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Messages - vieric

As it stands, when you slaughter an explosive creature it simply blows up in the colonists face, which is annoying to say the least, so culling them is rather tedious.

I propose the following: When a colonist slaughters a tamed explosive creature, that colonists handling skill is checked, and explosion chance is based on that. The idea is that (assuming an average, able-bodied colonist) explosion chances would be high at low skill levels, while ending up reasonably safe (though still slightly risky) by about level 8, and trending upwards towards near non-existence (barring a freak accident) above that. Although that's my own idea for it, and the numbers can be changed to whatever is deemed most suitable.

I feel that a handler of sufficient experience should know enough to be able to put the creature down safely, on the other hand if you have a colonist with low handling skill who barely knows the difference between a muffalo and a boomalope do it, it stands to reason the attempt would go badly barring sheer dumb luck.

When working with animals, things can always go wrong, no matter how good you are, and I think slaughtering them should still have some small level of inherent danger, but I feel that so long as a decent handler is used the risk should be minimal enough to make it worth the convenience and be a small thing in the back of a players mind as opposed to a big one in the forefront.