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Messages - Ian_Suffix

Releases / Re: [B18] Psychology (2018-3-18)
July 17, 2018, 10:31:10 PM
Quote from: Viix on July 09, 2018, 04:42:12 AM
How do you force an election ?

I realy can't find how it's nowhere on internet...

There should be an election incident you can force from the dev console.

Side note, I'm currently experimenting with mayor meetings providing mini-inspirations. Any ideas?

EDIT: Of course, I can't do squat until I can get the project to build properly...
Getting a lot of "Config error in Election: conditionClass is null" or "Config error in Mayor: hediffClass is null" type stuff.
I do know that the dll is the problem, and not the XML.
I may have discovered a Thing settings problem in my translation testing. It seems that radioactive slag is unhaulable (yes, I set a dumping zone with waste products all active), which made for a sad spectacle in my hospital where burn victims were being continuously fried by nearby slag.

If slag is based off of steel scrap, then it needs a hauling widget added to it.

EDIT: Also, after researching actuators, motors, and servos for an accurate translation, I'm mostly convinced the "Drive Actuator" should be "Drive Servo" or something, as apparently actuators produce linear motion.
EDIT: Also, also, am I correct in assuming the "Reactor Alert!" sidebar message is hard-coded into English?
Quote from: hadiyanfaz on July 09, 2018, 02:59:40 AM
thanks dude, i try every option and every condition, nothing change. in 1.0, i dont find configuration menu to set amount and timing, only "hardcore". since it still unstable version for 1.0, i hope historic_os fix this problem soon.

The configuration menu I'm talking about is the widgets that appear when you select a puller. A screenshot of the selected puller along with the system where it's being used would help.
Quote from: hadiyanfaz on July 08, 2018, 02:33:28 PM
Quote from: Resurak on July 08, 2018, 07:26:38 AM
Quote from: hadiyanfaz on July 06, 2018, 07:47:02 PM
thanks bro for your mod, its awesome. the only problem in 1.0 is, the pullers not work at all.its not pulling any item that i set at storage menu.
Maybe you have to set the zone. There is a button where you can select in what zone you want your things go. If you go in the steam workshop page of the mod you'll see some examples and a video tutorial. Hope it will fix your problem :)

thanks dude, but it was, i just set all as proper as the guide, find another tutorial from youtuber and etc. but nothing, nothing can make my puller even pull one item from the stockpile to other stockpile/roller. its not like the pusher and other things, its work perfect. this make me frustated, cuz this puller have the most important role. btw, this is great mod, make my pawn doing nothing. xD

Pullers have a troublingly large set of conditions that must be met before they'll even budge. I'd first test it on a regular stockpile zone, with all items set as active, an infinite pull amount, and set to "continuous operation" in the zone limit setting, and make it pull onto a straight conveyor belt.
Okay. I appreciate the fact that V1's getting some upgrades, but I want to finish my current B18 playthrough that's supposed to be in a video series, and I need a B18 translation to make it more palatable.
Quick question about cooling. As previously mentioned, I'm working on a translation, and I came upon a perplexing description for coolant pipes:

"Pipes for pumping coolant from the reactor to cooling systems."

Generally speaking, I believe the word "reactor" would point more to the core than the turbine, but is there perhaps any hidden or planned functionality to directly cool a core in case a steam pipe or turbine is suddenly lost? I just want to make sure my translation is accurate gameplay-wise.
Uploaded! Now this is unrelated, but having played some hardcore PPC-blazing RimWorld these past few days, I have to ask: whatever happened to custom pulse sizes? I seem to remember in A17 being able to change the power setting on tesla coils and obelisks, but as of right now, my tesla coils are slaughtering valuable prosthetic donors and my obelisk is vaporizing anything with less mass than an elephant. I know this'll be partially solved with the next update, but was there implementation problems that resulted in the rolling back of power/range setting gizmos?
Hey Dubwise, I finished my patch. Mind if I uploaded it to the workshop as an interim solution for armor?
Quote from: Canute on June 06, 2018, 07:09:18 AM
(on building out of depleted uranium / plutonium)

Armoring things with radioactive materials seems like a bad idea since your own animals and colonists will be the ones spending the most time around them. Nuclear waste dispersal traps that intentionally provide massive doses of radiation (like gamma traps in Fallout 4) might be a neat idea, but in reality, this would leave the contaminated areas unusable for any other purpose.
Ah-ha! Armor plating is precisely what I was looking for originally, although I have to say, the solid gold tesla coils looked like they had something going for them. Masking is a great idea, but I guess I'll settle for patching in reduced build costs to offset the HP problem for now.

I hope to see an update or beta release soon! And just an added nitpick, the tesla coil's pylon seems to be a bit long at the bottom, even peeping out from under the lowest electrode.

EDIT: For some reason I keep working on this:
Hi, long time customer here-- I'm working on a patch that allows you to build Building_PPC things with metallic stuff, to conserve steel and presumably boost HP (still testing that). I've had some success, but with current non-white textures, the final muddy effect is so unpleasant I feel like I'd rather rebuild my tesla coil(s) after every battle. Obelisks and PPCs in particular are near pitch black.

I know there's a lot of weapons rebalancing in the works, but I'm still interested in seeing this to fruition. However, to make the textures look nice, I need to make some edits to the weapon bases, like the tesla coil. I don't want to ruin the excellent textures, so I'd like to ask for access to the building texture source files, assuming they're separated into layers.

Whattaya'say, Dubwise? I'm currently frequenting #rimworld-mod-development if you're anywhere near Australian time.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, PPCObelisk has an unused costStuffCount if you're interested in weeding out unnecessary nodes. It'd save my patch mod the trouble of removing it, if it was deleted.
Outdated / Re: [B18] NRG v1 (New Energy Weapons!)
March 13, 2018, 01:39:31 AM
I'm interested in seeing what's in store for laser weapons. I sorely wish I had some laser rifles or one-shot particle beam cannons that would blend in with vanilla assets.
Help / Re: Making InspirationHandler less random
March 08, 2018, 08:44:46 PM
Thanks, it's working now! There's a bit of a delay when a pawn is first drafted, but there's no getting around that, I suppose.
Help / Re: Making InspirationHandler less random
March 08, 2018, 08:23:43 PM
There's been a complication. TIL: Accessors are not properties, and accessor method names have a get_ set_ prefix.

Could not execute post-long-event action. Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for NinjaMode.NinjaModeInit ---> System.ArgumentException: No target method specified for class NinjaMode.Pawn_DraftController_Drafted_Patch

This, despite the fact I've clearly denoted the Drafted accessor in Pawn_DraftController.

    [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Pawn_DraftController), "Drafted")]
    public static class Pawn_DraftController_Drafted_Patch
        static void Postfix(Pawn_DraftController __instance)
                "NinjaMode_TestMessage".Translate(new object[] { __instance.pawn.NameStringShort }),

Does this mean accessors are off the table as targets of Harmony?
Help / Re: Making InspirationHandler less random
March 07, 2018, 05:16:26 AM
New idea: since I'm currently only interested in making one custom inspiration that starts up when a type of pawn is drafted, I can TryStartInspiration out of a Pawn_DraftController.Drafted postfix. First, I'll try to just fire off a log message when Drafted is set to True.