Quote from: Fluffy (l2032) on September 05, 2018, 06:55:27 AMWell, I reported this on the Bug section, and Tynan said that I should be able to raise this condition on a vanilla game... And ILSpying, I couldn't....
@soulkata; heh, I came to the same conclusion myself. It's on mantis, let's hope it gets fixed. In the meantime, I've added a small Harmony patch to bypass the offending method if it's called with the specific set of arguments that causes the bug (pawn = null, TraverseMode = PassDoors), the latest version should work fine.
As an alternative, I was thinking if that pass the Pawn that is performing the Management job isn't a good idea. But I didn't study your code to figure out how to do this...
Thanks for the attention!