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Messages - PurpleTonberry

Tynan, I've been noticing in your changelogs that you have been trying to eliminate unnecessary micromanagement as much as possible. Thank you for that, by the way, a lot of the changes have been good QoL changes. There's been one small thing that has bothered me through many, many updates to this game though, more-so now that the negatives are more severe than ever: Cabin Fever.

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with the existence of cabin fever and its severity, but I never understood why pawns suffering from it don't just take a walk outside in an unroofed area. I'm not keeping them locked up like rats, nor are they restricted to any particular area. In particular, I think that on their next joy activity, they should just prioritize taking a walk outside or stargazing/cloudwatching/sunwatching/etc if they suffer too severely from a lack of going outside (if area restrictions allow, of course).

I've attached a screenshot of a colony I just started a couple hours ago. The debuff doesn't make much sense, but that's not really what I'm going for here (even if the Trapped Underground thing is a bug). I'm not keeping the pawns locked up under a roof (don't let the toxic fallout fool you, they're still set to Unrestricted access to the map) and they have 5 hours a day of dedicated joy time, so just.... go outside! I don't think in this kind of situation that I should have to draft pawns and drag them outside to stand around and do nothing so they can not be under a roof for a few hours when they are perfectly capable of that on their own accord.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Tree sowing seems ridiculously too slow. At least cocoa trees, I haven't tried sowing any other kind of tree yet... Regardless, I wouldn't think it would take an Industrious level 14 grower 2 hours to sow a single tree. I understand that tree sowing can't be as fast as regular plants, but with how it is right now, it's going to take a week for 3 people to sow a medium-sized field of cocoa trees, a week that they will not be doing anything else.
Quote from: Ardshael on June 29, 2018, 12:59:40 AM
I'm getting a note that I need more recreation variety. Apparently I need 6 types of recreation. However, I've built all the items available to build for recreation (except the new flat screen TV). Am I missing something or does this need to be fixed? Do I really need drugs and/or chocolate to fill that need? I REALLY don't want to have drug use as part of my game play.

I currently have 6 types of recreation without the use of drugs or chocolate: Solitary relaxation, social interaction, dexterity play, cerebral play, telescope study, and television watching.
Just wanted to make a quick post for the beta with a couple quirks I have noticed so far.

Was in the process of recruiting a prisoner yesterday in the early game. She was a 95% difficulty recruitment and my two pawns had social skills of 2-3. It went as expected, recruit chances starting at 1% then going up to 2% and 3% as she warmed up to my pawns, when I noticed the chance had suddenly dropped to 0.5% and wouldn't rise. The prisoner's mood was fine; good even, I was keeping an eye on that. I restarted the game and the recruit chance bounced back up to ~1%, and rose with each attempt, as if she was warming up to my pawns all over again, even though they were both at 100 opinion with her.

Great job revamping caravaning, Tynan! It actually has me going out and traveling for a change. The only oddity I've noticed with caravaning is that pawns lose their assigned beds and don't have them reassigned automatically upon return. A tad annoying for couples, they don't go back to sleeping together until I notice and assign it, as well as our greedy or jealous pawns.

One last thing, would it be possible to make the wildlife tab show if an animal is manhunter or not? Perhaps a unique icon in the predator column. This would make the mass animal insanity event quite a bit more manageable in the early game, being able to tell easily if you've gotten them all.

Thanks again for all your hard work Tynan, and everyone else at Ludeon <3

P.S. Would it also be possible to add in a passive "Wind Turbine blocked by object" message? That would be wonderful!