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Messages - Gizamaluke

So, just to clarify, i have 3 questions about this fix.

1)If i build an embrasure and position my man next to it the enemy can shoot back from distance?
2)If i put my man in a room without doors with an embrasure wall the enemy can shoot at him and if i tell him to do so he will fire back at them?
3)If my man is in sealed building with a door but no embrasures and just walls the enemy cannot shoot him until they break down the door?
All yes to the above?
Mods / [Mod Request/Idea] Weapons of the Gods!
February 16, 2017, 07:33:48 AM
Hi all,

I was sitting there, bored at work, as you do, and I just thought of an idea that i thought sounded pretty cool.

God weapons!

No, don't worry, I'm not getting all redneck evangelist, i'm just suggesting weapons of such an advanced technological variety that they would be seen by a tribal culture as being godlike in thier design. Here's what i mean:

At the end of the research tree you have a subject such like 'Lightning machine' or suchlike. It takes alot to research and even more to build but once you do, you can summon lighning strikes or flashstorms down on your attacking enemies - from anywhere on the map.

I have no idea how you would go about coding such a thing or putting it into a mod, I just like the idea of smiting nasty pirate thugs with the power of the (techno) almighty!



Just a quick question. Any plans to get this working for A16? It would be fun to play around with it but it doesn't appear to be working.

Thanks but I was looking for a small addon mod and Vegetable Garden is pretty expansive with lots of crafting tables, growable things and suchlike. I would prefer to limit the amount of new things I have to a minimum.

Anyone else available to help me out?
Mods / [Mod Request] Neutroamine production via Farming.
February 10, 2017, 09:13:19 AM
Hi Guys,

I was wondering if a induvidual with good modding skills could mod me a little addon for the manufacture of Neutroamine.

I know that the reason its not available in the game for manufacture is because the idea is that you buy it from traders and I can understand the reasons for that. However, my suggestion is to give the player to option to make it and just make it hard to do. I appreciate there is a boomalope option out there but I would like a mod that just requires farming.

My idea is this:
Use Devilstrand.
It's an item that you have to research and grow so my idea would have a offshoot research topic that has a dependency of devilstand and drug prouction entitled 'Neutroamine production'. It wouldn't take long to research (500 - 1000rp) and would allow Neutroamine production on the drug production bench. By making this you have to use a LOAD of Devilstrand (Maybe a stack) to make one bottle of Neutroamine and the production itself would take alot of time. (and maybe a skill limitation too for crafting and/or medical.)

This way it becomes cheaper and less time consuming to buy Neutroamine from a trader but the option to make it yourself is still there.

Any thoughts/volunteers? It shouldn't be too hard to impliment as it's soley based on vanilla code.

Thanks in advance.
Ideas / Re: Neutroamine
February 10, 2017, 08:51:22 AM
What about if you made it really a lot of work to harvest and manufacture it in the first place?
In that way it would be easier to get it from traders and cargo pods but it was still manufacturable. (Like buying meat in the shops right now - sure you could kill the animal yourself but why do that when it's easier to pay someone else to do it)

My idea would be to put it as an offshoot to Devilstrand research and have it so you have to make loads of Devilstrand to make one bottle of neutroamine. That way we have the option but its a hard option. I like the Boomalope option that is available in the mod but i would rather it was something grown and harvested.
Thank you, much appreciated.

If the efficient batteries are not immune to zzzt then no problem, i like that efficient is not rock solid like the military or the Giga, just more efficient.
Best battery mod out there IMO.

I installed a big battery last night (the 4.5k version) and everything was fine. The only niggle I had was that the console still showed the 'Need Batteries' warning as if I didn't have any batteries installed.
Also, are your batteries immune to yellow zzzt? I haven't had this event associated with them yet and i'm wondering if it's because of the former issue. (I.E. the game not recognising your batteries as game batteries..) I am not trying to make the game easier and would appreciate you having a look into it. Thanks