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Messages - XeronX

General Discussion / Re: Best and worst skills in A16
February 17, 2017, 08:47:42 PM
This is a little off topic, but since the unlimited silver supply came up and it is part of the skill problem indirectly....

With the fact we all work our pawns everyday, 10+ hours a day. I am surprised none of them ever want to be paid. Yeah i know there isn't really a economy for them to need paychecks, but could you imagine if they expected to be paid. And if the amount that they had to be paid was tied into whatever skill they were mostly using and pro-rated for the level of the skill. That 20 skill passion researcher would really cost you bank.

A decent way to not only put a curb to the money supply issue, but make having people to make money be a necessary part of a thriving colony. And the fun mood hits when you couldn't afford to pay them lol.
Add a 10% chance each pawn gets a hidden Fourth trait.

Why does my Sanguine, Industrious, Jogger keep lighting my base on fire dammit???
Allow no deleting or editing of any posts in this thread so if any of these "Suggestions" show up in A17 we can come back and find out exactly who we have to thank for them...

(Grabs Plasteel spiked club)
I would like to use fluffy's work tab mode but my old ass eyes are to bad for it. And resizing the UI for it makes everything else to damn big lol.
Mods / Throwing Shit at the Walls....
February 09, 2017, 07:05:49 PM
First thing I have absolutely no art or coding skills hence why i am just going to throw a few things I would love to see, and if any modders are interested they can run with them.

Mod Ideas I would love to see...

Longer Seasons:  Would love to see seasons that lasted 30 days as opposed to short 15 day seasons.

No Disease for First Year Only:  A mod that could help mitigate or eliminate the chance that malaria, plague, or any of that annoying stuff is going to kill off you new perma death colony before you at least have a chance to try and preempt it.

Additional Furniture and Joy Objects:
   Hot Tub
   Desk for bedrooms (love the ones in the chtulu mods, but don't want all the rest. But have to admit that stuff does look amazing.)
   Holographic TV (This one is more aimed at Mrofa, love your clutter mod and your little holo projector is cool. Was thinking a 2x1 holo tv that would fit in a bedroom and pawns could get joy from         
       it by watching tv in bed.)

   Movie Screen and maybe movie theatre chairs

   Actual Bartop: Something that would go good with hospitality that you could assign a pawn to work and socialize with visitors and server drinks to both visitors and pawns.
General Discussion / Re: 64 bit?
February 09, 2017, 12:46:23 AM
wow that was a very quick and completely informative answer, TY very much Zhentar
General Discussion / Re: 64 bit?
February 09, 2017, 12:13:06 AM
I have seen references to the single thread bottleneck before.  That I am honestly curious why we have in this day and age anyways.  IIRC very few processors anymore are single threaded.

And no please understand I am not being snippy. I truly am curious why this is a single thread game and don't have the technical knowledge to know on my own.
I voted for longer and it is purely a Mod not be broken desire.  The Vanilla game is good, but I find it slightly thin in depth. I.E. I end up burning through the tech tree to fast, not enough joy objects and furniture, and needs a bit more end game.

Don't get me wrong love the game. Just Mods take something that is a solid 8/10 and make it a 10/10 in my book. I was just thinking recently with how much I have been playing when you were going to drop the next alpha and I was going to have to take a forced couple week break to give the modders time to catch up.

But thank you for asking us our opinion and whichever way you go I'll be back regardless.
Wow last game (randy extreme perma-death) I broke down and dropped with two colonist (one no violence).  My main colonist got gutworms in the first 5 days (survived), flu in the first 2 seasons, and as I was about to survive that got mechanites (still survived). Then ended up with plague a season later (Didn't survive).

Then got raided with no pawn that could shoot back, gotta love the Rim.
Nah, I do do temperate, but far enough south for only 30 day grow period.  I actually am not a big fan of year round grow, takes the challenge out of food production and storage for me personally.

Granted this is also at Randy double pop extreme perma-death.

I am beggining to think I am just going to have to bite the bullet and drop with anti-disease drugs, but as you can see from my start really trying to go as minimal as possible.
I keep trying to do a game where I do a single pawn tribal start. All I drop with is 5 days of food, 2 medicine, and a survival rifle.  Last 4 starts have died in the first season to gut worms, malaria, and plague twice.
If I understand it right, it would depend on how far back you saved your game before you got the plague.  I believe Plague starts at 40% infection.  That 40% was growing before the computer told you your guys were even sick. So by the time the computer tells you some of your guys have plague they could have had it for a few days to a week already.

The diseases are one of the few things that can kill even a non perma-death game. If you save often and overwrite your saves like I do to keep the list short.
Mods / Re: [Mod request] Pain medications for A16
February 05, 2017, 04:26:30 AM
Skullywag has a "Dermal Regenerator" mod that removes scars. It is a nice stand alone earlish to midgame research tech that adds another nice useful item for the hospital.
Mods / Just Wanted to Say Thank You
February 05, 2017, 04:14:57 AM
 As I look at my steam account a realize I am about to crack 600 hours in Rimworld. I just wanted to take the time to say Thank You to quite a few people.

First to Ludeon Studios for making this game this is a Good Game.

Second to all the Modder's that took a Damn good game and made it into a Great Game.

I find Rimworld to be interesting for me personally. First I don't run mods in my games ever.  The closest I ever came was making a few targeted XML changes to Civ 5.  And we are talking incredibly small targeted changes, as in changing 3 numbers in the entire game. 

But in Rimworld I am running probably close to 40 different mods. They have taken a solid good game and transformed it into a work of genius. So I just want to take the time to say Thank You to all the modder's out there for their hard work and creativity. And throw a few special thanks out to some mods/modders who I consider their works must have mods to play the game.

Fluffy: For some of the first mods I ever used and all the programming mods you do so others can make great mods.
Haplo: For you Misc mods and your Robot mods
Orion: For Hospitality
EdB: For Prepare Carefully (seriously this is just one of those must haves)
Skullywag:  For Better Vents/Coolers and Dermal Regenerator
CuproPanda and Love: For Additional Joy Objects and Love for bringing it back for A16
Neonod: For "No More Lazy Pawns"
Sam: For Glitter Tech
Killface: For Colonist Bar and Outfitter
Dubs: For Hygiene (this rates as one of the two best new mods for A16 in my book)
Historic: For Industrial Rollers (this is the other best new mod for A16)
Spoonshortage, Mrofa, Telkir, and Anonemous2: For all the new furniture (Rimkea, Clutter, More Furniture, and T's mods)

And again to all the other mod authors of the to numerous to list all mods that I have, love, and make this game probably my favorite game of all time after MoO2

Thank You for all your hard work
General Discussion / Re: Tired of useless colonists
February 04, 2017, 06:55:16 PM
I have to agree on the Pyro thing and since A16 dropped I swear that particular trait show up so often now.

Granted I use the mod that make all pawns capable of hauling/cleaning regardless of traits.

But I have gotten incrediably picky about who I will accept. No Pyro, Psychopath, or Abrasive period. Tend to avoid Brawlers, Any mentally unstable, and any addicts. Also will not take any "no violence" pawns until I have decent defenses set up and at least 10 other pawns that can shoot.

  I am at the point where if they call me asking for rescue, I just let them die since I have no clue what their traits are. And rescuing a pyro and taking the bullets just to have to send them out to fist fight a grizzly naked and take the mood hit on the rest.

Finally got my colony up to 13 pawns in year 6 but for the first 3 years was pretty much stuck between 1-5 pawns.