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Messages - Idlemind79

Ideas / Re: "Neuter" operation for tamed animals
May 08, 2016, 09:26:07 AM
Just slaughter the excess animals?
Ideas / Re: "Gay" as a trait
May 08, 2016, 09:25:21 AM
While we're at it let's make "Triggered" a character trait. The person does nothing to contribute to the colony and has a mental break whenever socialized with.
Ideas / Re: Suicide
May 08, 2016, 09:23:56 AM
Ok so suicide is realistic but would it be fun in the game? Mental breaks are already bad enough.

A suicide triggering more suicides would be game ending..

Reminds me of the Cree community in Canada.. even this year the suicide rate is so high the government is sending in support.
The psychic events and items seemed like an early alpha element to add some needed game play.. there is so much else going on with the game now that it's really not needed to add some challenge. (enraged animals, drones, psychic ship, psychic pulse, etc.)

Bottom line, it doesn't add anything to the game now.  At least an option next to the story teller to turn off psychic events. I find it tacked on, immersion breaking, and frustrating to the point of rage quitting, especially if it ends up destroying your colony.

I'd be interested in hearing some positive things about the psychic game play elements because right now I absolutely loathe them.

A round-about way to address this due to your hardware issues would be to select free play difficulty and then turn on development mode in the options menu. The 4th icon from the left in the top right corner of the screen will open the spawns menu.. you can pick a raid size that suits you and your base progression.. if the game spawns too many enemies you can force them to flee. It's cheating but viable way to enjoy the game if you don't abuse it. Maybe enable iron-man mode so you are forced to live with your mistakes and other things like disease and starvation.

There is a whole array of tools in there to breed or kill animals etc..

It'll very quickly ruin the challenge and enjoyment of the game if you go crazy with it though :)
Mods / Re: OP'ed turret mod?
May 01, 2016, 07:32:55 PM
Quote from: Kilroy232 on May 01, 2016, 05:30:16 PM
Could make a special version of mine for you if you wanted them without the research projects and stuff.

There is a link to the normal version in my tag

Hi Kilroy, that's very generous. I've since found out how to enable god mode for some messing about, so I'm satisfied. Your turret mod is excellent.

Mods / OP'ed turret mod?
May 01, 2016, 05:04:58 PM
I'm looking for an OP'ed turret mod that is available almost immediately.. just want to mess around on a map.
Ideas / Graphics
April 18, 2016, 08:55:19 PM
I Thought originally the Prison Architect assets where placeholders.. is that still the case?

Looking at a title like Judgement you can appreciate the difference scale / detail / animations make on the characters (the only good part in my opinion, the game otherwise doesn't look appealing, but the "colonists" are well animated and detailed at least).

When this game hits Steam a lot of people are going to post how it's ripped of from P.A... which is so far from the truth but at a glance yeah you can see why people would say "why am I paying for a PA mod?".

Just wondering if this game will have it's own unique look at some point. The simplified icon art is OK but it would be pretty mind blowing with a gritty sci-fi look and realistic graphics instead of the icon / simplified look.. imho.. many will disagree with me here and I respect that.
Stories / Malaria Emotional Roller Coaster
April 14, 2016, 05:11:56 PM
His friend died during a raid.. this upset Troy. Shortly after a pyschic drone pushed him over the edge and he started going into pyschotic episodes, even after the drone ended he just couldn't get his **** together long enough to snap out of it. His sister and her husband lived at the colony with him... and for whatever reason every time he went off he would try and kill his sisters dog. Not knowing what else to do they tried to arrest him hoping some time to cool off straighten him out..  this didn't go well. Shortly after his arrest his sister and her husband both got malaria and for days had to take turns getting bed rest and treating each other. Nobody had time for Troy and he was trashing the jail.  A small group of raiders hit and Troy died, the raiders were defeated by the remaining couple and there dog but not before the raiders set the farm on fire. By this time the couple had overcome malaria and things were starting to look up but now they had to put out this huge fire that was threatening to destroy the farm house.  Troys body itself seemed to be a source of the fire as it kept spreading from him and they couldn't put it out on his corpse.. as the fire kept spreading a local tribe came through, ko'ed the dog and kidnaped the wife and husband.. at the last minute the wife escaped being kidnapped! Running back through to the farm the fire had spread out of control.. she couldn't get back in time to save the dog.. she spent her last days in a catatonic state wondering around and caught a bullet from a passing raider.

I can't believe how ridiculously good this update is. I was determined not to give up and see it through and holy shit, I lost but I'm not even mad.. maybe a little depressed lol
So is this a thing? Because I would love to get notified when mods are updated and have my mods updated... either that or we start hosting all the mods on Nexus.. right now the Nexus is pretty sad for Rim World mods.. hardly any.
Mods / [Request] Friendly Fire Fix(es)
May 08, 2015, 07:07:40 AM
I'm sick and tired of seeing one colonist hunting and then another colonist wanders in front on its way to mine or something and gets shot.

They need to a do a check for colonists in there range of fire and if there is one, wait a second and check again until it's clear.. or re-position themselves.. or turn off friendly fire (although I don't like that idea totally).

I'm ok with friendly fire in a hectic fire fight where I order a guy to the front and he accidentally catches a bullet in the back.. but hunting accidents are out of control.

Edit: Maybe we can convince Lord Tynan or some modder to give us a break on the hunting. Less animal HP and much higher chance to hit when attacking an animal.. it is not the heat of battle it's a shot on unsuspecting prey. If it's possible to do this and maintain some of the danger of attacking a rhino (for example) that'd be perfect.

Edit: Saw on the changelog Tynan is now adding deadfall (box and stick) traps to the game.. trapping would be an awesome alternate / supplement to the way hunting is done now! Hope it can be used to capture some animals although I can't see catching a muffalo this way lol
Quote from: buder5 on April 29, 2015, 05:04:40 PM
i realy cant wait for that droid i allway liked that can i suggest something or know your though ?about why not make them incap when they die ? or a way to repair them

That'd be awesome, there still should be a chance they go critical but having a bunch of broken droids to fix after a battle would be fun.. could even have it's own workstation.
What do we want?
When do we want them?
N... as soon as possible please.. :)
Mods / Re: Idea: Avoid Zone
January 19, 2015, 09:45:00 PM
You're doing gods work young person.

Quote from: Gaesatae on January 18, 2015, 10:42:29 AM
Last night I couldn't sleep so I was messing around with this idea and here it is what I found, for anyone is interested in trying.

You can't modify the pathfinder, so the only workaround was to make the pathfinder think that a pawn can't reach a cell marked as avoid. Which thing ingame behaves like that? Doors! So the general idea is to:

-Create a building with the Etype and code of a door. It won't be edifice nor selectable and give it an empty texture.
-In the new building code, reduce the timetoopen so the pawn won't even know there is a door there, change the check conditions for blockspawn to faction.ofcolony and for willopenfor to !blockspawn.
-Create a new designator, grid and layer to spawn, despawn and save the avoid zone cells.
-Make sure the spawned buildings wont tick.

I gave it a rushed try and, in theory, it works. But I'm sure I missed something along the way because I was getting some weird exceptions on building spawn related to the room/region creation.

Right now I won't continue working on this idea because I have other priorities. If you look into it and find a way to make it work, please let me know  :)
Mods / Re: Idea: Avoid Zone
January 15, 2015, 09:05:09 PM
So simple it's genius. I really like the idea. I hope it actually gets built into the game at some point, it's a quintessential concept in a game like this.

-zone out cryptochambers so your colonists don't happen to be passing through them when a squirrel goes nuts (hah)
-zone out popular raid arrival maps so your colonists stay clear of that area
-zone out passage ways to block off sections off the map from your colonists
-zone out crops if you want them left alone but don't want to delete the growing zone and add it back in later or fiddle with priorities
-zone out a block of resources so you have a reserve that won't be touched (forbid does this already though)
-temporarily zone out areas during fights to prevent undrafted colonists walking through a fire fight (running up to an enemy to repair something for example).

Maybe the path finding is setup though that it can't distinguish between colonists and npc's? Obviously raiders and visitors aren't going to care about your avoid zones.