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Messages - Sakata

Someone really really should show people how conveyors work (and how to manage stockpiles with them).  Been using BP+'s ones and still haven't figured out how in the world to make them useful, though I see the potential there, I can't for the life of me figure out how to make them work as intended.
Coolbeans.  I'll give it a shot.  Just wasn't sure if there were any incompatibilities right off the bat, and I know some of them dont toss an error :P  Thanks!
Ahh cool thanks. If the following question has a "yes" answer, I might download one from there.

Not sure if I worded what I was trying to do right.  Do you know off the top of your head if i could add workplaces PA version to A5 with Jerethi's All-In-One modpack without messing anything up? 
Hey Haplo, I'm wondering if you might be able to answer this for me.  The project armory compatible version, would it be safe to add to my "All in one mod pack" install?

Only asking here because I'm not sure if Jerethi is around for a little bit, and since your beautiful powerswitches don't work proper in A6 I'm sticking with A5 till everything is sorted.

Also how does one get hold of an older version of workplaces? Not sure if you keep a repository of the older packages?
Hey Jerethi, (or anyone else that might know)
Do you know if the mod "Workplaces"  can be added to the pack with no problems?  There is a version that is compatible with armory...
Since A6 is kinda bumpkis with the powerswitches not working and waiting for A7 so hopefully everything can get updated I'm pretty much stuck with A5 for now.
Well drat.
This mod is part of my "absolutely must have" list.
Hopefully will be working in A7

Main reason I fought off all those raids - burrowed into mountain, rushed sniper turret then artillery research while I made a long tunnel kill zone, and once I had 4 artillery turrets it was... game over for most invasion types.
Only ones that gave me issue were the ones that don't seem to respect roofs and spawn all over the map, or when the artifact thing would fall right on top of my front door (favorite landing site of that), usually I'd lose 1-2 colonists while a MAI with something crazy like chaingun would be my main attacker (rush her in the middle of em and watch em kill themselves with her explosion)

Biggest thing int he start for me is power management.  Once I have auto switches researched turrets don't drain, and lights in rooms are no problem.  Biggest annoyance power-wise is that tables/crematory takes so much power while not in use.
Think the best bet if compatible would be the WorkPlace mod.
Hey Jerethi,
  Does the 'weapon selector' in Armory still work, or is there some way we can have workbenches or some other weapon destruction mod?  My last map, I had a stockpile over half the map full of the neolithic weapons, along with the myriad weapons that I couldn't figure out which I liked from PA.  Either that or make the traders have a LOT more money... I broke every one of them that came close that bought weapons and still... over half the map with a full stockpile :P
Quote from: Bog on July 26, 2014, 02:45:45 PM
I kept trying a few different things for a little while, then found the problem. A new oak tree had started growing in the 1 wide gap in the wall closing off the little valley, and there were no available jobs for the colonist in the ~150 tile outdoor cell she was in.

It was an easy fix in game, I just marked the oak with the "Cut Plants" order and she happily went and chopped it down. I thought it might be good to figure out a way for the game to say to people that a colonist is "stuck" when they can't get to any of the available jobs.
If the AI is blocked from 'home' zone, perhaps if there are small things like this in the way a bit of autonomy should be in order.  If I was walled in by a bush and was hungry, I'd cut the bush down and go eat. :D
Hey Haplo. Just something I've noticed, I can't seem to make the M24 with this mod.  Seems to want wood planks which are not in the game anymore.
Quote from: Manly on July 10, 2014, 11:10:35 PM
I like your mod very much.  Keep in mind that this is alpha and you are busting your butt to make your mod work for every iteration that comes out...that must be a huge weight on your shoulders. 

I am sure that I speak for everyone here and hope that you don't get burned out.  If you find yourself hating "having" to do this...don't do it.  Wait until the passion hits you again and you enjoy making the game a LOT better (yes...I said it...your mod improves this game dramatically for me and a LOT of others).

The thing is...I am old enough to know that I want your mod when the game is ready.  From reading your last post it sounds like you are feeling pressure to fit this in with your already full life.  Enjoy other things and then come back and set this stuff up so this doesnt become a chore that you will finally just quit doing.  Yes...we will miss it...but it is better that you are here when we need you! :)

That goes for other modders who are burning out.  Jump ship until you feel the passion again man...this isnt your job. :)

Agreed.  That is why I'm taking a break from minecraft modding.

I felt like it was becoming a job, and I'd allowed myself to feel "obligated" about it, which made me more and more burned out till I can't even play minecraft now.  Still like the game, but I spent too much time with it so I'm in 'extended burn out' -- to the point where I'm still not sure if I want to mod anymore.  Definitely don't want this to happen to anyone else.

Hopefully some time I'll get an itch to see what the OS community has done with the mod and see how it has progressed, and see if I have any new ideas/code to bring to the table.
Quote from: asphere8 on July 08, 2014, 11:35:03 PM
Installed the mod, activated it.
Game and all saves corrupted.
I have a feeling that this wasn't intended.
Did you read what version of the game the mod is for?  It has not been updated to A5 yet.
Quote from: Jerethi50 on July 08, 2014, 10:26:39 PM
Guys it will be updated, please be patient the guy who does this mod has very little free time to work on it so it takes him a bit longer, if ya want the mod to stick around, we need to be a bit more appreciative of his work and a bit less whiny. It is a very involved and complex mod. So when updates are required for it it can take a lot of time to do.
Agreed.  And if he is too busy to work on it at all, it may take even longer as he chooses someone to continue his work.  Sometimes mods just take time, especially when there is just one modder doing all the work.  I help here and there with an OS minecraft mod, so I know that one little change isn't so 'little' when it comes to coding. I'd love to see this mod updated as well -- so I'll cool my heels and wait for whatever the outcome is.
Will you be handing the mod off? Really hope so, because there is a lot of things about this mod that I really like.