loss now what causes it.
Quote from: Rhyssia on January 22, 2017, 06:16:26 PM
Quote from: adelexi on January 22, 2017, 06:06:27 PM
As a couple said before in this thread the neutro flower petals arent storeable, is there a way to add them to the stockpile?

Any general pointers where i should add them would be greatly appreciated!


Missing <thingCategories>




As a couple said before in this thread the neutro flower petals arent storeable, is there a way to add them to the stockpile?

Any general pointers where i should add them would be greatly appreciated!
How do you survive some of the events...?

For example the one where a terminator joins your colony and then a few second later 2-4 terminators attack. Im nowhere equipped enough to handle those things.

And even worse, the Zeon mech boss event, how on earth do you handle that one?
is the raids/traders/visitors not spawning bug in the A16 version fixed yet? coudnt find anything on the github about it.
Quote from: notfood on January 09, 2017, 08:17:52 PM
I had to disable cave biome from my game. It causes cave plants to spawn in other biomes and it lags like hell every day at a certain moment.

Can confirm, i am having the same problem, even after disabling the cave mod and starting a new colony the devil's tongue still popped up for me after 4-5 days ingame and causes massive lag.

Also my pawns on some days seem to eat a extreme amount, havent pinned down what triggers it. 1 pawn for example eats about 8 jerky in a row while his hunger bar is as good as full. sometimes all of them do it and its not the food binge thing.   anyone else having this aswell?
Quote from: notfood on January 08, 2017, 03:32:58 PM
Heads up, you need a new game if you want the shorthash fix to work for you. Pretty sure it breaks old saves.

Thanks for the quick fix!

were those 2 hash collisions the reason my save games kept messing up?
Quote from: Rhyssia on January 04, 2017, 07:25:02 PM

You need to use Master Branch

Branch:Stable is for Alpha 14
--Has Mods\CommunityCoreLibrary
Branch:Master is for Alpha 16
--Has Mods\HugsLib

Thanks, it worked after that, as exptected was me messing up somewhere.

I have been running into a new problem though.
The first game i started did well for 2 ish days(IRL) then i got Error while loading a map when loading savegames.

Was like ah well it happens so i reinstalled rimworld and used the latest correct github version of hardcore SK.

Started a new game 2 ish hours ago and played for a bit but when i wanted to load a save 3 minutes ago i ran into the same problem again.

And now NONE of the saves of that game work anymore. Im not using any other mod except this modpack.

any idea how to fix this by any chance?

seems i just loaded in after restarting rimworld a couple of times, seem to be getting hash collisions:

1. Hash collision between uranium and GTstomach both use short hash 23201
2. Hash collision between Walllamp_Blueprint_Install and loadoutgen_ammotypeh both use short hash 35982

is this causing my save games messing up? if yes, how do i fix this?

thanks for the help!
Quote from: Rhyssia on January 04, 2017, 06:37:04 PM

Yeah thats exactly what i got, exactly the same thats why i dont get why its not working.

incase the img doesnt work:

as you can see got everything the same : /
just getting a lot of errors and hardcore SK not loading at all

Edit: This is the stable A16 version from the github
Quote from: ramirez333 on January 04, 2017, 05:49:41 PM
Quote from: adelexi on January 04, 2017, 05:43:44 PM
Im probably really dumb but i cant seem to get it to work. Everytime i start the game i get a lot of errors with hardcore SK not even working at all.

I got rimworld version 0.16.1393, followed the instructions: Deleted all files in the Mods folder (tried with and without removing core folder in there). Deleted all files in the Config folder in local low and added the ModsConfig. Tried the A16 master and stable version seperatly, with both i copied all the files to the rimworld map itself and also on another try tried copying everything into the mod folder.

With every fresh install i started the game and made a colony quickly before i exited it.

Its mostly a bunch of xml/cross-reference/unity engine errors.

Im kind off at a loss at the moment what it is, maybe a wrong rimworld version?

Would be great if someone could help.

Thanks in advance!

have you verified game data using steam or fully reinstalled the game yet? sometimes the dll or the exe cna be damaged

Yeah i did multiple times, the base game works perfectly for me. but i cant seem to figure out what im messing up with the mod install.
Im probably really dumb but i cant seem to get it to work. Everytime i start the game i get a lot of errors with hardcore SK not even working at all.

I got rimworld version 0.16.1393, followed the instructions: Deleted all files in the Mods folder (tried with and without removing core folder in there). Deleted all files in the Config folder in local low and added the ModsConfig. Tried the A16 master and stable version seperatly, with both i copied all the files to the rimworld map itself and also on another try tried copying everything into the mod folder.

With every fresh install i started the game and made a colony quickly before i exited it.

Its mostly a bunch of xml/cross-reference/unity engine errors.

Im kind off at a loss at the moment what it is, maybe a wrong rimworld version?

Would be great if someone could help.

Thanks in advance!
loving the mod!

only got 1 quick question i cant seem to figure out, where do i make prometheum?