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Messages - Moonfolk

Ideas / Re: About what cripples nobility
March 27, 2020, 02:05:12 PM
I see... I haven't tried going rebel yet, because it's so easy to be friend with the empire, they give quests and titles like candies: I'm already at relation +100 with them because of a couple of quests and keeping alive the 3 pawns they gave me as cannon fodder... And still at 0 relation with other gentle factions. I don't know if it's intentional to push forward the new content like this or if it's only Randy playing with me... XD
I guess the best, if we're not rebel, is to give everyone the Yeoman title with the 1st power that can be quite handy, and then choose which only one you want to upgrade once you're well established with the base construction, so you need only 1 very nice throne room and you can take your time to make it before any pawn is sad for not having it...
Also I should add, I only play on "builder" difficulty so I guess the wealth of my colony isn't such a big deal... Not so much interested in the RTS aspect of the game, just wanna make a big nice and happy colony...
When your pawn with 12 + burning passion in shooting and a rifle misses 5 times so the poor tribal raider with an awful bow and rank 3 shooting manages to land the first hit (so lucky!), you know the combat isn't the strength of the game... XD
Ideas / About what cripples nobility
March 23, 2020, 12:32:30 PM
Hello there. I'm new to this forum and still fairly new to the Royalty DLC, but I've been reading quite a lot about the game's updates recently and I got an idea that, I think, deserved that I created an account here to submit it.
Apparently, the fact that the more noble, the more incapable a pawn would become have been bothering the players enough so that the current update (1.1.2579) would remove a lot of the annoyance: "Now, only certain characters will actually not do worktypes disallowed by their titles. Royals from the Empire, as well as colonists with the greedy or jealous traits will refuse to do any formally-prohibited work type, while others will take the titles less seriously and continue to work as normal, ignore formal restrictions on food, and not issue decrees." ( taken from )
But I felt like that was a cheap and temporary solution. So my idea was: why not involve the pawn's passions in the process? They could override the title so that a pawn would only ignore the formal restrictions on jobs if they had a passion (or burning passion for higher ranks maybe) for that job. So for example, a Baron would still cook if they liked it in the first place, and definitely if they had the gourmand trait...
Do you think there's a chance Tynan would come to the same conclusion? ^_°