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Messages - BlueLight

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
November 08, 2013, 08:41:50 PM
So the normal way a raider seems to spawn on the map is he's dropped out of thin air from drop pods.
How about a way from raiders to spawn at the edge of the map.
Ideas / Re: Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
November 04, 2013, 01:14:54 PM
Hello. As someone that likes systems that allow me to creatively think of solutions to problems, i hope to give some cheap ideas. I must warn you, that when i'm thinking of ideas (even for my own projects) i normally can't formulate a clear grammatical sentence(s) of what i'm thinking of.

One that a few people have suggested is basically basically a switch. The way i see it, it should act like a wire in nearly all ways if it is active. If not active, then it wouldn't have most of the wire traits. if you have a mass wire termite infestation then they will not harm anything on the other side of a switch if the switch is inactive.
This seems like you could easily do it with a if else statement. Just check if a variable is true and then run the wire code, else run the !wire code.

I'd like traps; more exactly i want fire traps.
I was thinking of a trap when powered, would ignite a fire at it's location. This fire would only light things directly on it; or within a one block radius for 10 seconds. (We don't want this to be overpowered. This should prevent people from completely gaming the system. It's more of an obstacle than a instant win button). I was also thinking of making this a complete power drain, where having one of these devices on for 5 or 10 seconds will drain 1 battery completely dry. The AI will treat this device when active as a normal fire. When anything is lit by this device, it lights it up with a normal fire. It could also be used to light corpse on fire.

These ideas could be more complex depending on how you coded things. Having special circuits that require 2 inputs(power supplies) to power one output. Basically a "and gate". The complex thing, assuming that you're able to easily detect 2 input having above 0 power, is figuring out if you have enough power from both inputs for the devices on the output. I guess you could treat the and gate circuit as a normal wire if you have power from both inputs. I suggest this because it opens up basic problem solving that the player can do on their own and won't have to use a magic fixit building that does the work for them.

A pressure plate. It will supply a wire with 1 extra power if a person, corpse or rubble are on top of it.

Sorry if these aren't cheap but these ideas seem easy to implement in my pseudocode mind. Doesn't help that i normally make turn based projects that use a grid(Literally a grid... well the last one was a grid of arrayList) for the map.