Whew. I've been so busy on my own stuff I haven't had a chance to do any testing on the recent versions. I think I'll stat a game up tonight with the latest BT and let you know if I bump into anything.

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Show posts MenuQuote from: ambivalence on February 18, 2017, 10:49:32 AM
Could you make a patch for SeedsPlease? I guess, it's the great game changer – as great as VG.
Quote from: dnks on February 18, 2017, 01:46:14 PM
Oh you meant the bench isn't working because it asks for wood, I thought you asking for a patch for SeedsPlease was about trees and seeds. Here, I should've thought about that. Add it after all the SeedsPlease files.
Quote from: Trigon on February 17, 2017, 09:03:51 PM
Awesome! And yeah I'm not an expert on bamboo but I kinda figured it was something worth bringing up since it does cause some silliness with certain things. Also log walls are listed as strong but they're weaker than lumber of the same type. Is this intentional? And saguaro currently drops mixed lumber. I realize I meant to mention that.
Quote from: Trigon on February 17, 2017, 07:59:25 PM
Is the dependency under the VG link? Also I'm a huge fan of this development for fruit trees yielding wood now. Before I felt like there wasn't a good reason to grow fruit trees as opposed to berries and such. The yield-per day and long grow times were just underwhelming, but now that they drop wood they're definitely a strong contender, especially on ice sheets or other such cold biomes. Hell even in deserts now I would say.
Edit: Also. I don't know if I'm right about this but it seams to be the case that bamboo counts as lumber without ever being made into lumber, so it doesn't seem that it can be used for fueling stoves with expanded woodworking. Is it possible to make bamboo work as fuel at least or no? Because after playing and setting my people not to make all the logs into lumber I've come more in line with your reasoning, but since bamboo kinda acts as logs and lumber in VG I was wondering what your take on that was.
Quote from: Trigon on February 14, 2017, 09:23:43 PM
Shouldn't vanilla and VG buildings be able to take lumber? I don't see why you can't burn lumber in a furnace, campfire, etc.
Quote from: Thirite on February 10, 2017, 09:35:50 PM
Well, pretty much anything is possible. Whether something can be done neatly without overwriting base game code is the real question. I took a look at the source and for whatever bizarre reason the method for creating the products of harvesting is coded into the JobDriver_PlantWork class rather than the Plant class itself. You could still do it in a shitty hacky way though without detouring anything:using System;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
namespace MySpecialPlant
public class SpecialPlant : Plant
public override int YieldNow ()
if (!this.HarvestableNow) {
return 0;
if (this.def.plant.harvestYield <= 0) {
return 0;
float num = this.def.plant.harvestYield;
float num2 = Mathf.InverseLerp (this.def.plant.harvestMinGrowth, 1, this.growthInt);
num2 = 0.5f + num2 * 0.5f;
num *= num2;
num *= Mathf.Lerp (0.5f, 1, (float)this.HitPoints / (float)base.MaxHitPoints);
num *= Find.Storyteller.difficulty.cropYieldFactor;
int amount = GenMath.RoundRandom (num);
ThingDef second_thing_def = ThingDef.Named ("HarvestedThing2"); // replace with the defName of whatever it is that should also appear beside the normal harvested item
Thing second_thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing (second_thing_def, null);
second_thing.stackCount = amount; // you could modify this to "amount * 0.5f" if you wanted half as much of the second thing created as the amount of the normal harvested item, for example
GenPlace.TryPlaceThing (second_thing, this.Position, this.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, null);
return amount;
Compile that as a dll and it would probably work. You'd also have to add this to the top of your fancy plant's xml ThingDef:
using System;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
namespace FruitTreeWood
public class Apple : Plant
public override int YieldNow () // is this what makes the wood pop up instantly on cut?
if (!this.HarvestableNow) { // if this plant is harvestable now then...? removing this line doesn't seem to do anything?
return 0;
if (this.def.plant.harvestYield <= 0) { // if plant yield is greater or equal to 0 then...?
return 0;
float num = this.def.plant.harvestYield; // yield of first item?
float num2 = Mathf.InverseLerp (this.def.plant.harvestMinGrowth, 1, this.growthInt); // thought minimum growth for acceptable harvest but doesn't seem correct
num2 = 0.5f + num2 * 0.5f;
num *= num2;
num *= Mathf.Lerp (0.5f, 1, (float)this.HitPoints / (float)base.MaxHitPoints);
num *= Find.Storyteller.difficulty.cropYieldFactor; // looks for the yield number based on difficulty?
int amount = GenMath.RoundRandom (num);
ThingDef second_thing_def = ThingDef.Named ("WoodLog_Apple"); // replace with the defName of whatever it is that should also appear beside the normal harvested item
Thing second_thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing (second_thing_def, null); // creates the second item
second_thing.stackCount = amount/2; // changing to "amount * 0.5f" creates error on build about float and int, managed to change to amount/2 as a float
GenPlace.TryPlaceThing (second_thing, this.Position, this.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, null); // places the new item
return amount;
Quote from: Naxdar on February 14, 2017, 07:34:51 PM
I noticed that refueling VG/vanilla buildings takes only logs and buildings from other mods take only lumber, so that may be working as intended.
Quote from: Naxdar on February 14, 2017, 04:36:26 PM
I tried the mod and while the idea is interesting, there are some things that feel wrong. Maybe it's stuff you planned to do later but I will list them in any case :
- The stats on all lumber types feel like they were copied from stone. Anything built from lumber is a lot of work due to the 500% work to build modifier, it is only a little bit under the stone value. The hit points of wooden structures are superior to some types of stone. The 90% rest effectiveness multiplier makes wood unfit for building beds and makes growing bamboo mandatory.
- Refueling picks indiscriminately logs and lumber when logs are worth twice as much wood.
- Making all these new wood types would have been a good opportunity to make them slightly different. They all have the same stats.
Quote from: Trigon on February 14, 2017, 04:11:37 PM
Awesome, thank you. I assume if it's just an extra recipe my saves will be fine?
Quote from: Trigon on February 14, 2017, 12:56:28 AM
Yeah I realized after asking that's what I should logically do. I did have one question though. I can't fuel my modded items without making mixed lumber, unfortunately I didn't think ahead and all my lumber is now one type. Is there any way to change types of lumber that I'm overlooking?
Quote from: noble116 on February 13, 2017, 12:00:46 PM
Thank you for the great mod, I always wanted a little variety of wood, also not sure if you are aware but when building with ironwood it makes willow walls and such