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Messages - Elixiar

General Discussion / Threats on randy random
October 20, 2018, 09:59:06 AM
Is it usual to go 2 ingame years without a single siege?
Maybe Cassandra Classic would be better but I've barely had any attacks in my latest beta 19 game.
Thoughts? Which is the best to play on?
Hey! So happy that finally someone created a mod for this.
Would you be able to make a sister mod where it's only low tech firearms like a western?

Molotovs, pistols, survival rifles and pump shotguns for example? I'd love nothing more that that :D. Obviously all the tech below that still like bows and swords.
Hey can you please adjust for B19 :) Would love to try the mod.
-Diplomacy and deeper faction interaction as well as no faction groups.
-Way more incidents/ events.
-Water interaction like boats for world travel or irritgation for farms.
-Overhauled Melee combat.
-More things going on in the world view like what other factions are up to.

Diplomacy is the most important for me.
It's the last part of the game that feels really sparse in depth where'as water potential feels wasted or unexplored.
Releases / Re: [B18] Rimsenal v1.1: Early adapter edition
November 28, 2017, 08:47:00 PM
Can you please add a storyteller that is basically wave based raids?

A time to set up, then every set amount of days another raid starts.
There used to be a mod like it but I think it's dead now.
General Discussion / Re: Weapon time span
November 27, 2017, 07:20:15 AM
No need to add more guns, just replace the art and particle effects of some of them already in the game to better reflect the span of time.

Current weapons being dependable like the M16 is fine, but are we really going to act like in 3000 years there isn't going to be something else? The pump shotgun, pistol and survival rifle should stay the same.

Everything else should be revamped to *look* more futuristic. But change no numbers.
General Discussion / Re: Weapon time span
November 26, 2017, 05:30:40 PM
It comes up because it's a valid question.

It has nothing to do with being fixed or not. It's just odd, and has almost no originality to it other than convinience in a game loaded with creativity.
Make some new sprites, give them different names, done.

No need to be like that.
General Discussion / Weapon time span
November 26, 2017, 03:16:54 PM
Is there any reason why the vast majority of weapons are from current day and neglecting 3000 years extra with the exception of maybe 2 guns?

Can the art and dates of weapons be stretched out a little?

Right now you go from M16 to charge rifle outside of super weapons (why are there orbital battle stations around a rimworld anyway)
Finally had one tear through my colony and cause incredible damage to my defenses, wall, and living areas only for a massive tribal raid to captialise on the breach and flood into my colony.

I love it. I think it should always spawn from the edge of the map though. And maybe a notification 2 days or a day in advance that one is on the horizon.
Also, a 'storm depressor' late game device would be nice that dissapates the tornado if it hits the radius maybe, or acts as like an invisible barrier for the tornado.

That'd be a good countermeaasure.
General Discussion / Re: Steam mods on standalone
November 22, 2017, 06:03:49 PM
So if I download Rimworld through steam, I can then subscribe the mods, take them from the steam mod file, and copy into the DRM free version? cool.
General Discussion / Re: Steam mods on standalone
November 22, 2017, 03:04:32 PM
Thanks for not locking the post. I bought Rimworld back in Alpha 3. I have the key for the steam version but I just prefer to open the game directly and not as part of steam (don't like the overlay and general services that come with it.)

The only reason I asked was since it was simple code I didn't know if there was a way to just copy the files from the steam workshop versions and add them to the mods folder like normal ones uploaded on the release section of the forums.
General Discussion / Re: Tornado
November 22, 2017, 12:33:34 PM
Quote from: Tynan on November 22, 2017, 02:20:18 AM
Yeah, we talked about this recently. We're gonna cut the tornado as a random event and make it a one-use superweapon a la the orbital targeters (tornado generator).

I beg you. PLEASE don't straight up cut it. At least make it an option in the scenario or the options menu.

I actually like that something could decimate my colony outside of a raid...
*Frantically rushes to download B18 before a hot fix comes out*
General Discussion / Re: Steam mods on standalone
November 21, 2017, 02:39:03 PM
That doesn't make any sense. How? mods are free.
General Discussion / Steam mods on standalone
November 21, 2017, 01:42:48 PM
Is it possible to somehow get the steam workshop uploaded mods to play nice with the DRM website bought version?
Ideas / Faction skirmish events
October 18, 2017, 07:12:42 AM
Would be cool if there was an event that alerted you to the fact there was a major battle taking place between 2 factions in the world.

You can arrive during the battle or after it has ended and the dead are all that remain and some damaged loot.

Size of the factions on each side being like 50 pawns fighting it out on the plains.