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Messages - Axebeard

Very possible another mod is adding the meteorites back in, but I looked over the mod list and didn't see anything that even remotely involved incidents. Hopefully this gets resolved, because playing a tribal game with crap falling out of the sky on me every 30 seconds sort of becomes unbearable pretty quick.
Unless they named it so that it has nothing to do with "meteors" or "crashes", I'm pretty sure I've disabled it and it just didn't work.
I'm having the same exact issue. I disabled all meteorite-related incidents, and still get meteorites constantly.

Edit: spaceship pieces are still crashing down too, even though I also disabled that.
IIRC, Combat Extended or one of those mods messes with creatures and needs a compatibility patch for new ones. If that's true, can you make that happen? Good work on the creatures, by the way!
Hey man, if you want to stat up a creature and post it as a minimod, by all means be my guest.
It's a start hah! I don't know anything about how the stats work in Rimworld really, so as long as the creatures are vaguely similar stat wise to vanilla things it should work just fine. I was going to base the Bullsquid on the Panther probably, and probably make it slower and give the correct hide.
Yeah, I'm aware. I was surprised at how big some of the vanilla sprites were, so I just used them as a base.
Yeah, I'm going off some other animal mods I picked up to try and dissect them.

Here's a bullsquid I whipped up in about 30 minutes:
I'm all for starting basic, it's mostly an aesthetic thing for me. All the weird aliens can just have basic melee attacks, maybe the Bullsquid does his acid spit that deteriorates clothes and such if it's easy enough to implement. But I would be cool with just having "balanced" (as in not bullet spongey) creatures. I'll do a few sprites and post em up here some time today.
Short and sweet, I'd love to replace all of the boring Earth creatures in the game with more interesting exotic lifeforms. I'm a digital painter, and I could do graphics in no time at all, but I am veeeery new to messing with Rimworld and adding in creatures looks to be a PITA. If anyone wants to link up and make this happen, let me know and I'll start on some graphics.

My short list of creatures:
Bullsquids & Gonarches from Half Life (maybe Headcrabs)
Bloodsuckers, Fleshes, maybe Blind Dogs, maybe Dwarves/Burer from STALKER (I'd like to mostly avoid humanoids).
Anything else that looks cool, including some random stuff I could draw up.

I think the best way to make this thing accessible to everyone is to have a version that replaces all the vanilla creatures, and another version that adds in the new ones without replacing anything.

So uh, yeah. Let me know!
Is there any way to disable the alien races from the mod? I tried just disabling Humanoid Alien Races, but then the world won't generate.