They weren't conscripted but... That wasn't in a home zone. Now I'm stupid ^^
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Ideas / Re: Raiders coming in hot
November 09, 2013, 06:28:34 PM
Yeah, pirates on board of some kind of drop pods. Just two suggestions :
- a message prior to the pod arrival should be displayed (something like "your sensors indicate that a manned pod will land soon inside your colony)
- cave breaking pods would be awesome (I mean pods that could land inside a dug colony)
- a message prior to the pod arrival should be displayed (something like "your sensors indicate that a manned pod will land soon inside your colony)
- cave breaking pods would be awesome (I mean pods that could land inside a dug colony)
Bugs / W-0.0254b - colonists don't fight fires
November 09, 2013, 06:21:59 PM
Right after a raider attack involving molotovs, a fire started to spread near my defense walls. Even though firefighting is prioritized for every colonist, no one bothered to attack the fire (which lead to turret explosions and more fire)
Step to reproduce :
1 - set firefighting to priority 1
2 - get a zone on fire during a raid
3 - check colonists behaviour
Step to reproduce :
1 - set firefighting to priority 1
2 - get a zone on fire during a raid
3 - check colonists behaviour
Ideas / Re: Rim world story clarification
November 09, 2013, 06:00:09 AMQuote
So basically, asking why you can't hitch a ride with a traders is like saying: Hey, you're trapped in Bangkok, why don't you just hitch a ride home with a passing food vendor? Even if he was willing to take you, he's not nearly equipped for the kind of travel you need.
Yeah but you could ask the trucker to take you out of the slums and drop you to the closest airport. The meat carrying spaceship isn't going to travel through the universe but he'll eventually stop by a spaceport where the refugees could embark. After all, they have tons of money after selling all these genetically engineered potatoes grown in the hydroponics.
Ideas / Re: My proposal for the turret problem.
November 08, 2013, 10:22:34 AM
I also think the turret problem is deeply related with the raider spamming problem. So far, there are very few threat in the pre-alpha and the most recurrent is raiders. Hopefully in the next stages the game will include a lot of threats and raids will happen less often (but also, I hope, more unpredicticble and right on time to cause tons of drama) so the defense system may not be the main concern (for the player : should I invest that much ressources in building another turret while my medical system is in poor shape and any epidemic could wipe out the colony without any shot fired ?)
Ideas / Re: My proposal for the turret problem.
November 07, 2013, 04:43:58 PMQuote from: light487 on November 07, 2013, 04:40:33 PM
I definitely like the idea of manned turrets.. basically any machine gun, even a world war 1 age one with hand crank etc, could be converted to a mounted gun. I'd prefer that these not only require someone to control them but for more complex, purpose built gun turrets that they require belt-fed ammo, meaning that it would require you to purchase (or manufacture) belt magazines to arm them.
Auto-turrets could be something that is researched and developed in the end-game though.. or perhaps if one of the colonists is a mechanical genius (trait) for example.. but yeh, manned turrets don't seem far fetched at all.. they seem quite logical.
Can't wait for weapon dealing ships selling you good old MG42s ^^
Ideas / Re: Colony types and local humanoids
November 07, 2013, 04:23:09 PM
I totally agree with you on this point, RimWorld is not about building the next Trantorian Empire and live to tell about it ^^
Ideas / Re: My proposal for the turret problem.
November 07, 2013, 04:22:37 PM
Seriously, I assume the currently available turret is an automated firearm (using gunpowder based ammo) ; under this statement, I can't see why building personal firearms would be impossible from scratch (blueprints will be more or less the same and since these colonists seems to be brainiacs able to guess how to design explosives, hydroponic stuff and more I can't see why it'd be problematic to adapt these for a personal use) ; plus, the building tools right now allow to make solar panels seconds after landing on the remote moon, so the technical level to make pistol parts is clearly available.
Note that I hope some drastic changes about this when the game reaches beta/ready to launch status : the easy building ability showed in pre-alpha (which is necessary to get a taste of the basic game mechanics) has to evolve into something harsher in the future (I loved someone's suggestion about first using the pods as a source of energy and/or spare parts to build the low tech core of the starting colony)
Note that I hope some drastic changes about this when the game reaches beta/ready to launch status : the easy building ability showed in pre-alpha (which is necessary to get a taste of the basic game mechanics) has to evolve into something harsher in the future (I loved someone's suggestion about first using the pods as a source of energy and/or spare parts to build the low tech core of the starting colony)
Ideas / Re: Colony types and local humanoids
November 07, 2013, 03:25:35 PM
And again I can't agree less with you Galileus (nothing personal ok
While this is not a civ-like or a city builder, there is indeed an important building part. As far as I'm concerned, I really enjoy the storytelling concept but if the game is going to limit itself with the "we're some lost souls on a remote rock building some kind of dreadful bunker and waiting to be eventually overwhelmed by increasingly bigger waves of dumb raiders" concept, then its potential will be drastically limited. Being able to build a sophisticated colony should be possible in the late game. I can't imagine some more epic story than one involving a prosperous colony finally getting blasted by a massive military operation from a local warlord just after a massive solar flare destroyed most of its defense devices. We all have our own idea of what would be a great story for a colony and toward which goal we want to push our refugees. I think RimWorld's most valuable asset would be to offer the player a very wide range of possible development for each new game, and a richer colony management would contribute to that.

While this is not a civ-like or a city builder, there is indeed an important building part. As far as I'm concerned, I really enjoy the storytelling concept but if the game is going to limit itself with the "we're some lost souls on a remote rock building some kind of dreadful bunker and waiting to be eventually overwhelmed by increasingly bigger waves of dumb raiders" concept, then its potential will be drastically limited. Being able to build a sophisticated colony should be possible in the late game. I can't imagine some more epic story than one involving a prosperous colony finally getting blasted by a massive military operation from a local warlord just after a massive solar flare destroyed most of its defense devices. We all have our own idea of what would be a great story for a colony and toward which goal we want to push our refugees. I think RimWorld's most valuable asset would be to offer the player a very wide range of possible development for each new game, and a richer colony management would contribute to that.
Ideas / Re: My proposal for the turret problem.
November 07, 2013, 03:08:12 PM
Sorry Galileus but I don't get your point. While replicating real life is not an obligation, I have trouble accepting the idea of lost colonists being able to build an automated turret from scratch on day one (not to mention solar panels or nutrient paste dispenser, but that's another story) while they have to wait for traders (or dead raiders) to get 20th century personal firearms.
Oh, and BTW, hi everyone ^^ (first post here)
Oh, and BTW, hi everyone ^^ (first post here)