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Messages - panggul_mas

Woah! Thanks for keeping this alive!
Quote from: Bucketsmith on August 16, 2016, 07:01:23 AM
Man, I've put a bunch of work into some updates and changes to old mods related to lighting. Namely a spotlight and a flare mortar, so far.
I was wondering if anyone else was also working on it or if there was some old code I could get inspiration from, then I found that panggul_mas supposedly worked on flares for the A13 Darkness?
I dunno if you want to update your add-on to A14, but I don't want to step on your toes. :D
I'll still finish my attemp though, because it's good experience for me. :)

Hell yeah! I'll pm you the work me and cram did on the flares. We got a working flare mortar and hand-thrown flare grenades, and pretty much got it to 95% ready for release. Using light levels to add depth to the game is so great, I love this whole theme/category/whathaveyou.
As somebody who worked on Darkness Revamp, I'm excited to see this new version. Thanks for reviving the revival of the revival!

It looks like toxic fallout still overrides the darkness and resets to vanilla, but I guess there's no way around that.
Quote from: DaGirrafeMan on May 27, 2016, 12:15:52 PM
Well it seems I'm having the same problem as gehennianviceroy, wit' that being the random flash of light during the middle of night. I can't tell if it's a bug, or if it has to do with something of our computer details. Could it be the driver?

@DAGirrafeMan - could you post your active mod list? Also, was this during a particular weather event (flashstorm, fog, etc)? I'm doing a QA run of Darkness right now, and I have lots of mods active but haven't seen this happen (yet).

Awesome! I can't wait to make my colony of mustashio'd hipsters crafting ironic statues while watching outdated urbworld sitcoms on vhs.

How does this work with Individual Appearance? Do the mustache faces work as their own unique faces, or do they add a facial hair layer to the face texture?

Thanks for your work. Next stop, in-game mrofa beards.


Quote from: Charchu on May 24, 2016, 05:06:06 AM
Would it be possible to add salt to the mod so we make make salted smoked meat? or some herbs & spices? (like a cooked meal, but without cooking)
Quote from: Reaper on May 24, 2016, 07:32:23 AM
Um could you introduce wood chips from traders that produce flavored smoke meat? Make eating it a joy activity?(make it damage blood filtration)

I Know I love smoky flavor but I don't think cactus wood chips would make good flavor.

These are both good ideas, and something I'd look into. Truthfully, there are other good mods that allow for alternate food preservation, and have many more features and options (Powerless and Food Preservation are two examples). This mod is specifically designed to be low-impact, and fulfill what I see as the most critical feature still missing in vanilla to allow for a rich and viable low-tech playstyle.


This simple stand-alone mod adds a building that allows you to preserve meat. Alpha 13 made huuuge strides in allowing low-tech play styles, but the one factor missing was an alternative to freezing for food preservation. This is an attempt to add a low-impact, well balanced method for preserving meat.

This mod adds:

-RESEARCH: Food Preservation - low-tier research project that unlocks the Smokehouse building

-BUILDING: The Smokehouse. Costs 90 wood and 40 stone bricks to build. Can smoke meat with new recipes.

-RECIPE: Smoke Meat. Three bills are available at the smokehouse for smoking 10/40/75 raw meat at a time. Recipes require both raw meat and wood at a ratio of 5:1.

-RESOURCE: Smoked Meat. A form of raw meat that lasts two and a half seasons at room temperature before spoiling. It still needs to be prepared in a meal, and it gives a mood debuff if eaten directly (though less severe than eating raw meat).


All contents of this mod are free to use for any non-commercial purposes. As a small courtesy, please contact me if you plan to include it in a modpack. Thank you to the rest of the community for being so generous with your code, art, and knowledge.

*Mod by panggul_mas
*Art by Ahare
*Extra art assistance from Shinzy
*Special thanks as always to the rimworldmod Slack community

feedback is appreciated!

Mods / Re: Mustache mod
May 23, 2016, 05:36:10 PM
Quote from: joaonunes on May 23, 2016, 03:27:24 PM
There was an old mod, , which added different eye textures to help differentiate men from women, and it seems to be only texture files...

Even though the author has not official updated Individual appearance, this mod works as-is perfectly fine in A13.

Quote from: RawCode on May 14, 2016, 07:46:33 AM
you have ZERO debugging messages in your code, fix it and try again.

currently you dont know is your methods called at all or not.

Thanks for the advice RawCode. Could you suggest where/how to add the debugging messages? I know this the Mod Help forum and not the "learn the most basic shit about C#" forum, but I'm learning as I go, so any help however rudimentary would be appreciated.

Well, before I start I'll say that my real goal is to make a temporary building give off sparks (the building code is ready and works fine), either using the fzzzz from an exploding turret, or some other sparking mote effect [EDIT: the sparkThrown from construction would be preferable at this point].

A Series of Unfortunate Attempts

1. The first step is always to see if you can just cut and past defs. I made a meat smoker for A12 that smoked when manned, so I started there. The smoking mote effect was triggered by <effectWorking>Cook</effectWorking> being part of a recipe. This doesn't work for a building of course, for about nine unique reasons, the most important of which is that effectWorking is defined in the Recipe class but not in the ThingDef class, so it won't be recognized. Ok, so does ThingDef have a simple mote thrower to use? lets look it up in ilspy aaaaand...nope.

2. Ok, what about a comp? Comps are great, you can just throw them in there willy-nilly and go bananas. Milk a glowing tree, store energy in a pile of hay, turn a pig on and off with a switch, whatevs. Well, there's lots of cool comps, but no generic "smoke" or "throw mote" comp. Maybe making a new comp that does this could work, but I have to believe there is another solution out there that is less "from scratch". Maybe this is the wrong approach.

3. Ok, maybe start from the end and work back - I'll look up the fzzzz-ing effect of exploding turrets and work backwards. Well the only references to burningwick(the texture used for the fzzz-ing of exploding turrets) are in OverlayDrawer, and I tried backtracking from there to find a connection to turrets so I could hopefully reconstruct how the fzzzzz is called, but no luck there.

4. Ok, back to #2, maybe a custom comp is the best bet. So I ask for help and Saint Skullywag shows me the source of one of his mods that happens to have a spark effect. So I used the only approach that was available to me, one that has worked in the past but still feels really uncomfortable, and start hacking up c# code that I only partially understand and don't get the syntax of. So now I have a custom Comp and accompanying CompProperties and applied the comp to the xml def of the building i want to sparkle.

Here's the custom comp:
using Verse;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Random = System.Random;

namespace XXXXX
    public class CompFlareDeployedSparkle : ThingComp
        public Effecter sparks = null; // Global effects variable
        public int cellsDamaged = 0;
        public IntVec3 sparker; // A random cell in the occupied list
        public IEnumerable<IntVec3> occupiedCells = null; // List of cells the drop pod occupies
        public List<IntVec3> damagedCells = new List<IntVec3>(); // list of smoke and spark generators

        public CompProperties_FlareDeployedSparkle Props
                return (CompProperties_FlareDeployedSparkle)this.props;
        public override void PostSpawnSetup()
            // Do base setup
            // Setup list of cells the drop ship occupies
            occupiedCells = GenAdj.CellsOccupiedBy(parent);
            // Pick a random cell for mote usage
            sparker = occupiedCells.RandomElement<IntVec3>();
        public override void PostExposeData()
            // Base date to save
        public override void CompTick()
            foreach (IntVec3 currentCell in damagedCells)
                if (Props.spark)
                    // Setup a new spark effect
                    sparks = new Effecter(DefDatabase<EffecterDef>.GetNamed("FlareSparkle"));
                    // If we have a spark effecter
                    if (sparks != null)
                        if (Rand.Value < Props.sparkChance)
                            // Continue effect
                            sparks.EffectTick(parent.Position, parent);
                            sparks = null;

the compProperties:
using System;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;

namespace XXXXX
    public class CompProperties_FlareDeployedSparkle : CompProperties
        public bool spark;
        public float sparkChance;
        public CompProperties_FlareDeployedSparkle()
            this.compClass = typeof(CompFlareDeployedSparkle);

and the buildingDef trying to call the comp:

     <ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase">
<label>Flare Glower</label>
  <li Class="CompProperties_Glower">

      <li Class="XXXXX.CompProperties_FlareDeployedSparkle">


and finally the effecter:

The custom classes are working fine. As is, none of this creates any errors, but it also doesn't do anything. Much of this is copypasted from someone else's project, so if there is a bunch of unnecessary material in there, that's why. I anticipate the problem being some simple oversight, but I'm not sure where to look.

I checked into geysers, but it looks like the mechanic they use for throwing motes uses snowUtility, and I'm not sure I want to go in that direction.

Thanks for your time!

What would be the most straightforward way to add a static mote effect to a building? The existing mote-throwing effecters all seem to be tied to an activity (eating, constructing, crafting).

After 72 hours of failed attempts, I thought I'd ask for some help here.
Quote from: killer117 on May 12, 2016, 09:12:12 AM
So glad this got updated. Wanted to use with zombie apocalypse mod ages ago but was too outdated. Was wondering if u could consider some omni dirctional spotlights and allowing raider to spaw witn a few people spread out in thier group with the torches you made, and if u could add them building a campfire in thier siege area. Just to up the visability of enimies plus have some noce realism. Know not all might be possible but had to ask.

Funny you should mention that! Our next lighting add-on is a flare launcher (type of mortar) which will launch flares that will temporarily illuminate an area, allowing for suspenseful midnight siege camp counter-attacks and the like.

Next on the agenda will be spotlights.

Adding a campfire to the siege camp blueprint shouldn't be too hard, and is a good idea! Its crazy what a different role lighting plays when the nights are actually dark.

Kenny, can I ask what it was about the two turrets you left out in A13 that made them specifically hard to implement? Specifically the spotlight turret.
Outdated / Re: [A13] - Darkness Revamp (v1.0)
May 06, 2016, 06:59:55 PM

Here's a little add-on for Darkness Revamp that adds two simple lights to help you get through the night!

1. A simple torch that is cheap to build but doesn't provide any heat, and only lasts long enough to get you through the darkest part of the night.

2. A weather-proof outdoor utility light.


mod by panggul_mas

Special thanks to :

-Viceroy, for the original Darkness mod
-cram, for reviving the mod as Darkness Revamp for A13
-Shinzy, for the outdoor lamp texture
-cuproPanda, for the torch base texture
-many others from the very helpful and friendly slack community

Download HERE


Telkir, could you please post this thread to the sticked A13 Mod release thread?