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Messages - Count Wyu

Hey sorry I've been living at work lately. Yes the name is pretty weird, problem with extra sapiens or homo sapiens is that none of the ape-transition races are considered sapiens; it's our current evolutionary state. I will take the change seriously, I was going for something comical yet true at first, although evidently it could be cringe worthy or maybe offensive in some manner.

I started working on it slowly, I'm probably going to avoid pregnancy and evolution for now, still I'd like to make the individual races with fixed abilities. I'm aware of the ape mod, it actually made me think of this idea.
Okay so I'm starting smaller, and getting to know Rimworld modding better before I ever attempt this idea.
(Unless of course 1. It somewhat exists, 2. If its possible, and 3. someone with better talents wants to use this idea, which I'm all for) I've made some mods for myself, but I'd like to later on make something major, that I can share, only IF I get the time to do this myself.

Here's a description of the mod I am wanting to create (or request), I need some critique, I need to know what's possible, and what's not possible. Impossible being subjective to a life consuming amount of time as well.

Keep in mind is it would need it to be dependent on a Alien Framework, and pregnancy mod

*Eight new humanoid races, most of them based on Ape-Transition (Example: Homo Erectus, Ardipithecus)
that must all be primitive, few of the early forms have a forced trait: Cannibalism, and they breed at a high rate. Only two of the later/more advanced hominine races can actually research, although very slowly. One of the races would be hobbit-like with a mixed bloodlust/psychopath like custom forced trait.
*Able to breed with the closest relative races only. Set a number of a new drug that must be eaten so they can breed the next more advanced kind of race. (Is this even possible?)
The new drug would preferably be Shrooms (psychedelic mushrooms), to base the "evolution" on the Stoned Ape Theory. (I figured it would be the easiest way to cause any kind of evolution in the game, although I need to know if a drug can increase chances of father/mothering a different race)
*Four of the more evolved races are able to wear vanilla clothes, except for headpieces due to elongated skulls, and/or enlarged or smaller brains. If I get far into this project I'd likely create personal headpieces for them.
*Life expectancy ranges per race, but I'm going to make the first ancestor live for like 200 years, and dwindle it down to 50 by the middle ape-transition; then bring it up to 70 by the later race.
*The most advance race would actually be postmodern human, instead of premodern human, they would  have a custom trait causing them to be more intelligent, less emotional, although extremely xenophobic towards ape-transition humans.
*New hominids/animals capable of hauling, and fighting. Very aggressive, and cannibalistic.
*Custom frequent raids of ape-transition humans, and man-hunter packs of hominids/standing apes.
Of course there would be, scattered primitive settlements for each race.

[PROJECT NAME atm: Extra Homos Mod]

Suggestions and/or new ideas are welcome, thank you for reading! =D

EDIT NOTE: Just to clarify all my ideas (walkspeed,food source,building materials) are not here, if you take up the request, or want to help me create it, you should contact me on discord WYU#6481 if you want.
I like all four of them especially the devouring beast, and I appreciate the idea of expanding beyond normal animals cause I myself want to challenge this.

Hope you don't mind if I throw an idea myself.

How about a Rock Mite, a identical but giant version of a Dust Mite.
It's diet would be metal, corpses, and stone chunks.
This would be programmed not to show up until later in game.
It's impossible to tame, very rare, this creature can mine for food, extremely slow, always attacks when confronted, and it's even hard to kill; but it's rich leather is about the strongest material for clothing for instance even a parka made from this leather will have armor like stats. Does not drop meat.
Stories / Re: whats your most pathetic colonist death?.
September 23, 2017, 11:26:46 PM
I let a wimpy pyromaniac get trapped and die helplessly by a squirrel

But the worst unintentional death was caused by roof collapsing during a event of toxic fallout, my lone character collapsed in need of rescue..
Releases / Re: [A17] Dinosauria: A Rimworld Mod / v1.1
September 22, 2017, 10:17:39 PM
It is not a compatibility issue, I tried this alone with core.

Not exactly sure what's going wrong here.

[Dinosauria] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationAdd(/RecipeDefs/RecipeDef[@Name = "OldWoundsAnimal"]/recipeUsers) failed

Everything is working correctly, thank you Spincrus for the speedy repair! :)
Stories / Re: Just had a poison ship crash into my base.
September 22, 2017, 03:04:04 PM
You weren't joking about crashing in your base, the darn thing landed right in the middle.
Ideas / Re: Bring back a bit of fear and loathing
September 21, 2017, 07:48:45 PM
Well, I suppose this idea goes both ways but I was hoping Rimworld could restore some older vanilla features like using fear. It won't unbalance the vanilla gameplay either, you recruit someone through torture they will likely just mentally break and grab a weapon to try and kill your colonists anyway.
Ideas / Bring back a bit of fear and loathing
September 21, 2017, 01:50:31 AM
I have a colony based on a sole diet of human meat, when it's not available they survive on a vegan diet; Also my scenario includes the forced trait 50% chance of cannibalism; Animals rot or buried and only used for moments of desperation. I get raided often by a few twisted or tribals, the prisoners I do take in.. have a choice to either join (if an eligible cannibal) or die and be eaten. I believe one more option for the prisoners should be available, torture and recruit.

This would obviously make recruiting chances a bit better but set the mood of the prisoner/new recruit into a major break risk "Tortured -30" lasting half a quadrum, this action not available to none-violent colonists, and also setting the recruiters "needs" reactions depending on their traits

Psychopath obviously none, cannibal -5, bloodlust +15, volatile +5, otherwise -25 for "Committed Torture" for at least a couple of days.

If there is a mod like this please inform me :)
Releases / Re: [A17] Dinosauria: A Rimworld Mod / v1.0
September 19, 2017, 10:43:53 PM
This is a great mod, the dinosaurs look absolutely perfect in game 10/10 :)
 >:( I fell to my death.. F***
Off-Topic / Re: I'm trying to make a game like rimworld
September 08, 2017, 04:19:47 PM
By the way, I just wanted to add that if you or anyone needs someone composing a unique soundtrack for your game I will gladly help
Took the survey, and I'll just say it again...

I'm awaiting a great insect colony builder this idea hasn't been made righteous since the days of SimAnt. (Empires of the Undergrowth is too dull and limited to ants) If it were in depth like Rim World as far as random events, psychological traits, physical traits, seed generated maps.etc
Just saying I would quite literally fall in love with this game..
Outdated / Re: [A17] Deadpool's Outfit
August 20, 2017, 03:25:39 PM
LOVE IT... :O Very very nice, keep up the excellent work.

It would be killer if someone or you could do a Spider-man wardrobe including all the Symbiotes (carnage,venom,toxin.etc) Just an idea.

By the way just saying, I don't think Disney could actually sue you since it's free, it's considered fanart, I mean your not selling anything of theirs.
This has got to be one of the most creative mods ever, there's so much you can do with this idea.  :D Now I can collect animals, mix breeds, and have them fight my enemies?! I love it, gives me a flashback of the days when I played Jade Cocoon for the Ps1.
:) Hello people of this forum, I have been dwelling this site for quite some time now and have finally decided to join. This game has consumed my free time and I am urged to start modding and share some of my ideas.

My favorite part of this game is letting mad rabbits or squirrels chase my well-armed people into their homes in fear; Sometimes I like to watch them be murdered by the rodents as they try to flee. Starting out as cannibal pirate Eskimos is also a favorite.

edit: thanks for moving this, did not see this intro post