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Messages - xi

After some thiking on it :
if it's possible to make a button contextual (like when you choose the material of an object). A second button exclusive with the first (maybe with the green check icon).

Another way but it a lot of work add a tab (like the restrictions one) with for each colonit / animal "No position", "Position1", 2, 3, 4, zone1, z2, z3, ...
On click on position cursor is used to select it.
It's complicated because i don't know what you can do with a mod and it's exclusive with position.

In order to select the zone is it possible to set a combobox ?

It would be nice if you can assign a restricted area to colonist as defensive position.

In my current game, i have 2 colonist who can't fight so in order to keep them safe and keep them active i put them into a restricted area.