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Messages - michal3588

Help / Re: Endgame Storyteller
June 02, 2018, 05:39:06 PM
I mean come on. It's painfully obvious that simple text editing has exceeded my modding abilities :). Could you just tell me what values should I put in above example so I can get raids every day or even twice a day? I thought that smaller numbers in "mtbDaysThreat", "threatOffDays" and "minDaysBetweenThreatBigs" will result in smaller intervals between raids. Apparently that's not the case.

Edit: You mean in-game scenario editor not modding don't you :)? Honestly I've never tried that. All I have to do is add: Create Incident > Enemy Raid> Interval time> 0.5. To get 2 raids every day? But that doesn't work with what I have in mind. I don't want hardcore raids from the very beginning. I want ability to change the pace when I reach endgame with all research and getting ready to take off. But rather than fly away on space ship I would rather test my pawns and fortress I've build so far. I'm not sure if you can change scenario mid game like you can do with storyteller.
Help / Endgame Storyteller
June 02, 2018, 03:49:16 PM
I would like to create hellish storyteller for myself with frequent raids and disasters. Could someone explain those valuse for me?

      <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_ClassicIntro"/>
      <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_ThreatCycle">

-<threatOffDays>4 means that there will be 4 days break between threats?
- what is "mtb"?

What I want is raids over and over but with numbers above they are not much more frequent than vanilla storytellers.
I want storyteller to switch to on the end game when I'm at the point where I can shake off even mechanoid raids without much losses. Rather than "packing my toys and flying away" ending I would rather test my fortress and see how long can I struggle against constant attacks.

Maybe it's because tinyupload link doesn't seem to work :). Could you update download?
Where, when and why did Serving Table disappeared from this mod? I used to edit it so I could store other resources on it. It was a great way to organise supplies around workbenches. But now I can't find it anywhere. Neither can I find another mod with furnitures that could act as a simple storages :(.
Help / Deep drilling
September 25, 2016, 06:20:13 AM
How do I change range of deep drill? All I could find is "specialDisplayRadius" but if I am correct it will only change its display and not actual range of mining?
Dude... It's LITERALLY 3 posts above you...

Quote from: Justin C on August 14, 2015, 11:03:52 PM
Quote from: Encode on August 11, 2015, 11:46:49 PM
would it cause any prob to remove the <defName>Human</defName> branch? as this can/will cause prob with other mods that adds surgery recipes. Thanks!
Yes. That will break the zombie infections.

I've simply added few lines from Expanded Prosthetics operations into Zombie's files and it seems to work fine.
When MAI blows up all you have to do is find another AI core and build new MAI. When colonist with set of traits that I'm always looking for dies then I have to butcher horde of raiders to find and hopefully capture another one. I'm rather picky about my recruits. Except for suicidal bombs mod... But that's a whole different story :D.
Everything has it's pros and cons. You may like it for good reasons and I may not for equally good ones. It's freedom of speech or some other cliche. I don't really remember :D.
Quote from: Haplo on July 20, 2015, 12:34:58 AM
But I can't understand why you don't like MAI. She is so adorable.. ;D
If you ask me WALL-E was more adorable than EVE ;)
But that's not my point. MAI makes trained colonists less valuable. Without MAI loss of skilled doctor or even cook hurts a lot but now with some plasteel and AI core I can build cyborg with every skill on 7 (also burning passion so she learns like, well... robot :P). What's more she moves and works faster than humans so why should I look for suitable replacment (*beating up innocent raider to unconsciousness, capturing him and hoping that he won't remember how he ended in my prison and will agree to join me) for lost colonist when I can just build one :)?
I know that this is EXACTLY how it will look in near future with real androids but right now I like my game little more challenging ;)
Could you please put a link to older versions somewhere? Especially 1.11.3 - Alpha 11. I'm not updating my rimworld to 11b until all my "must have" mods are up to date and I can't find .rar with your mod on my hard drive.
To be honest I don't really like MAI but Tactical Computer, traders, keybinding and nano storage are on my "must have" list :P.
Help / Temperature in biomes
July 17, 2015, 06:59:33 PM
 How can I change temperature in particular biomes? After checking Defs folder I'm out of ideas which tells a lot about my modding skills :P.
I would love to play on really challenging maps with hardcore temperatures that would force me to plan every move. You can't just randomly pop out of the base for resources when it's 80°C outside :). Or just assume that planet we landed on has very thin atmosphere and temp is dropping from +50°C during day to -80°C during night and you have to carefully plan your every trip outside because if your pawns will be caught by sunset far from base then it's over for them. And imagine that rush to find some wood to build simple shelter and campfire so you can survive first night :).
Soooo... Does someone knows how can I change temperature in biomes :)?
Animal insanities... How I love this little rampaging bastards... Who doesn't know this warm and nice feeling when your entire colony is butchered by bunch of insane squirrels :P?
How those little teeth are biting through power armor stays a mystery.
Mending table is losing its search radius after every load. I like to place this table near my armory and trade beacon to repair important stuff but instead of that I have colonists hauling bows and maces from dump on the other side of colony. It's not a problem with one table but when I have one in every room with equipment (for fast repairs) it is starting to be little irritating to set radius for every table over, over and over again.
Any idea what can causing that? Maybe I can fix it by myself if it's just some XML editing?
General Discussion / Problem with forced target
March 12, 2015, 09:44:40 AM
Why I can't set forced attack for couple of turrets/mortars at the same time? With battery of 10-15 mortars it is a real pain in the *cough* to click on each of them to set target.
Is that a bug or for some reason this option wasn't implemented?
Is that possible to wear shields with armors (especially heavy one like hive)? What would it take to change that? Just simple XML edit or some higher modding?
Quote from: Boboid on March 07, 2015, 09:33:19 AM
If you like your captives to have brain injuries :P
I'm peaky about my colonists. I like psychopaths :P. Usually I need to capture A LOT of them to get this particular trait so when I finally find one then I'll take even dude with brain damage ;). Of course I'm talking about late game when I can afford AI chips.