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Messages - DoktorDoh

Support / Any Solution for Stylus Pen Issue?
December 17, 2016, 09:07:24 AM
Hey guys,

I'm really exited for Alpha 16, because this game is amazing. Some weeks ago I buy myself an Aspire Switch 12 Windows Tablet and since then I play Rimworld every evening, relaxing on my couch. Sadly, the Stylus Pen didn't work and I need to use an mouse, which is not that comfortable. Google says, this is an Issue with Unity 5 (should be true, other unity games like Hearthstone have the same Problem). Found some posts from August, where they say, it would be fixed soon... So I want to ask if someone maybe has some magic trick to get the stylus working (I think only the click event didn't work) or if i have to wait till Unity fix that Problem. Would love to play Rimworld with my pen ;)

Greetings Doktor Doh
Outdated / Re: [A13] Doh's Easy Agronomy
May 18, 2016, 05:15:10 PM
Quote from: Drakoflame on May 18, 2016, 04:34:58 PM
Oh, also, do any of these new features (aside from the planter box because you've confirmed), but do the sunlamps require research to use/make?

Only the new "heat and sun pillar" needs the "Microelectronics Basics" research. All other (and most of the following mods) will have no research requirements.
Outdated / Re: [A13] Doh's Easy Agronomy
May 18, 2016, 03:14:48 PM
Added Part 3 to my package. The "Heat and Sun Pillar" is a heat-lamp with roofsupport (thanks Canute for the idea). More details in the first post.

I also fix the warning "no preferability in ingesible" from my plants
Outdated / Re: [A13] Doh's Easy Agronomy
May 18, 2016, 12:42:16 AM
Quote from: dismar on May 17, 2016, 05:53:11 PM
Quote from: knainoa on May 17, 2016, 05:03:02 PM
is there going to be a Seeds mod compatibility version?

shouldn't be any issues.
just load after to use seeds

Like dismar said. But when you have any issues with an mod, just tell me which mod and I'll try to fix it.

First there where trees in the box, but they where very buggy (endless planting at the same tree). But i'll try to get rid of this problem, because I also want to have some wood in the desert :D
Outdated / Re: [A13] Doh's Easy Agronomy
May 17, 2016, 03:23:50 PM
Quote from: Canute on May 17, 2016, 11:33:03 AM
-part 4, a 1x1 Sun&Heat pillar with roof support. To create 11x11 plant rooms.
Nice idea. Is on my List.

Quote from: Canute on May 17, 2016, 11:33:03 AM
- part 5, Sun&Heat ceiling lamp or ground floor, they just light 3x3 area but you can build them above/below your woodboxes.
Need to make some research if it is possible to place something above an existing object (normaly it should be, like the power-cable). Is on my List
Stories / Re: Hm. You sir are a genius.
May 17, 2016, 09:11:52 AM
Still better than dismantle a small mountain and leave the middle block till the end. RIP Roberta aka "tomato ketchup". :o :'(
Outdated / Re: [A13] Doh's Easy Agronomy
May 17, 2016, 08:35:30 AM
Quote from: FridayBiology on May 17, 2016, 07:49:08 AM
any clues on what part 3 is?

If you mean with "part 3" what my next goals are, I plan to add a 1x2 "planter" without energy consumption but really bad growing rate. Like a balcony plant. For this I'll create some new plants like tomato and salad.

In the future I also want to have some indoor fish farms. Not natural, where you need water on the map, more like an aquarium or fish tank.
Outdated / [A13] Doh's Easy Agronomy
May 16, 2016, 10:35:18 AM
Hey Guys,

I like playing Rimworld with two setups. On Extreme Desert / Ice sheet and with a lot of small colonies (maximal 6 colonists). So on this binoms its really hard to get food at the beginning. Now that you need so much time to reasearch hydroponics, the start on an icy planet (for me) is a pain in the ass. And sometimes I want to play on icy binomes without this pain. So I created the "Easy Agronomy" mod collection. At the moment this collection has two of my mods (another are planned).

Part 1) The agrarian woodbox:
This 3x3 box is like a bad hydroponic because it only has 100% growingspeed. But no research is required and you can plant more things than with the standart hydrponics.

Part 2) The Heat And Sun Lamp:
Yes, there are plenty of Heat and Sun Lamps available and even the CCL library has one. But because I don't want depending on other mods, I make one by myself. The lamp provides light for 8 agrarian boxes. The lamp consumes 1500W, each box 200W. Altogether you need 3100W to have enough food for 5-10 colonists (depending on what you are planting). Maybe it's a little bit overpowerd but the collection is called "Easy" Agronomy ;)

Part 3) The Heat And Sun Pillar (Idea Canute):
This 1x1 Heat and Sun "Lamp" has roof support and an radius of 8-9 fields! That means you can build a huge room for planting without wasting space. But because this would be to powerfull, there are some restrictions. First you need to research the "Microelectronics Basics" after that you can build the lamp for 100Steel, 50 Plasteel and 5 Components. The integrated heater of the Pillar is also not strong enough to support really big rooms like 20x20. For such rooms you still need some extra heater. The Pillar has an total powerconsumption of 2500W, so if you want to make an whole room with the Pillar and the Agrarian boxes you need.... ~7000W.

Requirements: I hope nothing.
Compatibility: Should be with everything, I hope. Tests were only with the vanilla version.


Working on:
- Balcony Plant (2x1 plant without energy)
- New Plants (Tomato, Salad)

- Fishtank / Aquarium
- Light above existing woodbox
- Powergenerator with stone as resources

Greetings and have fun!
Doktor Doh
Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
May 13, 2016, 07:42:41 AM
User user = userDAO.find("Flying Rockbass")
Integer oldCount = user.getCount();
Integer currentCount = oldCount + 1;


It's a little bit like that :)
If one of my colonies has no food or other resources I but something in a shared stockpile (an refrigerated room, anywhere on the map, where all colonies have access above a small path). Thats like the trading spot between my colonies. The Problem is, at the moment I can't protect the room very well, cause he is located in the center of the map.

That would (eventually) be nice! Some betrayal is always a good thing ;) But in my memories the "force friendly fire" option is really hard to control.
thanks for the tip with MarvinKosh, finally I have a CoreXML where I can search for some attributes. Next step is to decompile some things, I think.

It's no practice if I have to search other mods which needs the Wood resources only to find out that "Wood" is called "WoodLog" in the XML Structure. With this post I dont want to ask for C# and XML Tutorials, or how to write good code and quick clean functions. I just want to know how to get access to the required informations of the game. And after some research I think at the moment decompiling is the only way?

For example, I want to build ... Hydroponic with 100 Wood insteat of steel. In the <costList> I need to replace the <Steel> with the wood tag. But where can I find definition of all Tags? I assumed Wood = <Wood> and only find in out that other mods use <WoodLog>.Or that potato has the <PlantPotato> tag. And which available options has the <sowTag> only Ground, Hydroponic and Decorative? Is the answer only in the decompiled source code or is there an documentation available?

Thanks for your answeres and have a great night.
Hey guys,

my name is Philipp, im 24 and from germany. I'm an java software developer for 5 years now and I want start modding for rimworld in my sparetime. I have never mod for any game bevor, but I thought it couldn't be harder than all the wired Java stuff ;)

If such a thread already exists, I appologize but I couldn't find him in the search function. At the moment my problem is that I nearly have no clue how to start. Yes, there are some tutorials online at the web, but most of them are outdated, so the example code didn't work. (Damn you, SimpleBlock. more than 30 Minutes to get you working...)

So my questions are:
- How did you start your "modding career" for rimworld? How did you get into the code?
- Which of the current tutorials are still helpful? Which can you prefer? (Sadly I only have 2 hours per day and I don't want to waste them on outdated, not working informations)
- Where can I find a list of all available attributes for the .xml File?
- Where are the xml Files of the core objects like "lamp" or "working table". Can't find them in core.

Thanks for your answeres and have a nice day.

Now that you can assign "working areas" to each individual colonist my goal is to build multiple colonies spreaded on one map. Each colony should only have between 5-10 colonists. At the moment I have 2 colonies, one in the top left corner, the other in the right bottom corner. I'm at year 5 and try to build 3 more colonies (bottom left, top right, middle) bevor I build one big spaceship as an collaborative project for all 50 colonists ;)