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Messages - Samsonzi


"Teenage Muntant Rimworld Tortoises!"
Ideas / Re: Lightning Rod
April 21, 2016, 07:19:04 AM
I have had pawns struck by lightning, although in the health tab the injuries that they have appear to only be burns from the fire started by the lightning strike.

Indeed if we could only harness this power!

New Bill: Make Delorean -> travel back to 1955 Marty!
I like how the game trolls you by suggesting that you may wish to power down your turrets when a manhunter pack arrives.

Yeah.........think I might just leave them on, thanks game!
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
April 19, 2016, 08:10:59 AM
1)   The ability to name trainable animals
2)   That the auto-name feature for other animals like Chickens reflects an animal's gender and that they have matured. Eg. Once hatched they are currently assigned names like Chick 1, 2, 3....etc and will keep this name all their life. I would like the auto-name to say Male Chick 1 and then once they mature, change to Rooster 1. Female Chick 1 then Hen 1. This would make managing large chicken farms (slaughtering male Chicks!) much easier.
3)   Ability to perform operation to sterilise/neuter/spay animals. Again to control populations without having to slaughter or sell a perfectly good hauling dog/pig/boar just because he is a bit frisky!
Ideas / Re: Write speech bubble quotes. Go!
May 22, 2015, 11:16:07 AM
'Friendly Fire!'

'that muffulo looks upset'

'Action Stations!'

'for <colonyname>! Charge!'

Ideas / Re: Build in water
May 21, 2015, 11:05:31 AM
Quote from: ARiA1089 on May 21, 2015, 09:58:37 AM
i believe its called a cryptosleep casket not a cryosleep

Interesting, so they are crypto (concealed/secret) sleep caskets that hide a colonists body from father time instead of cryo (extreme cold) sleep caskets that slow/stop the effects of father time! I like that!

Quote from: ARiA1089 on May 21, 2015, 09:58:37 AM
they can do that with the jetty but to counter this they could construct mortars and hammer your immobile fortress

Well not all raid parties come with mortars, but I agree with you that any buildings constructed on water should be easily destructible and flammable (perhaps they can only be made of wood) to make them less of a bolt hole for colonists.
This also raises the question of what happens to a colonist once the floating building they are standing in is destroyed? Do they drown, can they swim, can some swim and others not? What happens to a colonist who falls unconscious in water? Can they be rescued?
I think that these issues of how the colonists interact with the water will be the major sticking point for Tynan rather than allowing the water to be built upon.
Ideas / Re: Build in water
May 21, 2015, 05:16:27 AM
So it's Rimworld meets.................Waterworld!

Kevin Costner will be turning in his............Cryosleep Casket!

I like the idea, maybe gated behind research and not such a high cost in construction materials.

Downside would be that this could be exploited by building a jetty far out to sea and retreating there during a raid and deconstructing the start of the jetty, making melee raiders a non issue.   

Devilstrand is described in Rimworld as a fungus, so this begs the question ââ,¬â€œ why does it require light to grow?

Fungi are not plants, and require different conditions for optimal growth. Plants develop through photosynthesis using sunlight, whereas fungi derive all of their energy and growth materials from their growth medium, through biochemical decomposition processes.
Which leads on to my suggestion, make the growth medium the important factor in the cultivation of Devilstrand, not light.

Just to clarify, Iââ,¬â,,¢m not suggesting this change because Iââ,¬â,,¢m big on realism in games, but more as another use for dead people besides cannibalism, or as a potential use for spoilt food and desiccated corpses.

My thoughts on how this could play out.

ââ,¬Â¢   Devilstrand requires specific growing conditions (no light, small temperature range) to become a viable crop.
ââ,¬Â¢   Devilstrand can be found growing naturally on graves and corpses, but is very slow growing if the above conditions are not met.
ââ,¬Â¢   Devilstrand Growing Trays can significantly speed up growth.
ââ,¬Â¢   Growing trays need to be researched.
ââ,¬Â¢   Growing trays donââ,¬â,,¢t need electricity.
ââ,¬Â¢   Growing trays require dead bodies as one of their construction materials and are destroyed after one crop, OR
ââ,¬Â¢   Growing trays require hoppers that need to be topped up with human meat, spoilt food desiccated corpses etc.
ââ,¬Â¢   Using dead bodies for constructing trays OR using human meat for the hoppers gives mood penalty.
ââ,¬Â¢   Devilstrand can be found in Ancient tombs within mountains growing on ancient corpses, as a possible reward for discovering a tomb.

Please let me know what you guys think.
General Discussion / Re: Tips and Tricks for Rimworld
December 18, 2014, 06:13:48 PM
Setting up a kill zone is essential to survival as the AI starts to throw larger and larger attacking raids at your base.

attached is a pdf of my preferred Kill zone

[attachment deleted due to age]
Quote from: Haplo on August 01, 2014, 06:19:40 AM
Quote from: Rahjital on August 01, 2014, 05:00:06 AM
Hit 4 for ludicrous speed.

The key 4 is not active in normal mode, as it is originally a test option, so it shouldn't be here.

I think this may have just been a joke reference to the Film "Space Balls".

On the subject of film references, I like the Fear and loathing in Las Vegas one in the original post!!
AutoCAD has a function called Match Properties that lets you quickly transfer the  properties of one object to another.

I think the equipment rack storage UI will have to be set up similarly to the stockpile storage in the future which will be good because it allows you to de-select a category eg. weapons, then re-tick the one you want store.
Ideas / Re: "Go home at war" option.
July 23, 2014, 08:13:23 AM
I voted yes.

I assume from the incident that you described that your colonist was urgently hungry and was trying to pick up and eat an unforbidden survival meal that was outside your base.

The colonists seem to prioritise eating these survival meals and will walk past other meals on their way half way across the map to chow down on them (they must be well tasty!). There are other issues like the metal from exploded enemy mortars being unforbidden which can draw your colonist right into a war zone.

So I would suggest either sorting out these niggling issues or enable a recall all colonists to Home Zone button.
Ideas / Re: The New Home Zone mecahnic - Alpha 5
July 23, 2014, 07:49:33 AM
Thanks for pointing out this button to me guys!
I just assumed it toggled visabilty of the home zone like the stockpile button beside it.
(*note to self-read the bloody hover text dufus!)

Ideas / The New Home Zone mecahnic - Alpha 5
July 21, 2014, 07:14:42 AM
I was just wondering what everyone thought of the new way that Home Zones are created in Alpha5?
In the Pre Alpha 5 version it was totally up to me to designate my home zone to match my play style and if I neglected to designate/extend my home zone as the colony grows, then it was my fault and I was fine with that.
In the Post Alpha 5 version the Home Zone is auto created to cover any constructed object and the 3 tiles surrounding it. Whilst this ensures that the home zone extends along with the growth of your base, the zone extends to 3 tiles beyond my boundary walls which means that my colonists try to fight fires outside of my base. I then have to remember to trim these zones.
I assume that one of the reasons for this change was to decrease the amount of micro-management a player had to do when setting up their home zone. In my opinion though, it has actually increased the amount of micro-management involved in sorting out my home zone, although this may just be because of my play-style.
I think the happy medium would be to remove the 3 tile extension and just auto home zone constructed objects.

I am eager to hear what others think?
Ideas / Re: Rescue Allies and Infirmaries
July 10, 2014, 09:11:39 AM
Quote from: NephilimNexus on July 09, 2014, 09:00:33 PM

The most complicated but much needed thing to do would be add the ability to heal people on site (read: actual field medicine) without having the need for capture/rescue at all.  Simply have a colonist grab (or already be carrying) a unit of Medicine, which they would then take out to the target pawn and use to restore some of their health on the spot.  So long as this stabilizes the pawn, then the whole issue of which bed to put them in becomes moot.  This also would increase the survival odds of many downed pawns who fell far from your colony beds.

Would love to see the above implemented.

As we all know med-kits have been a tradable item in the game for some time so Tynan must have some ideas in the pipeline on how these will be used in the future.
I really like the idea of deploying one of my colonists as a field medic. This would also provide an extra role for those annoying tree hugging pacifists (not capable of violence) colonists during battles. I do already employ my pacifist colonists to rescue any downed colonist during battles, but if Med-kits were implemented then this would give the option to apply first aid to a downed or heavily wounded colonist to keep him in the fight.
I would also prefer it if Med-kits occupied the weapon slot so that a colonist in the Medic role wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t be able to defend themselves. This would then leave them vulnerable to attack and may necessitate giving them an armed escort on rescue missions far from base.