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Messages - shenzya

Ideas / Re: Mark colonist GUILTY if...
January 30, 2017, 11:58:43 AM

maybe i miss something here but , on that screen the raw berries are the 'best' food available

raw berrie : no mood debuff
nutrient paste : -3 eat awfull meal
raw rice / meat : -8 eat raw food
raw human meat : -20 raw canibalism
that glitterworld medecine is outside angie's restricted area (area 1)

the bottom of your base is supplied with the Wind turbine , but they probably don't produce enough power
hi and welcome to Rimworld
it seem your power line is not constructed yet

everything should work after that

do you have a personal shield equiped ?
they can't shoot with a personal shield and if i remember tribe scenario start with one.

i killed a prisoner by harvesting this heart : triple debuff
i confirm , Leighton is the only death

there a same issue when you sell a familly member to slavery , yout take double debuff :
one for "loved one xxxxx sold"
and a second for : "prisoner sold to slavery"

hi :

what happened : one of my colonist died (rest in peace dude)

now let's check the mood of another colonist :

My brother Leigthon died - 14  (sure no problem)
My friend Leighton died  -9 (so your brother is your friend to ?)
Witnessed familly member's death -8 (sure )
Witnessed ally's death -8 (familly member or ally ?)

not sure if it's a bug , but 4 different debuff for juste 1 death sound a bit to much

1) What the circumstances were : i used a psychic shock lance to "shock" a pawn
2) What happened : no "shock" , just insta kill whith no injury
3) What you expected to happen : to incapacited him with a possibility to cause brain damage (shock lance description)
4) Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine : just use the psychic shock lance on people and Watch them be insta killed most of the time.

not a bug
i use it for :

1) hunting animal (free kill)
2) target spécific raider (that guy with rocket launcher)
3) killing the "useless wanderer join" beacause it's alway a super old crappy pawn
Bugs / A12c Triple rocket luncher Broken
August 26, 2015, 10:28:25 PM
The triple rocket luncher can shoot at insane range (40+) and over any obstacle including small mountain.
step to reproduce :
find an ennemy with triple rocket luncher.
when he start AIMING at you colonist , run and hide far away.
as you can see , no matter what you do he will shoot.

What you expected :
to stop shooting when i'm out of this range (40).
to stop shooting when i'm out of this sight.
Ideas / Re: FTL+rimworld
August 26, 2015, 08:44:11 PM
we can make the ship but he can't fly

old screen from alpha 8
Quote from: Coenmcj on August 24, 2015, 02:33:31 AM
That's strange, Your turrets seem to have 800/110 Health. what's going on there? :o

edit: ah yes i edited some hp value for my turret , wall and door , thats probably why