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Messages - Exortus

I meant the 1.0 one.
I know about the updates, but according to github there were no updates in Cults for a week, so I thought I will report this bug, just so the devs will know about it.

I might have found a bug in the current build of Cults, here is the relevant (or at least I think this is the relevant) section of the log:

Pawn Cougar threw exception while executing a global finish action (0), jobDriver=CultOfCthulhu.JobDriver_Investigate, job=Cults_Investigate (Job_3514730) A=Thing_Human68242 B=Thing_Cults_PlantTreeNightmare390587: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'RimWorld.TaleRecorder.RecordTale'.
  at CultOfCthulhu.JobDriver_Investigate.<MakeNewToils>b__8_2 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.AI.JobDriver.Cleanup (JobCondition condition) [0x00016] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\AI\JobDrivers\JobDriver.cs:212

The actual bug is that the pawn will investigate, but will not start writing the grimoire. Also, later when I did get the grimoire from traders the cult was not founded, even when I built an altar, thus preventing sermons and sacrifices.
It is not yet in the mod, only planned.

I have found a possible bug in A18 hygiene: Pawns won't clean by themselves, only when prioritised. If I force them to clean by job allocation, they will just stand around. They won't clean bed pans at all, even when prioritised. I only run RIMKEA and growable mushrooms besides the hygiene mod.

Also one question: how do pawns satisfy their water need? I have seen it through eating, what are the other options? (Especially for tribes?)


Before I write anything else, thanks for updating the mod! Sadly I had some problems though.
I have encountered some strange stuff with the latest version, namely:

Very frequent mental breaks, like every other minute (phoebe, rough).
Pawn (child) being decapacitated in severe pain, with capable body parts (at least that is my assesment, could be false).

Is it still possible to download this mod?
Help / Re: Praying Spot Help
April 24, 2017, 05:33:29 PM
This helped a lot with finding relevant joy and building defs.
Now to dll fidling...
Help / Praying Spot Help
April 21, 2017, 07:15:42 AM
Dear All,

I have been playing Rimworld for a while now and have started adding mods recently. I have not found any religion focused mod so far that fits the concept I would prefer. So I thought I will try to make my own mini-mod for this purpose.

Basically what I would like to have is a praying spot, very similar to a party or wedding spot, or caravan spot in other mod(s).
I do not want to have specific religions or new mechanism, I just want to build simple shrines and temples where my pawns would go to pray occasionally (beside their rooms).

The problem is that I have absolutely no experience in Rimworld modding. I checked some info for modding but I found them quite overwhelming for this (seemingly) simple feature.

So can somebody help me with accomplishing this? I am looking for files to modify/add and the methods to do so.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 29, 2017, 07:07:54 AM

I have loaded the updated mod on my existing colony. Most of the problems are gone, but on the second map colony the visitors/traders still will not leave. Passersby are ok.
Unfinished / Re: Children and Pregnancy
January 19, 2017, 09:52:12 AM
I run the mod on an otherwise unmodded steam game. I loaded the mod on an ongoing colony (9 years). The pregancy feature seems to be working fine so far (3 pregnant women), but I have noticed several oddities:

-As others have already said pirates spawning with dead children. I have also noticed this with traders.
-Parts of the game getting stuck: Traders and passersby never leaving, parties never ending, raiders never fleeing, raider structure blueprints not disappearing.

Important info: I am running two colonies simultaneously (2 maps, same game) currently, only noticed these bugs on the second colony so far, but I have only played a few hours with the mod.