Material pre-requisites(In some cases, especially with 1 time research tech) would nice.
Research boomrats for access to some type of explosive or bio improvement, alien tech for XXXX, and so forth. That, or bonuses to X research branch by reverse engineering said item.
Resource costs:
Other more plentiful resources(metal, organic, colonists, whatever) might be interesting as a component or a boost. Provides a sink for excess resources of a specific type.
As plot hook:
Of course, bioengineering might cause its own plot events... as could agricultural research, explosives research, etc... Gives another opportunity for things to get interesting.
Research boomrats for access to some type of explosive or bio improvement, alien tech for XXXX, and so forth. That, or bonuses to X research branch by reverse engineering said item.
Resource costs:
Other more plentiful resources(metal, organic, colonists, whatever) might be interesting as a component or a boost. Provides a sink for excess resources of a specific type.
As plot hook:
Of course, bioengineering might cause its own plot events... as could agricultural research, explosives research, etc... Gives another opportunity for things to get interesting.