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Messages - equitime77

Im not sure either. I had the milk happily (lol) being made into icecream until I noticed that there was some milk about to go off!
Fish Industry looks fun, I will have to check it out when it comes out in b18. I wonder if it will take the fish from your mod?
With the animal stations is there any way of stopping these (Im using the generic harvester) from storing items on it? Ive noticed that it gathers the milk until it goes off, industrial rollers cant pull it, hauling robots seem to ignore it. Ive just had about 2000 milk go off :( great mods tho
How about a future mod idea for you? A fish pond so that you can farm a specific type of fish/fishes?
I saw this mod showcased on a recent Barky video. As I had a large map on peaceful with a load of farms on it which was very laggy I thought that I would try this out. I dont know what the fps was before this mod was put in (I can check if wanted) but afterwards zoomed in it was roughly around 20-30fps and was a lot less laggy. I could even move to a different place without having to pause! So thanks for your mods.