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Messages - anexiledone

Ideas / Re: More use for artist skill.
October 11, 2017, 05:52:32 PM
Wouldn't hurt to add some art related activities. Maybe add in a dye workshop to change clothing colors, options to add art to walls, barbershop, musical instruments that give passing pawns a mood buff. Things like that. As of now art is simply sculpting.
This would probably be a pain in the ass to code, but rather than flat out "incapable" for everyone, what about implementing a preference?

Everything would come with a slight mood hit. Rather than a mood hit for doing the job, have a mood hit for each "incapable" job assigned. This way it can stack.

You could eventually flesh it out further to a system of "loves/likes/neutral\dislikes\hates\refuses" job. I don't like hauling in real life, but I'd do it. Maybe a -4 mood for me being assigned to it. However, my coworker HATES hauling. So they would get a -10 when assigned. Meanwhile a back story of seeing someone die from an object failing on them, they'd refuse to haul.

This could further be implemented into a social system. Pawn A loves cooking, but he's pretty bad at it. Pawn B hates cooking, but he's a 5* chef. Pawn A dislikes Pawn B for not only hating his favorite activity, but for being better than him at it.
Ideas / Re: Rename "Component" to "Microcontroller"
November 02, 2016, 10:26:15 PM
I didn't know guns had micro controllers in them!
General Discussion / Re: Game Time Display?
May 12, 2016, 04:20:26 PM
It's in the bottom right. I believe above the time controls and below where you receive messages. It shows 1-24h
Ideas / Re: Blueprint Base Planning
January 19, 2016, 06:47:11 PM
It'd be nice if you could just say hold shift and it'd automatically make it into a plan instead of building the object.

That way you can plan out rooms with furniture pretty quickly without remembering the sizes of everything.

It could maybe auto colorcode on the item being wall/door/furniture/etc.
Maybe  a system of tracking relationships?

Say your original colonists all become very close. Harvest from them, then the others would get angry. A new colony member may not care as much.

This could be applied to prisoners too. Say someone was captured after wounding two colonists and setting fire to your crops. Every colonist would be angry with this person. They won't care much about harvesting organs or selling to slavery. After enough raids from a specific faction, your colony could just hate all of their members.

I think this could add an extra layer to the converting prisoners to colonists aspect of the game as well. Mood debuffs for being around a converted prisoner that has a bad history with the colony that would improve as time goes on.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
November 29, 2015, 12:08:41 PM
You can only replace organs when you reach a certain level of medical research. Same with installing various prosthetics and bionics.
Couldn't you just arrest them, then release them?
The slave traders pay good money. I'm surprised raids aren't more about taking your people than anything else.
Imagine being able to prepare trap food. Invite a group over for dinner that is laced with knock out drugs, then bam, full prison.
If they can handle being part of a spaceship crash, I don't see why they have so much trouble with dead bodies.

Plane crashes are extremely traumatic to survivors. Now imagine being in the vast ocean of space, in a ship being torn apart, people being sucked out into the black empty nothingness as you all struggle to take refuge in an escape pod. Then being thrust through the atmosphere into a world that is completely alien to you.

The people who land in game have optimism about their current situation. By the way they react to combat, they should kill themselves by the time they land.
I think the penalty for seeing the death of a colonist should be pretty severe. But someone trying to kill me, I don't know if I'd feel horrible about killing them. I've seriously injured someone who broke into my house before, and I felt bad but not bad enough to lose it. One of those "wish it didn't have to go that way" rather than "oh my god what have I done?"

Maybe add a new stat to characters called Toughness. It improves from negative events that are over a certain threshold. Then your hardened veterans wouldn't care much, and people with a violent background or job could have an initial boost to it.

Heck, could even go further into the game by making "squads." If a squad leader is around, it improves squad member toughness based on leaders toughness and social skills. Imagine killing the leader of a raid and seeing some of the underlings panic.

Of course... I have no idea how feasible any of this is in the engine. But it's a thought to throw out there!
I'm struggling on the easiest difficulty after this update. Even though I don't think the update changed any of the things I encountered.

Things are going great. My 4 colonists are prospering. Have a nice double wall surrounding my colony, turrets, sandbag emplacements, life is good. Then out of nowhere, a 6 man raider group of guys with pistols and 1 with molotovs. Should be easy enough.

I wipe all of them out quickly, though the molotov guy got a throw off. Witnessing the deaths of 6 people made my combat colonists decide they will just up and leave the colony. The fire spreading caused a roof to collapse on the one colonist left. In a matter of seconds, my colony was wiped out by their 2nd encounter using the easiest story teller.

My colony fell apart because we all felt bad for killing people who came in and tried to kill us. I think I give up lol