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Messages - calwallace

Bugs / All Mods Missing
June 03, 2019, 12:29:05 PM

Since the new update, I can't find any of my installed mods at all. They're still subscribed, but aren't showing up.

This means I also can't check if they're working.  Any ideas?

The load times are really good now too, so hopefully this gets sorted.

General Discussion / Re: Amputations and Surgery?
November 30, 2017, 03:00:16 PM
Aye, I thought that. I must have a mod bug or something, can't work out why I can't peg-ify my lads.
General Discussion / Amputations and Surgery?
November 30, 2017, 01:43:29 PM
Hey guys,

I'm having a weird thing in my game where I can't amputate or harvest limbs for no good reason (meaning, I wanna take some prisoner's legs, but I can't).

Anyone else noticed this?
Outdated / Re: [A16] Psychology (2017-5-14)
October 24, 2017, 04:05:01 PM
Ha, thanks. My bad
Outdated / Re: [A16] Psychology (2017-5-14)
October 24, 2017, 11:07:56 AM

Love the mod, it adds plenty of depth and individuality to the pawns. One problem; matching outfits.
This makes sense in principle; no one wants to be wearing exactly the same top as someone else. But it could be problematic when the clothing in question is, say, a uniform. Troopers in power armour aren't going to really give a shit if they're wearing the same kit as the trooper next to them.

I'm using the excellent TiberiumRim, and like keeping my soldiers in their respective GDI or NOD uniforms.

Since I love the rest of the additions to the game that the mod brings, could you suggest a way to switch this off?
Bugs / Want to share a bed, debuff for shared bed.
March 14, 2017, 05:56:48 AM
"Hey, glorious leader, I married Ma'am, and now I wanna share a bed with her. I'm gonna be super sad if I can't."

"Hey Juan, no worries, I'll sort that out now."

*Builds 6x6 room with decorations and double bed"

"Wow, thanks glorious leader!"

"No worries Ma'am, Juan. Enjoy it."

*Everyone goes to bed*

"Gee, glorious leader, I hate having a shared bedroom..."

"Juan... I don't even..."

So, as you may hav guessed, I'm in a weird situation that, in my 375 hours playing this awesome game, I've never encountered before.
My colonist wants a shared bed. Easy enough, sorted that.
Then I notice his debuffs haven't gone down, at all, and check his needs.
He hates sharing a bedroom... This is odd, no?
How can a man want to share a bed with his wife, and then complain about sharing a room?

Is this just a characteristic quirk (which, if it is, I'll learn to enjoy as part of the game), or is it a bug of some kind?
Anyone else had this? Or a similar situation, where they want one thing AND it's direct opposite?
Ideas / Message History
March 13, 2017, 10:44:34 AM
Hey, so I don't know about anyone else, but when I click a message, and it disappears, I sometimes get lost.

Accidentally right clicked a message? Gone to the source of the message only to have the subject of the message move after you're 'okayed' the message?
Was wondering if it'd be possible to have a message history, like in old skewl Roller Coaster Tycoon one and two.

Unless I'm on my own, then never mind...
General Discussion / Re: Not Allowed Area
January 18, 2017, 08:53:35 PM
Well bollocks, I look pretty stupid. Didn't know ou could invert like that. Seems our Tynan and the community have thought of most things.
Ideas / Re: I think they should add a new way to start
January 18, 2017, 08:51:20 PM
Mods cover this pretty well at the moment.


Rimworld: Medieval Edition

Medieval Times

Actually, try the two together. When updated, the first should limit your tech. It definitely limits the AI to medieval tech. Pretty good, but not an actual feature of the base game atm
General Discussion / Not Allowed Area
January 18, 2017, 07:48:36 PM
Hey Y'all,

So,I know there's been several old aged mods that allow the user to set who works at what bench, and we all know none of them work properly.

So, how hard would it be to implement  a 'not allowed area', opposite of the allowed area zoning function, so I could, say, block Emmy from the cooking station, so that she'll concentrate on that sweet, sweet fermenting of wort. Same could go for multiple benches of one type. Three tailors, three benches. Instead of them farting about and tossing each other's unfinished work on the floor, I could block them from the other two benches, and sort the problemo forthwith.

I have no idea about modding, or coding,or whatever, but is this a good idea or what?
Support / Re: Won't Download Properly!
October 13, 2016, 02:59:24 PM
All sorted guys, was Steam. Been playing successfully, loving every hard as nails second of it.
Support / Won't Download Properly!
October 05, 2016, 12:51:36 PM

Using the Steam client to download my version of the game (bought through steam).

The download bar gets to an arbitrary number (read this elsewhere, quite common, mine is, for some reason, 19%).

Closing Steam, deleting all Ludeon Studios folders, data, game files etc., starting the process again and even a full reboot (if not all at once then with any combination) always gets the same result.

I did manage to download it once (once randomly in the middle of nearly 20 or so attempts), and I had the black screen problem.

Any ideas? The game looks great, very intriguing, but at the moment very tempted to get my monies back and wait until it's a full release as opposed to an alpha.
