Thanks! So how do we make artificial limbs and stuff? And how is the machining table any different from the smelter, then?
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General Discussion / What does the machining table do?
November 09, 2014, 03:49:01 PM
I searched on the forums and in google but I haven't really found any information about it. The game says it disassembles and assembles machine components, but I'm not seeing that. I was able to disassemble a centipede, but as far as I can tell it just disappeared and nothing came of it; and I have no way to create a bill to assemble anything.
What am I missing, or is it just mostly placeholder at this point?
What am I missing, or is it just mostly placeholder at this point?
General Discussion / Re: Tynan is getting nasty
March 16, 2014, 10:04:13 PMQuote from: Serrate Bloodrage on March 16, 2014, 06:36:21 PM
Will they have a chance to die on base entry Tynan?
What is the point of that? If they die on entry, then nothing happens, so the event may as well just not happen...
If there is a chance for only a portion of the raiders to die on entry, then that would just affect the average # of raiders and the variance, in which case Tynan could just alter the numbers to achieve the same effect.
I don't see the point.
General Discussion / Re: Geothermal
February 10, 2014, 12:31:17 AMQuote from: Lamilac on February 10, 2014, 12:15:17 AM
No solar flare, no unconnected walls, doors, etc. At night my batteries do not charge from geothermal. I'll have to get some pictures or video to show.
Btw, are geothermal generators an batteries inside rock supposed to be knocked out by solar flares? I can understand exposed being knocked out, but rock, especially thick rock, should provide protection.
Do you have solar panels, too? If you do, it might just seem like your geothermal generator isn't charging your batteries because all of its power is being used with the solar panels out for the night. Then when the panels come back on in the morning they push up your power production past your needs and the batteries charge.
If it's really none of what everyone else suggested, this is all I can think of... I have never had a geothermal plant not work just because it's night time.
General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
February 05, 2014, 06:44:51 PM
When did this become unstickied? Most inconvenient! I'm too lazy to bookmark the google doc so I check this thread every day!
General Discussion / Re: Your favourite storyteller
February 03, 2014, 08:49:53 PM
I like Randy for mostly the same reasons that were already mentioned. After playing the others long enough they become predictable, and Randy shakes things up once in a while. Also, I don't like the hard population caps of most of the other storytellers, especially since they're so low. In part because I just think the game is more interesting with more than 10 colonists, and also because it just kills immersion for me. "Oh look, I have 10 colonists. That means I will never capture another, and no slave traders will ever show up, unless someone dies." It's too rigid, and I don't like that - I would much prefer diminishing returns that never quite reach 0.
Ideas / Re: hexagon tiles
December 27, 2013, 09:45:59 PM
Unlikely for the reasons Galileus cited... And I'm glad it's squares! Right now most of the focus of Rimworld is surviving raiders, but the long-term goal is for there to be many more challenges than the combat. And I think combat is the only thing that might actually benefit from a hex grid; whereas building is way better with squares.
General Discussion / Re: Why the heck is there a negative modifier...
November 30, 2013, 05:28:37 PM
Not only that, but it doesn't really make sense for Tynan to take the time to deal with minor balance issues that might not even be issues once planned content makes it into the game.
General Discussion / Re: Turrets overestimated by storyteller
November 22, 2013, 01:05:46 AMQuote from: murlocdummy on November 22, 2013, 01:03:09 AM
I also don't see why having someone else compose music won't require Tynan to take time to implement it. Even if the new music system were simplified somehow, it would still require setting up musical cue events in Cassandra, and possibly expanding it towards random games, as well.
I might be speaking out of my ass, but I'm under the impression that putting together a music system, cues and all, is not quite as time-consuming as actually composing music. I don't expect it's something most programmers could whip up (well) in an hour, but I doubt it'd take weeks, either.
General Discussion / Re: How to Increase Happiness???
November 22, 2013, 01:03:17 AM
I just hope the fear and happiness are significantly reworked. Fear is too easy, and it's also ridiculous. Being constantly terrified does not lead to loyalty, or stability, and you'd probably be much more likely to break down under that strain... Now, the game doesn't have to, and shouldn't, be completely realistic, but the way it is is just too.. caricatured.
I think it would be interesting if we had a system where happiness and fear did marginally different things, and worked together to determine the states of our colonists, instead of just picking whichever is greater. For example, too little happiness could lead to a breakdown, and so could too much fear. An extremely happy colonist colonist would be in little danger of going crazy, but maybe a little fear would make them a tad more productive, or something? More thought would have to be put into it, obviously, but such a system would be a lot more compelling, and a much more interesting mechanic, than what we have now.
I think it would be interesting if we had a system where happiness and fear did marginally different things, and worked together to determine the states of our colonists, instead of just picking whichever is greater. For example, too little happiness could lead to a breakdown, and so could too much fear. An extremely happy colonist colonist would be in little danger of going crazy, but maybe a little fear would make them a tad more productive, or something? More thought would have to be put into it, obviously, but such a system would be a lot more compelling, and a much more interesting mechanic, than what we have now.
Ideas / Re: my issue with games like this
November 21, 2013, 09:58:26 PMQuote from: Bainin on November 21, 2013, 05:45:35 PM
Awww bummer that sucks a bit but he could make the a lot map bigger with some diffrent biomes with fog of war we would not rlly know whats happening. Thats all i could think off to solve this problem xD. The bigest size of the map is still rlly small i could make the hole map a big base as soon i got some new settlers. always a bit more after a good amount of time im expanding it to the edge.
at my actual games no raiders apear i let the move on fastest speed since 30min but still nothing just drops and trade ships...
maybe because of the 2 big graveyards of enemys and all the blood split over the place around my base...
okay now they are attacking. waait why is this guy called gay? xD
20 guys attacked me only 2 survived it and could flee i having issues keeping my enemys alive to capture them...
I wouldn't go expecting giant map sizes in the future, either, if I were you. They're limited to the sizes we have now for performance issues; pathfinding and probably some other algorithms get much harder with bigger maps. When the game is more finished and has actually been optimized he might be able to boost the sizes some more, but don't expect anything massive.
Bugs / Re: Do colonists not clean carpets?
November 21, 2013, 09:47:29 PM
I notice this too, I'll have to try to pay attention to whether saving and loading ever removes it. But I definitely occasionally get dirty spots on carpets that never seem to get cleaned, even when I have 20 idle colonists with cleaning enabled. I've only ever noticed it on carpet, though, maybe it's just more visible there?
General Discussion / Re: Solar panels and batteries: number nerdiness
November 21, 2013, 02:30:04 PM
I agree with jjgoldman. As it stands, I do the same as you guys with batteries; I build in racks of them, charge them up rack by rack and disconnect them when full. Sure, it's 'optimizing,' but a better description would be 'tedious.' It is not fun manually building and selling the conduits to make this work.
And it's clear that Tynan didn't really want this to be possible, at least not to this extent. Which is why he implemented shorts to discourage us from building massive energy reserves, so that darkness related events maintain their edge. The way they were implemented allows us to do it anyway, just tiresomely. I'm pretty sure he'll address this eventually, but there are probably more pressing concerns for now.
I, for one, would like the ability to maintain significant energy backups without gaming the system, at the cost of either extra investment/maintenance, a more complex energy system, or shorts that aren't all-or-nothing.
And it's clear that Tynan didn't really want this to be possible, at least not to this extent. Which is why he implemented shorts to discourage us from building massive energy reserves, so that darkness related events maintain their edge. The way they were implemented allows us to do it anyway, just tiresomely. I'm pretty sure he'll address this eventually, but there are probably more pressing concerns for now.
I, for one, would like the ability to maintain significant energy backups without gaming the system, at the cost of either extra investment/maintenance, a more complex energy system, or shorts that aren't all-or-nothing.
General Discussion / Re: Turrets overestimated by storyteller
November 21, 2013, 12:01:04 PMQuote from: Merry76 on November 21, 2013, 03:01:51 AMQuote from: murlocdummy on November 20, 2013, 11:37:39 PM
Currently, Tynan is working on music.
He is? Dang. Music takes up so much time, and offer so little in regard to the game...Quote from: murlocdummy on November 20, 2013, 11:37:39 PM
This will help the game in every aspect by affecting the mood of any given moment the game has to offer.
Screw mood if the balance is off and the story tellers run out of ideas besides: "lets send more raiders this time around"
Of all people you should be used to this aspect of early alpha development! The parts you want to be improved are not always a development priority... Besides Tynan isn't making the music himself, so I can't imagine it'll take too much of his personal time, besides what it takes to vet/approve, and to implement it into the game (presumably it will be somewhat context sensitive?).
Ideas / Re: Morgue Ship
November 20, 2013, 06:20:25 PMQuote from: DeltaV on November 20, 2013, 06:14:38 PM
There should be a slight positive boost to burying someone, even a raider. 'Being humane' or something like that.
I don't see why. Considering dozens, if not hundreds, of cultures around the world burn or used to burn their dead out of respect... It just so happens that the Abrahamic religions stress the importance of burial, there is nothing particularly humane or extra moral about it. It's just a matter of perspective.
That said, burying the dead in individual graves vs. piling them in a dump and setting them on fire... Sure. Which is why I think there should be an actual funeral pyre or something.