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Messages - Ectoplasm

General Discussion / Re: EULA and forums
April 07, 2016, 11:18:16 AM
NoImageAvailable, Strawmanning is exaggerating a position to make something easier to attack.

I'm sorry for stating that I feel the mods do a good job (I guess these days you're only allowed to criticise). How dare someone give a compliment!

I also feel I've done a good job at contributing to the discussion (have you?). Giving examples of what's happened in the past, and pointing out how the OP view is firstly exaggerated, and secondly doesn't lie in line with history. It's not me bandying round grandiose words about "aggressive rhetoric" (where?) or "don't contribute to the discussion". For me there is much irony in your post.

General Discussion / Re: EULA and forums
April 07, 2016, 10:45:56 AM
Quote from: NoImageAvailable on April 07, 2016, 10:34:40 AM
I think he has a valid point. So why don't you go ahead and actually explain why you think a contract stipulating a monetary transfer in exchange for access to a software should in any way, shape or form be dependent on access to a forum that is not directly related to the usage of the software?

I don't have to explain it, it's not my rule. The strawmanning was in reference to "Moderator considers this thread not constructive enough - guess what, I am a subject for termination." I thought that was obvious.
General Discussion / Re: EULA and forums
April 07, 2016, 10:27:11 AM
The moderators round these parts are pretty lenient, they do a good job in my eyes. remember when Tynan took the break? A vocal minority winging about it.. Some of what was said in those threads was very aggressive, frankly rude in my eyes. Even the personal attacks towards Tynan were left. So we have a history of leniency, yet you're now implying that you'll get banned for posting off topic, or a dev will just wander in and.... HMMM I'll ban.. *picks random person*


You really are strawmanning here, there is no other way to describe it. And if someone is stupid enough to cross a line, and make for example racist remarks, then just like on any site on the web, there are consequences. Bottom line: Their site, their rules, and the rules as I see them are standard affair, and I guess needed for a legal point of view.

As for the IRC thing, if that IRC channel is an official channel, run by Ludeon, then yes,  ban them if the EULA is broken. Why should disruptive people get what they wish? Can't you see how bad it would be for Ludeon to even be perceived as being racist or homophobic? I've never seen anything like that myself here, am sure the mods have though, such attitudes should be squashed immediately and those who spout such crap should be banned as and when the mods see fit.
General Discussion / Re: EULA and forums
April 07, 2016, 09:53:41 AM
Quote from: Jinxed on April 07, 2016, 09:49:09 AM
Moderator considers this thread not constructive enough - guess what, I am a subject for termination.
Now remind me, how exactly use of the game connected to the use of the forums?

Strawmanning 101 right here.
General Discussion / Re: EULA and forums
April 07, 2016, 09:45:40 AM
I did actually read the new EULA, the writer should be commended for the KISS, no bullshit approach. The rules round these parts are hardly draconian, and if someone breaks them then their right to access should be removed in my opinion, why shouldn't it?

We're talking about simple things here after all, racism, piracy, issues around creed and so on, simple stuff that is the norm almost everywhere these days. Breaking the rules in the real world has consequences too. And the EULA (at least to me) Is just pointing out that should someone prove to be enough of dick, then the consequences are known.
Ideas / Re: Legendary everything!
April 07, 2016, 08:06:46 AM
If you're doing something which has an outcome you don't like, why keep doing it? For me this is very much a non-issue, besides, code rewrites to stop this from happening would likely just be worked around by those who wish anyway.
Quote from: Quickbowjob on April 06, 2016, 11:42:46 PM
The one and only mod i really miss now A13 it should had been added by default :'(

Quote from: Scaphismus on April 06, 2016, 11:48:04 PM
Quote from: Quickbowjob on April 06, 2016, 11:42:46 PM
The one and only mod i really miss now A13 it should had been added by default :'(

So true. There are a lot of mods that I love, but this is the only one that I really think needs to be integrated as an official feature.

Quote from: Dakkon on April 07, 2016, 06:20:44 AM
I've tried and I just can't play rimworld without this mod. It's the only absolutely must have for me.

Indeedy, I'll chime in here agreeing (few others are must haves for me too though!). First mod I came to check for when I saw the SendOwl email!! I honestly believe that something similar to this mod will be in a later version of Rimworld - somewhere approaching v1.0. The reason I feel it hasn't been added yet is because the code maintenance would then fall into Tynan's hands. He stated in the past that only around 25% of his time is spent developing new features with the rest just fixing bugs / maintaining already existing code.  Though in the past a reason given for not having a quick bar type setup for pawns was issues with lower resolution laptops (not enough real estate room on screen).

This mod is too good, too needed, for it not to be added. Thanks EdB for giving it to us. I'm just bursting at the seems to try the latest release, but my mods!! ARgggh.. Patience is a virtue.
Killing thrumbo's :) Easy money. Feels a bit cheaty when I do this though, shouldn't the thrumbo aggro on to a pawn? Currently they just stand there and let you shoot them (I think this is the same behavior for all animals currently).
Quote from: teknotel on February 19, 2016, 02:24:31 AM
- I am presuming upper and lower duct pipes can overlap?

Yep. If you follow the temperatures in the duct work within your base, I bet you'll find that even close to the heater or coolers, the pipe work will be significantly colder or hotter than it should technically be, is that the case for you too? In heatwaves especially I notice this.
Off-Topic / Re: A baby born will die before the sin..
February 19, 2016, 02:17:54 PM
Again I'm more lost than a puppy in the park in the rain who's blind and just inhaled pepper.
CRAZY P SOUNDSYSTEM live set @ blu Music Tour Glasgow

If house is your thing. Groovey baby.
Off-Topic / Re: whats the story behind your username
February 19, 2016, 02:13:29 PM
I was thinking about Bill Murray in Ghostbusters at the time.
Ideas / Re: Multi-core support
February 19, 2016, 02:12:16 PM
Quote from: hoho on February 19, 2016, 06:04:38 AM few previous posts..

Insightful stuff, thanks. Always nice to have the voodoo of coding explained :)
Quote from: kazuma6666 on November 26, 2015, 03:19:43 PM

Christ I'm so stupid. TELEPORTERS!! Why did I never think of this, I even use them to bring fish from the other side of the map. Mind frankly blown right now.
Ideas / Re: A way to make water work
February 18, 2016, 07:24:27 AM
I like the idea for water based illness, especially near the start. I imagine Tynan grinning manically as he adds the feature, because it's just another way we could get kicked when already down. A bitter pill to swallow, but adds to the game in so many ways.

Water fits into the Rimworld world perfectly. Please Sir, add it to the list :)

Bonus pic of Tynan adding the feature!