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Messages - General Bubbles

I follow a mod that adds several Fallout items, armours, weapons and even creatures (Brahmin, Bighorner) So this is totally doable. I just hope a fellow Doom fan who happens to mod, and also plays Rimworld will take on the task.
For some reason, mine won't save at all. You can click the save button, it says it saves, but the load/save lists are empty. I went back to the main menu to check if the load option was there, since it said I'd saved, but it was not >.<
I uhh...I wouldn't mind seeing a mod that could add some of Dooms weapons (The Original ones, BFG9000, Chaingun, chainsaw, plasma Gun, ect..) items and buildables/reskins to the game. Could start a colony and make my own Phobos/Deimos lab, possibly build teleportation tech and then have some Doom enemies (any of the ones that could be made would be AWESOME) attack/invade occasionally as they try to wipe out your presence.
Would love a colony of Doom marines having to fight off the demons while working towards getting a ship put together to escape :)

I mean, I remember a mod a while back that had powered doors that were two walls thick...Those with a reskin of Dooms base doors and the SFX they made when they open/close, OH MY....

Just a thought, please don't be mean >.<