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Messages - Catastrophy

This is a good story. You've been really lucky with your first time. When I came back to play I had my people starve and die in the cold.
Quote from: A Friend on September 18, 2017, 08:20:48 AM

This is something else. Very good work with the colours!
General Discussion / Re: The balancing process
July 16, 2018, 12:06:19 PM
I don't know. I wouldn't bother so much about edge cases, @Tynan. These sandbox games are there to do all kinds of ridiculous things. Is natural for people to invent crazy things and unleash them. No need to chase minmaxers meta - there will always be one. Though I agree on the variety part - it should always be encouraged to try different things.
But I don't play unstable, I still have to catch up on the last version.
General Discussion / Re: Can Armor be Smelted?
February 20, 2017, 06:42:49 AM
I don't think there is a way, I wish there was a way for that, too. Like smelting weapons.
Very reluctant to craft any parka or jacket. I like the coverage of the duster. Then again - I never really played the cold biomes.
Dusters. For their nice coverage of body parts. Redcoats everywhere.
You can't wear dusters under power armour. Power armour only goes with skin layer and that is pants and shirts.
The lake of performance is wide and deep. Happy fishing.
I don't feel there are gamebreaking issues right now so I'm fine with waiting a little longer for new content.
General Discussion / Re: Thermodynamics 101
February 13, 2017, 01:04:52 PM
It's a simplified model for gameplay reasons. A useful heater should probably be a magnitude up in power, but whatever.
I find this "a human is a 100W heater" kinda funny. Isn't the purpose to keep the warm inside the body? Not exactly good radiators.
General Discussion / Re: Best and worst skills in A16
February 13, 2017, 05:43:03 AM
Research is kinda useless after the tree is finished. It could at least prevent skill degradation or something.
Never use them. Why do they even cost components?
Mining out faraway open spaces "under mountain" mitigates the chance from your base. Don't forget to place a door to separate these faraway spaces from "outside" tiles. That brings infestation chance up. You can check in the devtools (view infestation chance) to get a feel for it.
about -17 deg will prevent infestations but who wants to live in icy chambers?
1 tip for crafting (here: cooking)

Place cooking table. Place stool or chair in working position. Place stool next to chair. Place raw vegetable (rice, corn, whathaveyou) stockpile on stool (high priority so it gets filled).
Command 100 basic meals, drop on floor(!) in options. Watch cook start. You can place meal stockpile to his side. Or just forbid the meal he drops for LATER collection. Watch him immediately continue cooking. Doesn't get up. Doesn't carry stuff. Just goes on cooking.
Works with fine meals, too (another stool to the other side + stockpile), but you need a cooled room so it doesn't spoil so fast.

Works on chemical station, too. Any workplace.

Make fine stools. Fine chairs. An excellent sculpture. And they happy on all the jobs that get done in NO TIME. Except for butchering enemies... Don't forget hauling the stuff you might have forbidden.
General Discussion / Re: Raiders and Crops
February 09, 2017, 02:32:58 AM
Yes, I use low priority crops as delay factor.
General Discussion / Re: Steam EULA
February 09, 2017, 02:23:17 AM
The "law" are the laws of the country you live in. And if these allow "fair use" you may do so. And the law of the jurisdiction (i.e. country) of Ludeon would be the laws of the country Ludeon company is registered in, which is Canada, I believe.