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Messages - SupernovaDX

Alright I got the (basic) Video done. You can see it now and judge for yourself. It's also up top just in case. It's very simple, and also kinda buggy, but you get the idea.
I can see where you are coming from. I've been playing rimworld for a while without dipping too much into the modding scene. I created this based off of necessity and thought I would share it. This is for those who do not want to go into the whole plan carefully mod, and just want to use the default character reroller. I'll post a video to show you it's legit. I'll even post the source code. The reason this is a zip is because there are photo files in there which the program needs to scan the screen since it's third party.
I fixed the Initial Issue so it should work fine now. Or at least, buggy but functional.
Character Creation Buddy
My name is SupernovaDX
Has this ever happened to you?

So you were getting ready to start a new a new a sexy game of rimworld

And you like it Rough

When all of a Sudden *BAM* you hit the character creation screen and guess what. One of your characters has low growing you see no other option then to spam the randomize button. And spam it you DO!

Hundreds of times, THOUSANDS OF TIMES. It's absurd, its insane! OH NOO

BUT WAIT! What what is that majestic beast showing its Subroutine in the corner?

It's, It's, It's, The Character Creation Buddy

Oh joyous day! No longer will I have to click the endless clicks to get my perfect character

But How do I use such a powerful and responsible tool?
No need to fear,
It's easy just download it
make sure you have AutoHotkey Installed (
then run the exe It's Almost that simple


1) Select the skill you would like to look for
2) Select the level you want that fantastic skill to be at
3) click the subroutine 1 button
4) click on Rimworld and hit ctrl+j
5)Watch magic happen
5a) In the event you need to close the program hit Ctrl+Shift+Esc and close the program in your processes list


Gui, New

Gui, Add, DropDownList, vTraitSelection, Mining|Growing|Construction|Cooking|Medicine|Crafting|Research|Social|Shooting|Melee|Artistic
Gui, Add, DropDownList, vNumberFocus, 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19
Gui, Add, Button, gsub1, Subroutine 1
Gui, Show, w200 h100, Rimworld Character Helper

gui , submit


WinGetPos, , , winSizeX, winSizeY, A
ImageSearch, imgx, imgy, 0, 0, winSizeX, winSizeY, pics\Randomize.PNG
   if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
   imgx += 10
   imgy += 10
imgxx := imgx -1
imgyy := imgy -1

ImageSearch, conx, cony, 0, 0, winSizeX, winSizeY, pics\%TraitSelection%.PNG
ImageSearch, infx, infy, 0, 0, winSizeX, winSizeY, pics\Info.PNG
ImageSearch, stax, stay, 0, 0, winSizeX, winSizeY, pics\Start.PNG

conl := cony - 10
cong := cony + 20


ImageSearch, numx, numy, conx, conl, infx, cong, pics\%NumberFocus%.PNG
if(ErrorLevel = 0){
mousemove, %numx%, %numy%

Click %imgx%, %imgy%
mousemove, 100, 100
goto, Loop

[attachment deleted due to age]