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Messages - Jetpack_Maniac

Updated to 1.2.  Also supports the currently available CE and CCC.
Cook-off is for bullets.  Explosives still explode.
The long-awaited CE update is here.  The support is in-built, load after CE.
It requires HugsLib.  I'll double check to make sure it's listed in all the documentation.
There's a new release candidate ready that should fix that problem.  Give it a shot and let us know if it worked.  It is compatible with all saves.
That's concerning.  We're looking into it.  Are you subbed to the steam version?
New update.  Hugslib support has been added and now will show what was changed on the mod.  Some options have been added where the user can alter their gameplay experience.
1.0 is available on both Steam and Github.
B19 pre-release available for download.  There is no change to features on it.  We have not fully tested it yet so we have not released it on Steam yet.  It is available at:
Outdated / Re: [A17] Save Our Ship (v1.01)
April 07, 2018, 09:57:43 PM
Thank you for taking the time to do this.
Why not PR these into NIA's repo?  He accepts user-made patches, I've submitted some and have had them accepted.
Mods / Re: Protection Mod?
March 24, 2018, 09:40:09 AM
It's not a mod and not quite a bodyguard but obedience trained animals can be set to follow their masters when they conduct "field work" (mine, farming, taming, hunting, etc).  This helps keep them saw by giving them more back-up and you can sic the animal (if release trained) on the threat while the colonist runs.
Mods / Re: Force make a party
March 19, 2018, 08:07:08 AM
There's also Days Matter in which you can schedule parties.
We have updated the Combat Extended and Centralized Climate Control addons.  Redist.Heat addon update will be next and is coming soon.
Version 1.0.5 is released. 

- Traders aim outside of shields with pods just like they don't aim for roofs
- Added ModSync support
- Added visibility toggle to shields
- Fixed research requiring multi-analyzer to do
- Added French translations (from I'm a banana)
- Fixed lingering shields bug