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Messages - Walkaboutout

Just saw Ed's update on the Steam Workshop page that a 1.3 version for Prepare Carefully is currently in progress.

Thanks again Ed, best mod around!
So I haven't played in a couple months, but I do believe that this was not the case before.

Screen Edge Mouse Scroll does not scroll the screen in the corners, meaning northwest/northeast/southwest/southeast. If this is intended behavior or was always this way, I apologize for the report, but I'm pretty sure it isn't, and wasn't.

I have no mods running, and Royalty and Ideaology installed and active. Windows 10, running the 64 bit Rimworld.
Oh mighty EdB, what offering must we make to see this most wonderful of mods updated for the new 1.3 Ideaology release?

Silliness aside, I do hope this gets updated, as it's still one of the few mods I love to use to start a game. Either way, thanks for the work you've done with it, Ed!
Holy....really? Was that not working previously? Or is it a new adjustment? I would swear that was not the case previously, but wow, you're absolutely right. By that description, I'd agree. Jeez, I feel silly if that's the case, and it sure does seem so. Sigh...
Still get broken pawns with this current version, 2562 base game. I've looked at the pawns, both broken and unbroken, in the save files and can't find any identifiable differences that are obvious, to my eyes at least. I've tried various things to discover a work around if/when a pawn is broken, but can't find anything, though I'm not entirely conversant with Rimworld in a technical sort of way. Alas. Like I said, thank you Itchy, and for Ludeon for working so hard to solve issues in this game, you all rock :)
Thank you Itchy for doing that. I've messed around with it in the current version, and this appears to still be an issue in the 1.1.2560 build, just as an FYI.
General Discussion / Re: Rimworld Steam update
February 29, 2020, 03:33:10 PM
So, not sure the beligerence was at all neccessary, but I do appreciate the listing of what  happened with the 2559 notes, as at the time I made my post, there were no 2559 notifications out. Anyways, I'd like to say thank you, despite the condescension.
Some pawns do not properly acknowledge the presence of the Beautiful/Pretty traits on other pawns (and probably the same issue exists with Staggeringly Ugly/Ugly). This seems to happen rarely. I had to roll up a start scenario group of pawns, using the tribal start in this case, a dozen times or so before getting a pawn which demonstrates this bug. I noticed it originally in a couple of different starts previously, but don't have saves for those starts.

Load the attached save, and take a look at the pawn whose name on the game screen is "Pretty2". Notice that 4 of these tribal pawns have either beautiful or pretty, and a fifth one has neither. For some reason I do not understand, "Pretty2" does not receive the proper relationship adjustments for any of the other 3 pawns that have the relevant traits (and of course the normal pawn works properly on her, because there is no modifier).

When you mouse over the tooltips in the social tab, you can even see that the appropriate entry is there, it just doesn't apply the relationship modifier. For example, instead of saying "Physically stunning: 40" in the tooltip, it will say "Physically stunning: 0".

I'm not aware of any scenario where something like this should happen, so at this point I think it's a bug of some kind. "Pretty2" is not, for example, blind or something, she's in good health. And everyone else gets modifiers appropriate to her pretty trait, but she simply does not get correct modifiers for everyone elses beautiful/pretty traits.

I will be emailing the save to [email protected] because even zipped it's just over the 1000KB limit for the forum. When I email it, I will reference this post in the body of the email.
General Discussion / Re: Rimworld Steam update
February 29, 2020, 01:15:10 AM
The latest one is 2558, and I'm not sure if there's patch notes up for that? So confusion!
I noticed this today too and was a little surprised. Seemed like a weird choice to me, to the point that I wonder if it was intended, or a bug or something?
So what are your thoughts on the new royals in town? Why do you think you should cooperate with them, or resist them, or even stay neutral to them?

Do you think the fallen empire remnants are rightful rulers of the area, and therefore it's right to stay in their good graces, and treat with them? Or are they pretenders, driven from their old homes, and trying to assert their dominance through strength of arms, and therefore need to be resisted? Or anything else in between?

I really want to experience the Imperial favor side of things, but the part of me that thinks these people are outcasts and should have no say over my freedoms (but still wants to experience the new content, via the rebel) wants to tell them to take a hike. I find myself surprisingly torn in my first play through though, at the point of decision with the appearance of the runaway.

Of course, I'll most likely do all of this through various play throughs, but I'm really curious what you all think about decisions on this matter.
Current Build
Cassandra Rough

I have to say, I am very much not a fan of the now silent infections, and breakdown indicators.

I had an infection I wasn't even aware of until I got a "medical emergency" warning. Now, this was not an issue, because the colonist was being auto tended, and was ahead of the infection, in immunity.

But I do have two colonists with destroyed kidneys. When they get sick, I have to enable using my very small stock of standard medicine, as opposed to herbals which I have in abundance at the moment, to ensure that they don't die. If this had been one of those two, I may very well have lost them.

As to the silent breakdowns...early on especially, I keep a vague track in my mind of about where I stand with components. When a breakdown message occurs, I can keep that in mind. As it stands now, I just see an undefined drop in my component stock. Now, of course, I know why at this point, and it's not like I can't just look and see what I have in the stocks. But it's annoying, and for a new player who didn't realize what was going on, or what the heck a breakdown was, this would be unreasonably confusing, I think.

Additionally, warnings about breakdowns give me a vague idea about how often they occur. I've never been sure if they ramp up based on having more equipment running in the colony (everything has a small chance to breakdown), or if it is just a defined event that occurs occasionally (just a percent chance to occur, unrelated to numbers of equipment in the colony), but having at least an anecdotal idea, based on the alerts, of how many break downs I'm experiencing, has always seemed useful to me.
Tynan's notification that a Stranger in Black has been added, who helps you when you are really in trouble, has me curious. Sadly, I have no access to the game at this time, and so am wondering if anyone has any experience with this yet?
Just an FYI (I know, I just keep posting right?) this trio of mods (I don't mean the alien races ones, as I don't have those installed), is broke with 1974-75 again. Enough so that it straight culls out pawns with force powers when you load a save game, lol. Also, can't seem to generate a world properly either (probably mostly Factions related, though I donno).

Anyways, to clarify, Lightsabers, Factions, and The Force are currently broke. JecsTools seems to be newly updated and working though.

So, just an FYI for those who are wondering. Jec has been pretty good about making passes on these mods to bring them up to the rapid fire updates of the vanilla game though. Thanks Jec for all the work :D
Releases / Re: [B18] JecsTools [5/2/2018]
July 25, 2018, 03:28:33 PM
Looks like Jec got an update out on his Github for this, today. :)