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Messages - Orpheus

Quote from: dazric on August 29, 2017, 12:28:37 PM
Hey, is there a way to manually set a psyrating, like with Dev Mode or something similar?
You can do this by editing the save file with a text editor.  Search the file for the character's name, then scroll through their data until you find the psy-level.  Just make sure you change it to something that the game recognises!
This also works for making Chaotic characters worship a particular god.  You could probably change other aspects of the faith system, but I've only actually tested switching from one Chaos god to another.
In Bram Stoker's Dracula (which was based on Slavic mythology, but was the one of the first appearances of the vampire in the 'pop culture' of the time), sunlight isn't actually harmful to vampires.  It reduces or negates all their supernatural abilities, and this might plausibly cause them to develop an intense fear of daylight (a reasonable reaction for a lone predator which has suddenly lost every single advantage over its vastly-more-numerous prey), but the Count is quite willing and able to go about his business in full daylight when required.

Crosses and other paraphernalia wouldn't necessarily affect them - again, they might well have a phobia of religious symbols if they believe themselves to be cursed or unholy, but if you give such items an actual physical effect you are somewhat supporting the notion that the power behind the symbol (ie, God) is literally real.  Which would open a massive can of hungry Rimworms.  In-game, I'd suggest at most that they'd get a heavy situational mood debuff in the presence of holy symbols.  Garlic falls into the same category - it's thought to repel vampires, because it does repel many other blood-drinking organisms, but there's no sensible mechanism for it to actually physically harm them (unless you take the Brian Lumley approach, where vampirism results from the presence of an alien symbiote inside the vampire's body, in which case said organism could perhaps be vulnerable to garlic, silver, UV light or whatever else you like).

I'm not a fan of the idea that vampires have to intentionally infect their spawn by deliberately mixing blood.  Vampirism is either a biological disease or a spiritual/magical curse - either way, if it can spread, its spread should not be controlled by the host.  Traditionally a vampire's bite carries a high possibility of infection (whether pathogenic or spiritual), following one of two patterns.  Either the victim becomes a vampire if they die while still under the 'parent' vampire's influence (what this actually means is pretty vague, but they don't change if they can stay alive), or they inevitably become a vampire unless they die first.

The idea that they have no reflection might, more realistically, reflect their unwillingness to see their own reflection, since it might remind them of their lost humanity.

Oh, and don't feed on dead people.  Dead blood is toxic.  This isn't down to bacteria or viruses to which a vampire could possibly be immune - it's a simple chemical overdose, resulting from the massive release of potassium from dying cells into the bloodstream.  If a vampire's digestive and nervous systems are anything like a humans', this will still be dangerous and possibly even fatal.  If they're susceptible to ordinary diseases (which is not certain), they shouldn't really feed on most animals either.

They should probably steer clear of drug addicts, too...
Outdated / Re: [A17] Military Melee
August 17, 2017, 08:50:52 PM
There's no such thing as a 'katana knife'.  I believe what you're thinking of is either a tanto or ninjato.
Now I come to think about it you're right, I remember in one of the old novels an Inquisitor was able to wear armour that he took from a dead Chaos marine.  Almost certainly a dumb idea, but it worked for him without the carapace.  Though one would think that being two feet too short and about half the weight of the intended wearer would be an issue...
I would think that drugs would affect them to some extent, just with a reduced duration and no chance of addiction.  In earlier editions of 40k, Astartes had access to various so-called "combat drugs".  Also, there are numerous references in lore to the Emperor's Children and other Slaaneshi Marines using drugs for recreational purposes.  Granted, they were corrupted by the God/dess of Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll, but at least in the early stages they were anatomically the same as loyal Astartes.
Lore-wise, the process that creates a Space Marine has to begin before puberty, meaning you would need a pawn younger than any that you might normally encounter in the game (compatibility with Children & Pregnancy mod?).  And I don't know whether you could enforce this in-game or not, but they have to be male.  The gene-seed is derived from the Primarchs and by extension, the Emperor, and apparently is not compatible with female DNA (if I had to apply real science to this, I'd guess that maybe the implanted gene-seed is in the form of DNA that binds to a chromosome by replacing the missing leg of the 'Y' chromosome.  Since females aren't missing that section, there's nowhere for the new genes to attach).
An interesting footnote to this is that Astartes power armour apparently requires a Black Carapace in order to connect with the wearer's nervous system.  But yet in-game, the Sisters of Battle's armour is functionally identical, and there doesn't seem to be any lore contradicting this.  Since the Sisters can't have black carapaces, and in fact are not mentioned to be 'enhanced' in any way, their armour is objectively better than the Astartes version since it has identical capabilities but doesn't require major invasive surgery in order to use it.
Hard to imagine Fish Speakers Sisters of Mercy Battle working with Eldar, or indeed any other xenos.  Whatever an Inquisitor might say, the Sisters are raised from an early age to believe that all xenos are committing continual heresy just by existing.  And the Eldar won't be patient and tolerant about it, human lives - and Inquisitorial authority - are worth literally nothing to them so s/he'd have no problem with murdering the Sister on the spot, the first time she said anything out of place.  Space Nuns Sisters are probably the only Imperial subfaction who wouldn't ever cooperate with aliens, maybe even if their life depended on it.
Other races aren't "officially" supported as playable factions (the only option is Imperial Colony), but you can use Prepare Carefully to create colonists from the Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, Mechanicus, Eldar, Chaos Cultists, Grots and (I think) Tau.  And you can use the scenario editor to give yourself appropriate starting tech for any of those races.  As SpaceDorf says, Orks aren't really available to the player as Prepare Carefully doesn't allow them as an option.  But you could have an all-Grot starting lineup, then use dev mode to spawn and recruit Orks.
Orkish psychology isn't really implemented at the moment though, so they'll just behave like regular human colonists.
Not sure about EPOE, I tried giving EPOE implants to Space Marines and Mechanicus characters and I didn't have any non-vanilla options, but I might have just forgotten to give myself the appropriate tech.
Interfaction relations at present only really make sense if you play as an Imperial faction, as far as I can tell.  You could make a xenos colony and build the special Imperial comms console, but as far as I remember the Imperial factions won't recognise you as aliens.  There is apparently some functionality where nonplayer factions interact (or at least fight among themselves) without player involvement, but I haven't actually seen it in play.

While I'm here, if Cpt. Ohu is reading this, how does spiritual corruption work?  I tried setting up a permanent corruptive drone and forcing my pawns (of various races and factions) to read the "evil" books, but nobody's Purity of Soul ever seems to change?
Quote from: Thirite on July 12, 2017, 11:01:00 PM
The thing is, it's not my job to patch other people's code...
I absolutely agree.  I don't mean to suggest that this should be your responsibility, and I'm inclined to agree that actually you probably shouldn't do it.  I mentioned it more to raise the fact that individual users of your (or any) mod could do this with their own private copy of it, if it was particularly important to them that it was compatible with a specific other mod, and if it turned out to be simpler than directly editing the other mod (which might be the case if the second mod in question was programmed very sloppily or awkwardly).
In reality, there are herbal treatments for preemptive contraception (rather than immediate or early abortion).  They typically work the same way the modern hormonal version does, by suspending the menstrual cycle, so there's no reason why they should be different in-game.  HOWEVER, they were superceded in the developed world by synthetic hormones, not because the modern form is more effective, but because herbal contraceptives are typically toxic in the long term.  So if realism is required, you could have a contraceptive made from herbal meds, with a slow, minor Toxic Buildup effect attached.
Herbal abortifacients also exist and so are equally plausible in-game, BUT again have serious risks associated with them.  Most effective abortifacients (both organic and synthetic) carry a high risk of serious birth abnormalities if the foetus survives, and many are also carcinogenic.  In addition, ALL abortion drugs are toxic to some degree (that's how they work - I won't spell it out, for the sake of more sensitive readers, but the toxicity is necessary).

Regarding the 'issues' with Rumours and Deception and various other mods, as I understand it you can include sections of code which only trigger if another named mod is detected to be enabled (the anti-RimJobWorld logic bomb comes to mind...).  So in theory if other modders don't take the steps to make their mods play nicely with yours, you can do it for them to a certain extent, at least for specific, named mods with known issues.  Couldn't you, for instance, have a script which triggers only if Rumours is enabled, containing code derived from that mod, to suppress certain effects on pre-teen pawns?
I realize that this just adds more work for you, and I totally understand why you might not want to do it.  But it is at least an option, and one which could also be taken up by individual users of your mod, if you don't want to implement it yourself.

Oh and also, amazing work so far, and thank you for making this awesome mod!
Sorry for the repeated posting, but I just noticed something.  In the A16 version of this mod, when using Prepare Carefully, there was an option in the pawn appearance settings to choose a race (I recall posting at the time about my confusion regarding multiple human and Tau races).
That option isn't there any more, for me at least.  Is that due to a change in your mod, a difference in the current Prepare Carefully version, or is it a load-order or compatibility issue?
So I finally got around to looking up the A17 branch on Discord.  Having trouble downloading, due to my crappy wifi, but I'll get there in the end.  Do I need an A17 version of the rendering patch too, or will the A16 version still work?

Never mind, I found it!

2nd edit: this may have already been noted, but just in case, this does NOT work with Psychology (even the newly-updated, Harmony/xpatch version).  It fails at world generation (sorry, I forgot to log the specific error)
*Cackles like a baby watching the Tellytubbies for the first time*
I'll definitely check that out
I haven't been able to use this for a while as I'm playing A17 now, but before I updated I recall having this, Glittertech, EPOE, the Cthulhu mods, Zombie Apocalypse and close to a hundred other mods working perfectly fine together (I got a LOT of error messages at start-up and loading, but as far as I could tell nothing was actually broken).
Thanks for the quick and easy workaround.  Much appreciated!
Or alternatively, "Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced"