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Messages - Albion

I can highly recommend Go Explore since it adds additional events. Same goes for the vanilla expanded event mod.
Also Sparkling Worlds. It introduces some stuff that some people think of as overpowered but I try to keep it as vanilla friendly as possible and you can always just use the events module instead of the Full mod.

If you are not using the Royalty DLC I can also recommend the hospitality mod.

Apart from that I mostly use quality of life mods like animal logic, ignore me passing, rim fridge and bionic icons.
Also prepare carefully which can be overpowered but depends on your usage.
Unfinished / Re: [1.2] You will die!
September 24, 2020, 04:17:32 PM
I released the mod.
Please refer to the official topic in the Release section:
Releases / [1.2] You will die!
September 24, 2020, 04:13:21 PM

This mod is NOT a balanced experience!
It is aimed at providing a challenge for highly modded games.
Raids by highly equipped glitterworld raiders and orbital bombardment will threaten your colony.
Events will start 1-2 years into the colony at the earliest.

This mod can be added to any savegame and should work with all mods. Removing it from a savegame will result in red errors but works fine.

Download links
Steam Link
NexusMods Link (manual download)

The mod will be continuesly improved upon.
If you want to support me or simply enjoy the mod please consider to buy me a coffee:

I provide this mod for free but the occasional donation helps in keeping me going.

A list of what events you can expect

  • Raid with solar flare - Glitterworld raiders will drop in while your colony suffers a solar-flare-like shutdown due to some energy field used by the raiders.
  • Bomb and Raid - First your colony will be softened up by a brief orbital bombardment before a group of glitterworld raiders drop in.
  • Protection Money - Pay a protection fee within 24 hours or you will be bombed.
  • Random bombardment - Someone doesn't like you and decides to bombard your colony.

Created by Albion

This mod is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

You can therefore adapt, transform, and build upon this mod but I want credit and a short pm if you publish it.
However do not re-upload this mod without my consent and don't publish any translated version.
If you want to translate my mod please contact me and I can send you the necessary files. I'll incorporate any translations and credit the translator.
Unfinished / [1.2] You will die!
September 20, 2020, 04:14:23 PM

You will die!

This mod is aimed for highly modded games and players who are still looking for a challenge.
It is NOT recommended for a balanced vanilla experience!

Download links
Steam Link
NexusMods Link (manual download)

I don't use many high-power mods myself so I need you as a tester.
Please download the mod and give me some feedback if it completly obliterated your colony or the events didn't even make a dent.

Please note that you need a new colony for the full experience or add the Glitterworld Raider faction via Faction discovery (or a similar mod).
It's a hidden faction that introduces deadly raiders.

A list of what you can expect:

  • Raid with solar flare - Glitterworld raiders will drop in while your colony suffers a solar-flare-like shutdown due to some energy field used by the raiders.
  • Bomb and Raid - First your colony will be softened up by a brief orbital bombardment before a group of glitterworld raiders drop in.
  • Protection Money - Pay a protection fee within 24 hours or you will be bombed.
  • Random bombardment - Someone doesn't like you and decides to bombard your colony.

I'm open for new suggestions on new features.
Releases / Re: [1.2] Go Explore!
September 18, 2020, 06:03:32 PM
Yes this is intended. I could have made them stick around but I wanted the event to feel like a mad scramble to go in and salvage as much as possible as quickly as possible dodging mechs and orbital beams while doing so.
The lost cities are high risk, high reward.
Quote from: Shurp on September 05, 2020, 09:44:23 AM
So I own the non-Steam (SendOwl) version of the game, I'm too lazy to convert to Steam or set up a NexusMod account, I guess I'm just out of luck?

There is also the gitlab version but don't tell anyone  ;)
Nexusmods and Steam have the benefit of informing you if there are new versions or download them directly (in steam).

@tmo97: I'm glad you enjoyed that. I think I called it a compact fission reactor before which is why I included the hint that it isn't fusion  8)
Releases / Re: [1.2] Go Explore!
August 14, 2020, 06:20:23 PM
Updated Version for 1.2 and backwards compatibility ist available.
Please check the first post for Steam and NexusMods Links.

The mod now also includes Mod Settings with the possibility to disable events.
Updated Version for 1.2 and backwards compatibility ist available.
Please check the first post for Steam and NexusMods Links.
Updated Version for 1.2 and backwards compatibility ist available.
Please check the first post for Steam and NexusMods Links.
I actually removed Sirenium from the 1.1 version since I felt like it didn't bring much to the table and was creating more issues that benefits.
I could put it back in but for now there weren't that many people asking for it.
I just finished updating everything to the latest version of 1.1 (everything is also still 1.0 compatible).
While doing so I also moved the weapons from the modular core to a new stand-alone addon. They're still included in the Full mod as usual.

Enjoy the mod and please consider buying me a coffee. Maintaining this mod (and the others I have) is quite a bit of work.
Releases / Re: [1.1] Go Explore!
February 29, 2020, 08:15:17 AM
Hello everyone,

It took me a bit longer than expected but I was finally able to publish the latest version of the mod which is both 1.0 and 1.1 compatible.

@NaraSumas: Yes, thank you. I included your translation into the mod. I also added a ukranian and russian translation provided by Modg.

Please remember that we modders provide you with this content for free, created in our free time. Consider to buy us a coffee by donating some money. Every dollar is appreciated.
I never totaled up my hours but I think so far I've gotten about 1 cent for every hour I spend on my mods. I'm not complaining but I don't think a lot of people realize this fact.

Releases / Re: [1.0] Go Explore!
August 05, 2019, 03:28:48 PM
Hey guys, I just uploaded a new version on Steam and Nexusmods that fixes a severe the bug with the prison camp after loading.
However it only works if you spawn a second prison camp site. You can either wait until one pops up or do it yourself by activating the Development mode in the options menu. "Open debug actions menu" (5th symbol from the left) -> "Do incident (World)..." -> PrisonCampLGE
Once you have done this a new prison camp site should spawn and the errors should disappear.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
New prison camps will continue to work fine after this.
Unfinished / Re: [1.0] Gen-spliced Xenohumans
August 02, 2019, 02:50:47 PM
You can simply reroll your colonists until you get a pawn of the desired race or change it manually.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Go Explore!
July 28, 2019, 09:36:54 AM
I just uploaded a new version with an all new event:

Intercepted message
Your comm unit intercepted an unencrypted message. It indicates a nearby location where some loot is stored.
You suspect it could also be a trap to lure your caravan into an ambush.

Enjoy the new event!