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Messages - Zippy9871

Quote from: Saebbi on April 28, 2018, 03:47:33 PM

The dreadnought should be fixed, the path was wrong.
I added a buff to the armor and the helmet and made the armor cover neck and waist too.

This shouldn't happen, but the patch doesn't modify the Pawnkinds more than adding ammo, so it is probably a bug from the main mod.
I fixed the armor by adding <li>IG_CM_Torso</li> <li>IG_CM_Legs</li> <li>IG_CM_Arms</li> <li>IG_CM_FullHead</li> <li>IG_CM_Neck</li> <li>IG_CM_Shoulders</li> <li>IG_CM_Feet</li> <li>IG_CM_Waist</li> <li>IG_CM_Hands</li>
to the bodypartgroups patch(for some reason the original ones are still needed in addition to this). the helmet uses <li>IG_CM_FullHead</li>. I think that CE is doing something with how armor or races work. It would be nice if the documentation covered this.
Quote from: Saebbi on April 28, 2018, 01:25:49 PM
Quote from: Zippy9871 on April 28, 2018, 10:42:33 AM
i found a few errors with Factions:XML error: Duplicate XML node name statBases in this XML block.
i get this on launch and looking at it it seems like for the dreadnought patch the carryweight replace at the bottom is not working right and is adding <statBases><CarryWeight>5000</CarryWeight></statBases> instead of adding the carryweight to the existing statbases.

CE :: IG_Melee_ChaosPowerAxe has multiple ToolCE without linkedBodyPartsGroup, and they can not be fully distinguished because of it. [While evaluating DamageInfo (def=Blunt, amount= 18, instigator=Enmus, angle=270.0)]
I got that when a chaos marine hit a colonist with a power axe.

The traitor guard armor does not appear to cover their necks so they get hit in the neck for a lot. Also, the chaos astartes armor disappears when the wearer is stripped, though that might be from the original mod, and the chaos astartes armor used by sergeants is a lot weaker than the one used by normal soldiers.
In addition, all of the power armors, both in factions and in core, are all very weak compared to what they are. Even vanilla power armor is better.

The errors should be fixed, but i didn't modify the armor, so it is definetily caused by the main mod, though it may not be properly balanced with CE.
I get this nowXML format error: List item found with name that is not <li>, and which does not have a custom XML loader method, in <comps><li><compClass>CompAttachBase</compClass></li><li Class="CombatExtended.CompProperties_Inventory" /><li><compClass>CombatExtended.CompPawnGizmo</compClass></li><li Class="CombatExtended.CompProperties_Suppressable" /><statBases><CarryWeight>5000</CarryWeight></statBases></comps>

The neck issue can be fixed by adding Neck to the bodypartgroups of the armor. In vanilla the neck is part of torso so this shouldn't do anything but it does for some reason so why not.

Also, the chaos marines' armor does not seem to have any effect. It might be because they are a different race.
the ig_cm_leader spawned with a headdress, war veil, mask, and shirt in addition to the chaos marine set, which seems weird.
i found a few errors with Factions:XML error: Duplicate XML node name statBases in this XML block.
i get this on launch and looking at it it seems like for the dreadnought patch the carryweight replace at the bottom is not working right and is adding <statBases><CarryWeight>5000</CarryWeight></statBases> instead of adding the carryweight to the existing statbases.

CE :: IG_Melee_ChaosPowerAxe has multiple ToolCE without linkedBodyPartsGroup, and they can not be fully distinguished because of it. [While evaluating DamageInfo (def=Blunt, amount= 18, instigator=Enmus, angle=270.0)]
I got that when a chaos marine hit a colonist with a chaos power axe. Happens with chaos chainswords too.

The traitor guard armor does not appear to cover their necks so they get hit in the neck for a lot. Also, the chaos astartes armor disappears when the wearer is stripped, though that might be from the original mod, and the chaos astartes armor used by sergeants is a lot weaker than the one used by normal soldiers.
In addition, all of the astartes power armors, both in factions and in core, are all very weak compared to what they are. Even vanilla power armor is better.
Quote from: Saebbi on April 21, 2018, 05:38:14 PM
Quote from: Zippy9871 on April 21, 2018, 03:16:14 PM
Here are the turrets. The balance of statbases and the weapon tags are probably wrong like before, and most of the turrets give errors about decreasing ammo count without a wielder if i have them use ammo.

Oh that's great, thank you for your work.
If you are okay with this, i will put it on my Github as well. (with credit to you, of course)
I'm fine with it, that was kind of the whole point of posting it. ;)
Here are the turrets. The balance of statbases and the weapon tags are probably wrong like before, and most of the turrets give errors about decreasing ammo count without a wielder if i have them use ammo.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Typo in webber proj, parent name is BaseWebber should be BaseBullet.
gives XML error: Could not find parent node named "BaseWebber" for node "ThingDef". Full node: <ThingDef ParentName="BaseWebber"><defName>Bullet_Webber</defName><label>Webber net</label><projectile><damageAmountBase>10</damageAmountBase><explosionRadius>0.01</explosionRadius><flyOverhead>true</flyOverhead><soundExplode>IGElectricShock</soundExplode><armorPenetration>0.45</armorPenetration></projectile></ThingDef>

also get: [Astra Militarium Core CE Patch] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationRemove(*/ThingDef[defName="Grenade_Krak"]/smeltProducts) failed
no clue why, it happens to me whenever i try to use those operations.

Edit: removing the <thingClass>CombatExtended.ProjectileCE_Explosive</thingClass> from projectiles may cause them to not explode. This is affecting bolters and plasma rifles from what i've seen.
Here are all of the ranged weapons from the core mod and their corresponding projectiles, though I don't know if they are balanced correctly. The last gun needs an edit for the tools. For some reason, i can never get the xpath patch operations to work so i can't edit that one or any of the melee weapons, though there are only four. The augmetic arm can also attack so i think that needs to be edited, and i'm not sure if any of the other bionics would have conflicts(one affects aim delay but i don't know if CE uses that). There are also some added parts for implants and i don't know how CE reacts to that. Krak grenades need a patch too since grenades seem to be a bit different than guns. If armor needs a patch, then that needs to be done as well, and there is nothing on the CE wiki about armor.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Thank you for the patches:). Can you please make a patch for the Astra Militarum mods? Namely the core mod, but if turrets need patches then one for the turret addon would be nice too.
Unfinished / Re: [B18] Prison Expansion
April 17, 2018, 09:51:41 AM
A way to remotely disable bionics in prisoners, maybe with a surgery to add the switch to the bionic part and a building that can disable bionics with the hediff(not sure if bionics can have hediffs though). If that isn't possible then maybe some custom bionics that have this functionality, or maybe a brain implant. It could be balanced for combat by making enemies have a chance to hack it and send the shutdown signal in combat.
Also, we don't really have any non lethal turrets for dealing with prison breaks.
Fluffy's Stack Merger should work for you. It creates hauling jobs to merge stacks in a stockpile.