Already solved, thanks anyways. Is there any tutorial out there? By the way, how can you put your building in one of the construction categories of the "architect" menu?
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Help / Re: New to modding. Help with buildings, please.
September 23, 2017, 09:49:49 AM
ok thanks.
Code Select
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ThingDef ParentName="BenchBase">
<label>Flour Milling Line</label>
<Description>A milling machine for milling great quantities of wheat in a short time. Works only in bulk. Requires power.</Description>
-<li Class="CompProperties_Power">
-<li Class="CompProperties_Glower">
-<li Class="CompProperties_HeatPusher">
-<li Class="CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities">
<li Class="CompProperties_Flickable"/>
<li Class="CompProperties_Breakdownable"/>
-<ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase">
<label>Flour Mill Hopper</label>
<description>Holds wheat for the Flour Mill. Must be placed adjacent to a Flour Mill.</description>
Help / New to modding. Help with buildings, please.
September 23, 2017, 09:05:05 AM
So, I am trying to mod some new buildings, something like the nutripaste dispenser. I am quite stumped. Is there a building tutorial somewhere? I've copied the petrochemical plant reaction from the Hardcore mod, but I still lack comprehension.
For example, I got an error named "Could not find a type named" and then the name of my building. Can someone explain?
For example, I got an error named "Could not find a type named" and then the name of my building. Can someone explain?
Releases / Re: [A17] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK project v6: Endevour
September 03, 2017, 08:21:30 AM
Does anyone know how to store enriched uranium in a safe way? I put it into a barrel, pawns get rad poisoning just by walking in the area. By the way, any idea on how big the affected area is?
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
May 13, 2017, 05:31:20 AM
In the electrical stonecutter, "machining" tab.
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
May 09, 2017, 05:27:38 PM
Ooops, my fault, I've put the advanced tailor in place of the old tailor's workbench. Marine T-shirt sucks, by the way. Is there any way to tan the leather at the loom to get a "tanned leather" that I can use? The electrical loom has no such bill available.
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
May 09, 2017, 12:22:56 PM
Can somebody fix the uncraftable shirt bug? It is very annoying to have to use the medieval era shirts because someone forgot to add the data for a simple cotton t-shirt.
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
May 06, 2017, 07:39:55 AM
Small bug detected: cats refuse to eat processed cat food, but they know how to open bottles and get sh!tfaced drunk. My male cat has cirrhosis, and the females have all alcohol tolerance. This also means that I cannot make alcohol, since cats do not respect animal zones.
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
May 05, 2017, 07:39:36 PM
I rescued a spacer from a drop pod, after joining she revealed herself as a t-1000 and told me about herself. After that, I saw some humanoid meat in the pantry (even if my butcher have orders to NOT butcher humanoids) and all the colonist had the "a colonist died" bad thought. Bug?
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
May 02, 2017, 07:07:55 PMQuote from: Canute on May 02, 2017, 03:03:07 AM
Sure, join their Discord channel (look at the 1. posting) and get a github account.
Then translate proper and made a merge request.
But aware they change something faster then you can translate :-)
Sorry tovarish, maybe I was not clear. I do not speak russki. Can you get some russian friend with good English and tell him to make a better translation?
BTW, in the new update I am being attacked way less frequently. Is that normal?
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
May 02, 2017, 12:52:19 AM
Is there a way to get the text properly translated? That runglish is horrible, and some descriptions are really misleading.
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
April 27, 2017, 07:39:30 PM
Is there any way to have a list of the materials effects for buildings and items? I stumbled by chance on the fact that a workshop made of Tin has a speed bonus (why?) and that a bed made of Hemp has a healing bonus (whywhywhy?)
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
April 19, 2017, 12:48:50 PMQuote from: Canute on April 19, 2017, 02:46:26 AMQuote from: Captain_Goatse on April 18, 2017, 11:15:37 PMYou need assign someone with higher skill to harvest. Higher skill better chances for seed.
Wonderful mod, thanks to the author for his work. Just a question. It is me, or agriculture is nonviable? A potato field of 5X5 made with the "hydroponics", the one made with nitre, sand and wood plank, gives barely enough potato for reseed the patch. Am I doing something wrong? Right now it is an enormous amount of work for no results!
If you run out of seeds but still got potatos you can made seeds at a table 25 for 5 seeds.
Releases / Re: [A16] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK global project v5: Jewel
April 18, 2017, 11:15:37 PM
Wonderful mod, thanks to the author for his work. Just a question. It is me, or agriculture is nonviable? A potato field of 5X5 made with the "hydroponics", the one made with nitre, sand and wood plank, gives barely enough potato for reseed the patch. Am I doing something wrong? Right now it is an enormous amount of work for no results!
General Discussion / Re: Caravan animals eating my crops!
October 19, 2016, 07:46:11 PM
ok, thanks
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