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Messages - AShinyPotato

Off-Topic / Re: Pickup Lines
March 11, 2017, 05:20:22 PM
Are you made of Copper and Tellurium?

Because you are CuTe
Quote from: Hans Lemurson on March 11, 2017, 03:47:09 PM
What's the difference a 20 person raid that flees after 10 people are downed, and a 10-person raid that fights until 10 people are downed?

I don´t think you get the point of why im trying to discuss this.

Its about adjusting the difficulty and fun of very late game Bases.
The amount of Raiders is quite higher,clearly always outnumbering you aleast 2:1
So a 40 man Raid with "bloodrushed" Raiders would be a rather difficult Task,since you can´t scare them off.
That would lead to more then just positioning your pawns at a Line of Defense,since that would lead to Injuries and Deaths.

Imagine them dropping right inside of your base. Have fun with that. You may be able to fend them off. But its not gonna be that easy

Or change the whole "fleeing" mechanic,so that they dont try to run when they are in the middle of a big fight. Maybe rather when they get crippled on their way to the base. May it be from Mortars or single Pawns abusing range and speed to take out one by one.

Currently the only threat that comes from Raiders is one wielding a rocket launcher,but even then,focus fire and its dealt with.
Stories / Re: Your Best Screenshots
March 11, 2017, 09:37:48 AM
Not sure if you´re still looking for more. But here are some from a Raid on a Hostile Base.

Quote from: Brutetal on March 11, 2017, 07:43:00 AM
I'm not THAT experienced with RW, just got it 4 months ago, but I was always kind of relieved when a 30+ tribal raid went fleeing after I killed a good part of them.
I can imagine that the fleeing is a way of balancing out these "hoard raids" that happen late-game? Atleast I think.
Yeah i can understand that. Around the "mid game" thoose Raids are quite dangerous since you dont have the Firepower to defend your base,thats where the "Fleeing" Aspect is quite Important...didn´t think about that...
But you could approach thoose "bloodrushed" Raiders like the Sappers. Fewer in Numbers but a different Tactic.

Can only imagine the Warning Message.

"They seem to be in some kind of a Bloodrush" or something similar...damn should have posted this in the "Suggestions"

Hi there,
As the title says,i would like to discuss about Raiders fleeing mid combat.

I mean it does make sense that a living being wants to run away,if it sees other People get mowed down by Bullets and Grenades.
But,atleast for me,it makes the really really late game Raids way to easy.Manhunting Rabbits are a bigger threat then a big Pirate Raid,with Power Armor and Rockets. Why you may ask? Because the Rabbits are relentless. The do not care if they run straight into Miniguns,Charge Rifels Turrets and Traps. The just want to kill your Pawns.
Same goes to Mechanoids. For me they are the biggest Threat that currently exists in Rimworld. Every fight is a struggle,because they never stop until they or my Colony is destroyed.
As a prime example,Tribal Raid. Huge amounts of Enemies from a Tribal Colony. They outnumber me 10:1.
Sometimes even 15:1,depends on who is able to currently defend.

They are also a bigger Threat then thoose Pirates with their shiny Power Armor,simply because they outnumber me. But even then,a few Mortarshells here and there is enough to cripple some and kill a few. But then they reach my first defense Line,the often get very close to my Sandbags and Turrets,but they always just run away halfway into Combat.Allowing me to just shoot them all,if i wish to,since the just run.

This is not really a big Issue,i could just start a new Colony...but

But what about a new kind of Raid? We have the normal Raid,Sappers and Sieges. What about one with Raiders that have fallen into a kind of Berserk? That simply dont stop and run away when Comrades die in Combat? They just keep going until they are dead,or well downed.

That could make things a bit more interesting and intense.
What do you think about the Enemies fleeing when they are even touching one of your Pawns?

I know,i could have posted this in the "Suggestion" Area,but i don´t have a proper way of how thoose Raids should look like.
Let me hear what you got,throw everything in here.
Bugs / [Sound Bug]A15C High Pitched constant "Beep" sound
September 16, 2016, 06:00:40 AM
Hi there! I encountered a really weird Sound bug.

My people were defending against a group of Raiders.After a grenade explosion every sound got mute/replaced by a single constant,high pitched "beep" sound,which lasted until i reloaded my current savegame.

I tried reloading to a point before that grenade explosion,in an attempt to reconstruct this. But i never happened again.

I think,this is just a minor Issue but i just wanted to let you guys know about it. Reconstructing it on my own didnt work.