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Messages - Nadrac

I don't really mind it, but it's pointless. They are basically identical.

Releases / Re: [A13] Recycle
April 26, 2016, 11:46:48 AM
Good mod, it should be part of the game.

Smelt feature deserves a second look as well, for example charge rifle recycles into 20 steel.

Outdated / Re: A13 - Removable stuff
April 26, 2016, 10:51:55 AM
Tried it out, it always felt odd that that i can't move benches and heaters and most items, but the current the version is fairly buggy.

I was building (not moving) a vitals monitors and when they finished, there was nothing there, resources were lost as well. Moving the geothermal was an option but not the heater, also moving the walls was an option but no ever did it, couldn't even force them to, not like i want to move walls.

Moving the crafting bench did work, but had to disable the mod because of the bugs.