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Messages - Roid

Here are some screenshots
1. What the circumstances were.
Some chicks hatched in my fridge, which is unlikely cause they had to be fertilized, and then survive the cold environment to hatch. These eggs may very well have been wild. My colonists just collected them. I guess one of them ducked out of the fridge when the door was open.

2. What happened.
A chick escaped my freezer and dug through a mountain to escape my base, and leave the map. I only realized they were escaping when I got a notification of "area revealed" I then watched it peck its way through solid rock in like an ingame hour.

3. What you expected to happen.
I expected the chick wander around aimlessly until it died or wandered off the map.

4. How to Reproduce.

I have very little info on that. I will post the save and screenshots in the thread for more info. The chicks belonged to another faction that had stopped by with some chickens, laid some eggs, my colonists grabbed them after they were fertilized. That is a loose theory on how it happened and how to reproduce it.
I accepted the forced landing quest, and successfully defended the VIP, but the guards from the crash suffered heatstroke(because the map temp is 80 degrees C). I went and rescued the guards while the VIP waited in the shuttle. As soon as the guards could get up from their sleeping spots they would rush to the shuttle, but they still had too much heatstroke and would and could not make it to the rescue shuttle. This began a cycle of them passing out on my doorstep only for me to carry them inside to save them. Eventually the VIP died of heatstroke while waiting for the guards in his rescue craft and the quest failed. The guards survived eventually and left the map.

I would have expected a shuttle to have temperature controls to prevent this, but they did not. I would expect the guards to wait for their heatstroke to go away, but they did not.

A way to replicate this is starting a map in an extreme desert that has a temp of 80 degrees celcius, and have the crashed shuttle site far away from the air conditioned base. When the guards collapse (cause they have flak armor, and a lower heat tolerance than the VIP) rescue them and put them on medical sleeping spots on the floor of the far away air conditioned base.