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Messages - ThermalShark

General Discussion / Re: Funeral Rules in your colony.
October 19, 2014, 02:38:17 PM
I always butcher every single corpse and make cowboy hats from the skin. Also on raids i always try to incapacitate and capture every raider, even if they are incapable of everything and are missing 2 legs and 3 arms, because they still have organs, skin and meat.

Immediately after a raid, i run after the fleeing raiders if possible, while rescuing all my incapacitated colonists, then i capture all the incapacitated raiders, and after the more urgent problems are solved (like fires and heavily injuried colonists) and everyone eats and sleeps, i strip every single corpse then move them to a temporary stockpile where they wait to be butchered.

The human meat is fed to the prisoners that are missing a member and/or are incapable of a lot of stuff (AKA "organ bags").

I never:

  • Sell a prisoner, because selling the organs and cowboy hats is more profitable.
  • Bury or cremate any corpse, unless it already started rotting and cannot be butchered (in that case i cremate).
  • Euthanize or execute. It is always better to strip 3 organs then butcher.

Even if a prisoner is missing a member i still recruit them if they have good skills and a not very high recruitment difficulty. This was the case with 2 of my colonists, which are missing one of their hands each, until a trader arrives with a prosthetic arm. I tried recruiting someone without a leg, but after about 2 months trying i decided to just take her lung, kidney and heart out, then strip the skin to make hats for my 2 colonists without a hand, and feed her flesh to a legless tribal which i threw in a dark tiny dirty hole while waiting to get meds to take his organs too.
When you save then load the game, this bug still persists? If yes, the save file would probably help a lot, assuming this doesn't happen always after recruiting a colonist which was arrested.
Bugs / Some typos
October 17, 2014, 05:33:33 PM
- When there is fog and you hover the mouse on the weather indicator (bottom right), the description says: "Fog reduces accuracy is on ranged weapons".
- In the text for researching colored lights and hospital beds, it says "collonist" instead of "colonist".
- In electric smelting research text, it says "electic" instead of "electric".
- The research text for crematoriums says it vaporizes unwanted corpses. Vaporizing seems too exaggerated for a crematorium.
- When there is only one idle colonist, the warning says "1 colonists idle".
I am from Brazil, but i use english in game because i also speak english, and the translation in the game is from Portugal and is not perfect.
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
July 19, 2014, 07:11:28 PM
Where i can find stats for the mortars, like min/max range and accuracy? The info box in-game only shows the description.
General Discussion / Re: crazy squirrels?
June 20, 2014, 02:27:43 PM
You get many crazy squirrels at the same time? What is your colony wealth and how many days since landed?
Ideas / Re: Advanced Starting Colonist Options
June 20, 2014, 02:25:11 PM
I support this. Always when starting a new game i press the "randomize" button about 100 times in total. We should also be allowed to set the age of the colonist, as it has no effect on anything.

The persistent credit system is interesting, but it is not something for an alpha. There are other more useful stuff to add before this.
Why would the border be confusing to new players? Most games with maps have finite maps.
Ideas / Re: Colonists continue doing assigned task
June 20, 2014, 02:07:48 PM
Yeah, it is very annoying when there is a group of 15 raiders preparing, and you want to build some stone walls and a turret before they begin, but it is 2 AM and they just go to sleep after hauling the resources...

Telling someone to eat or sleep would be good too. Sometimes when a good shooter is wounded you want him to recover fast because of the preparing raiders, but you can't tell him to sleep, so you either fight without him and lose other colonists or you fight with him and he gets shot to death.
Ideas / Re: Forbidden zone
June 20, 2014, 01:01:24 PM
Quote from: Untrustedlife on June 20, 2014, 09:08:52 AM
barbed wires and pit traps are modded, not actual  game items.. so why would tynan worry about this?

It would be good to mark a body dumping zone as forbidden so people don't see the bodies.
Also i made a shooting practice area where people shoot at stone walls while others train repairing them (on the other side), and the repairers jumped into the line of fire and got incapacitated.
But if forbidden zones get implemented, explicitly ordering a colonist to do something on it should be allowed.
This is something for much later in development, at least 1 year from now. But it would be nice if Tynan added more diplomacy and the ability to attack other factions.
Right now the only diplomacy is: you can give 300 silver for 10 goodwill, and use 25 goodwill to get military support if the current goodwill is high enough. And getting to 100 goodwill does nothing. Trading with other factions would also be nice.