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Messages - GIFShinobi

Mods / [Mod Request] The Cage
October 20, 2018, 03:14:36 PM
The cage is used for both entertainment for your pawns and a way to recruit a new colonist. The cage is a nine by nine square area where two prisoners are placed then forced to fight it off until the other is either downed or killed. The winner of the brawl between the two will given a reward. Join the settlement, freedom or swift mercy so that their bodies can be processed for meat and leather.

Another mode of The Cage would be a prisoner against a pet. If the prisoner loses he becomes kibble for your pets and if the prisoner wins he or she would get the reward that you feel suits the situation. Of course other Mods would enhance this fun mod. You can modify prisoners or pets before they are sent into the cage.

Just an idea.

Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Chinese Hats
July 22, 2018, 02:12:39 PM
The hat is called a sakkat . . here you go
That would sound really fun. Makes me want to move into a place that's occupied by another faction.
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Guard post
July 20, 2018, 02:10:46 AM
I made a request like this before but no one wanted the project.
You can always input something that will force the Neighbor AI to start their base at a certain distance from the player. :3 But the thing is that it's not impossible and it sounds kinda awesome. One day maybe a super skilled modder would be able to do it.
Right? It would spice up the game by being more cautious of the resources around you and some other funny fun stuff that I can't think of at the moment.
Unfinished / Re: Multiplayer -- PhiClient
July 13, 2018, 03:18:43 AM
LOTR mods with medieval mods also add the alien race mods so u can have the hobbits, elves and dwarves to play with. As for multiplayer ehh . . PHI hasn't been working for weeks now and I haven't seen any other mods like the PHI mod sucks . .
Mods / [Mod request] Event: Neighbors Moving In.
July 13, 2018, 02:56:00 AM
A Mod event where a group of another settlers decides to make a base on the same map as you. While their building their base they can steal from you and you can do the same if there was a chance. Also you can have a choice to keep them as allies or make them an enemy.

I you do become enemies with your neighbor. They don't attack you at all. Instead they call on their allies that hates you to attack you right away.
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Rimworld Multiplayer
May 04, 2018, 10:52:16 PM
a man can have ideas . . . :/ but i guess that's how it'll stay  . .
Mods / [Mod Request] Rimworld Multiplayer
May 04, 2018, 09:06:14 PM
I wonder if this can be accomplished. . . The idea is to create a rimworld with a twist of ages of empire II. Several players start out in a really big ass map. But before the fun begins all the players would have to agree with the things to start with. Pawns, Gears, Traits, Skills and disable enable stuff and events on map etc. Yes the pawns each player have will be the same from the start. But of course as the game progresses each player's faction will evolve in its own way. This is where the competition begins. The only ways to recruit a new pawn is from from [Escape Pod] events. Then once each and every player agrees to the decided stuff, they are transported to random or chosen super large map. Each player's pawns will of course land at different areas of the map and then that's the chaos begins. Players start out as neutral with one another with positive goodwill with one another. But of course that could change as the game progresses. Since each faction is neutral players can steal from one another's base. And it up to the players if the pawns will become hostile to one another. As for resources, everything around is all for the take. Also remember the fact that there are veins of resources underground and since its a super big ass map, resources wont be a problem. Players can also buy and sell from trading ships that drops by the orbit. Whats awesome is with this mod (If it can be done) mixed with some other mods like race mods it could turn into some crazy rts game. Speeding up the game would be a unanimous vote among players. The game's speed can also turn into a political game. With that allies can be made and enemies can be forced to accept terms. Each player would have to agree by clicking on a dialogue. Is this even possible?

If anyone out there has more idea to add on to this mod idea feel free to comment.
Day 62: Two months have passed and the Hidden Order has just gained 3 more members. With newly added people in their ranks, will the Order have a higher chance to thrive or will this unforgiving world kill everyone before Albert and the rest of the Force users can build a ship to escape this planet? Find out!! >
Day 50: A destructive force of swirling wind has descended on the Hidden Order's base while everyone was sleeping. With casualties and half the base destroyed and the abrupt appearance of an Arachnid hive, will Albert and the rest of the force users be able to survive? Find out here ->>
Mods / [Mod request] Fake Colonist
December 16, 2017, 03:30:00 AM
I don't really know what to call this idea but fake colonist. So this idea would be like a dummy/diversion for raiders. These build-able Fake colonist would be placed where ever and the point of Fake Colonist is to distract the raiders. The raiders would be distracted by thinking that the Fake colonsit is an actual colonist so they'll start attacking the Fake colonist till its destroyed. Another purpose of this mod is to aid in battle to give the colonist a tactic way of defending the base.
Nope pema game condition can only be triggered from the start of the game.