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Messages - Lonfield


I've got a currently developed colony and I'd like to know if this Mod is save game compatible since I want to use the mod without having to restart it. I have CE and all those accesories needed, HugsLib etc, it would be awesome to include this.

Great!, Thanks, i'm anyway getting my A16 game started for Xmass
Is the modpack being updated?

I'm waitting patiently for it but would like to know if it's in progress or I should go for something different, or a total rollback to A16. Last build i can use of this mod
Quote from: sidfu on November 07, 2017, 06:46:03 PM
fyi do not use any map size bigger than 300x300 with hcsk. its cause rimworld is 32bit and still using outdated unity 4 engine.

another thing your lag is probably caused by your job setup. u cant have everyone doing everything as they will constantly be fighting for jobs. i understand people want to micro manage people but which is more important your fps or micro managing them?

1st. disable fire fighting till u need it.
2. have patent and bed rest to 1. these should be the only 2 that everyone should have 1 in.
3. dont have everyone set to flick have a 2-3 people max that have a job that they dont leave base much
4. pick 3 jobs for each pawn. this is crafting and such jobs. doctor, and such jobs u dont do often dont count.
job flow should be like this main job----->job did if main job is finish or others doing it-----> 3rd job like hauling or cleaning that nearly always need done

what setting up the jobs like that does is lower the things the game has to check. for example if u have everyone to 1 firefighting then every single sec the game will check whole map for a fire atleast once for each pawn u have. so say u have 10 pawns that means its checking for fire 10 times a sec atleast on the home zone.

on crash bug spawn it should be fixed if u have the newest version.

I played in 275x275 and it lags in less than 15 days and with most of the jobs disabled. Anyway, testing it again
Quote from: DarkBahamut on November 02, 2017, 01:03:28 PM
Hi, I just downloaded the latest Rimworld and Hardcore SK after a pause, I think the last version I played was A16.
Anyway, my performance got a huge hit with the new version, my FPS are fairly low even in the beginning of a new colony, where it usually would start to stutter only after a long playthrough on the biggest map possible (ludeoncrous? can't quite remember the name at the moment).

Have you guys got any tips?
Thanks in advance :)

It happent to me with A17, exactly the same. No one ever found an explanation
Quote from: nchlsf on July 13, 2017, 12:10:20 AM
Hi all, first time trying out his mod pack and amazed by the amount of stuff inside, kudos to the mod creator.

Im currently facing some problems, would appreciate it if anyone has any tips

1. I always find myself low on iron/ore even at the start of the game, are quarries the best way to get more or should i just keep mining mountains to find ore deposits?

2. the temperature in my buildings has suddenly become really hot, up to like 50 deg celsius, im guessing this is probably heat from some of my production benches like electric smelter etc, but how should i manage temperature properly? do i need to just spam coolers into my living quarters?

Thanks in advance for the help

They've already answered but I'll try to contribute. What I tend to do is (even in a mountain base) to build as many heat generation stations as I can together and find a balance between open roofs and the heat generated so the room is from 15-30 during the year, cheaper than building coolers (i'm always low on electronic components) but more time consuming.

My bases are always at biomes where at some point in the year there is snow ^^
Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on July 12, 2017, 11:26:10 AM
Quote from: Lonfield on July 12, 2017, 10:16:17 AM
I can't run this mod in A16 version. If I update my rimworld to the A17unstable version it totally ruins my performance even at second or third day after landing while I can, with the recomendations you gave me before play a good game with an small colony, around 9 pawns for a long time in A16.

I use even less mods on A17b but it's somehow impossible to manage for my pc. Is the new version of this mod so resource consuming? Because I can't figure anything else

Did you download the correct version for A16? The newer downloads will be for A17 and will definitely NOT be reverse compatible with an older alpha.

Not sure why you are having major performance problems with this and A17. Are you trying to run other mods with this modpack as well.?

Btw, DO expect a very long start up time, reading and parsing in all the mods that this pack contains does take quite a while, even on a powerful machine.

I do have the old A16 versions and those are the ones I'm playing right now [I kept a safe A16 Hardcore SK version just in case] . I don't know. I'm just running the modpack removing some mods, trying to improve performance and improve my experience ignoring some content I dislike but I didn't add anything. I think I'll wait until the base game is updated again to see if something improves or the mod gets somehow actualized.

The majot problem is that my pawns are like jumping, it's not actual fps drops but freezes. They move for around 5 tiles, then the game stops, then 5 tiles and like that forever. It happens after the very first days after landing.

Thanks for the help.

Btw, I've just seen there is a mod to keep the prisioners working, is something about this going to be considered to be added to the mod?, I found that that function is quite interesting if we're aiming for a realistic aproximation plus it offers some nice role options.
I can't run this mod in A16 version. If I update my rimworld to the A17unstable version it totally ruins my performance even at second or third day after landing while I can, with the recomendations you gave me before play a good game with an small colony, around 9 pawns for a long time in A16.

I use even less mods on A17b but it's somehow impossible to manage for my pc. Is the new version of this mod so resource consuming? Because I can't figure anything else
I managed to fix the problem using the vanilla textures in my games but now, after going back to a16 for some time and coming back to a17 to play the latest version the problem is back. Vanilla textures are in my game again what's not entirely bad but kinda breaking the atmosphere.

Any ideas on how to solve it?

If the way is savegame breaking let me know please.

Thanks for your time
Quote from: sidfu on July 06, 2017, 01:13:13 PM
Quote from: Lonfield on July 06, 2017, 11:11:51 AM
Is combat enhanced or extended, I mean, the new mod already included on this great mod?, or still pending on some polishing and compatibility troubles?

already included now u will need a new game for it.

Great, downloading alpha 17 and the lastest version of the mod.

Is combat enhanced or extended, I mean, the new mod already included on this great mod?, or still pending on some polishing and compatibility troubles?
Quote from: sidfu on June 19, 2017, 08:50:37 AM
Quote from: Lonfield on June 19, 2017, 03:19:40 AM
I've experienced some decent lag problems when I reach something around 10 colonists and start having a decent ammount of machines working. Any ideas on how to reduce that lag?. In Vanilla i have the same problems on 15 colonists and with no storage systems, what for what I've noticed reduces the lag


u can disable some mods next game like calute said or u can more specalize your people. the most common issue of lag later game with alot of pawns is people haveing their pawns able to do everything. that means every job gets checked constantly.

have 1 main job for them to do then a sub job for when the main job is finish or say waiting on more mats like a crafter then 1 last just in case job like hauling and cleaning so they dont be idle.

u can also save some fps by only having say a few be switch flippers( preferably ones that dont go far from base) and have everyones firefighting disabled till u acutaly need to fight fires

This is what I meant!!!, thanks!. I knew the reasons the game was lagging, but didn't think about giving them like exclusive jobs.

I've already disabled some minor mods to improve performance.

Thanks for the help

Edit: I've found another doubt. I think it may be related with the new version but my walls are not looking as cool as before, they have that vanilla look not the old school rusty one from the last time I played in a16. Have I messed something?
I've experienced some decent lag problems when I reach something around 10 colonists and start having a decent ammount of machines working. Any ideas on how to reduce that lag?. In Vanilla i have the same problems on 15 colonists and with no storage systems, what for what I've noticed reduces the lag

Quote from: sidfu on January 10, 2017, 05:06:39 PM
1) Open the CaveworldFlora mod folder in the game folder/mods
2) Look for the <defName>DevilTongue</defName> line.
3) Line 196, change the thingclass line from
4) Line 197, set the tickerType to Long.
5) Finally, line 236, set hasStaticGlower to True.
=> this even leads to a fun "flubber" side effect

there u should know now lol.

think i know what the problem with raids. looks its something to do with the value of the starting colonies.

IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy could not fire even though we thought we could: no faction could generate with 35 points.

if u look at that basicaly it cant generate a raid for a 35wealth tribbal. ive had it at 72.

so after this post everyone note what the number it says in the message so we can get a idea of what is the startign wealth its gonna fire raid on.

so far ive seen 25,35 and 72 in the error messages for raids.

(btw this message was differnt in that it said it could gen raid but not enough wealth before it said failed to spawn pawn)

First of all, thanks for your fast answer. Me and my friend have been making some research and we've managed to figure out the same as you. It's because of the early wealth. At the same time we've concluded that vanilla storytellers are the best option to get caravans.

On the other hand we can't get rid of those plants. We've made all the changes suggested and nothing had changed, plants are still there and no signs of flubber :(. Does it require a fresh start?.
Quote from: sidfu on January 09, 2017, 11:59:49 PM
rikiki posted about the devil tongue on the steam page

About Devil's tongue, some users experienced a similar issue with the alert speaker mod.
I believe some graphic cards do not handle very well glowers (especially dynamic glowers).

Here is a (quite) easy solution:
1) Open the CaveworldFlora mod folder (755226916) and navigate to /Defs/ThingDefs/Plants_Wild_CavePlants.xml file.
2) Look for the <defName>DevilTongue</defName> line.
3) Line 196, change the thingclass line from
4) Line 197, set the tickerType to Long.
5) Finally, line 236, set hasStaticGlower to True.
=> this even leads to a fun "flubber" side effect

I would love to use this soluion, but i can't seem to find those files and folder you suggest me to edit :(